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asca timeline
Dear ASCA team members and ASCA users:
I am sending the short-term observation schedule of ASCA in which the
observation plan for the week of November 3-11 is updated. In the column
of comments, PV means the performance verification observations by the
team, JPN; Japan time, US; US time, JUS; collaborative Japan/US time
leading by Japanese PPI associating with US Co-PI, and USJ; collaborative
US/Japan time leading by US -PPI associating with Japanese Co-PI.
The two months from October 15 to December 14 are designated to be a
transient period moving from the PV observations to the AO1 guest
observations. Hereafter, PV observations will be gradually decreased and
GO observations will be increased in the two months. After December 15,
the observation time will be fully occupied by GOs except for the
observatory-time observations (i.e., satellite maintenance, instruments
check-out and calibration, TOO observations).
The short-term observation plan for a week will be announced every week
for about two weeks prior the operation. The long-term timeline for the half-
year interval of AO1 will be released in a week or two, when we finished
adjustment between the PV and GO observations. In the present tentative
timeline prepared using the automatic scheduling system, SPIKE, we failed
to allocate for about 10 priority-B targets in the AO1 period (all priority-A
targets are in the time line and about 10 priority-C targets are instead in the
timeline at present). We are now investigating further modification of the
timeline to minimize the number of priority-B targets that are carried over to
the next AO period.
Fumiaki Nagase
A S C A Weekly Observation Plan
Date MNV start Target to Exposure comments
time (UT) be pointed time (ksec)
October 16 - October 24, 1993.
10/16 15:50 W49B (SNRs) 40 ks PV (Instr. Cal.)
10/17 17:50 Cyg. Loop No. 2-1 10 ks PV
10/18 3:30 Cyg. Loop No. 2-2 10 ks PV
10/18 10:00 BGF, No. 1 20 ks PV (BGF:Bright
10/19 0:20 BGF, No. 2 20 ks PV Ginga field)
10/19 13:00 BGF, No. 3 20 ks PV
10/20 5:00 SGR1806-20 (SNR) 40 ks JPN, Murakami
10/21 6:40 BGF, No. 4 20 ks PV
10/21 21:00 NEP, No. 7 (Pos. 1) 20 ks PV
10/22 8:20 BGF, No. 5 20 ks PV
10/23 0:10 Cyg X-1 (Binaries) 40 ks PV
10/24 1:50 BGF, No. 6 20 ks PV
October 24 - November 3 1993.
10/24 14:30 SN1993J (SN) 40 ks PV; TOO
10/25 14:30 YY Gem (Star) 40 ks PV
10/26 15:50 WR 140 (Star) 20 ks US, Pollock
10/27 6:30 SS 433 (Binary) No. 1 10 ks JPN, Kawai
10/27 14:20 Cyg A (AGN) 40 ks PV
10/28 14:20 SS 433 (Binary) No. 2 10 ks JPN, Kawai
10/29 1:30 S5 0014-813 (AGN) 40 ks JUS, Matsuoka
10/29 20:40 SS 433 (Binary) No. 3 10 ks JPN, Kawai
10/30 4:40 PKS 0548-322 (AGN) 40 ks PV
10/31 7:30 SS 433 (Binary) No. 4 10 ks JPN, Kawai
10/31 15:40 NGC6814/ROSAT-CV 40 ks PV
11/01 22:20 SS 433 (Binary) No. 5 10 ks JPN, Kawai
11/02 6:00 A586 (Cl. Gal.) 20 ks JPN, Hughes
11/02 22:20 SS 433 (Binary) No. 6 10 ks JPN, Kawai
November 3 - 11, 1993.
11/03 4:50 W49B (SNR) 40 ks PV (Instr. Cal.)
11/04 7:40 IRASF10214+472 (AGN) 40 ks JPN, Kii
11/05 7:40 NGC 4151 (AGN) 20 ks PV (fill-up obs.)
11/05 22:10 VW Cep (Star) 20 ks JPN, Makishima
11/06 6:30 MR2251-178 (AGN) 1/6 10 ks JPN, Otani
11/06 15:00 PKS0745-191 (AGN) 40 ks JPN, Fabian
11/07 12:10 AB Doradus (Star) 40 ks US, White
11/08 6:30 VW Hyi (CV) 20 ks US, Mauche
11/08 17:10 0519-69.0 (SNR) 20 ks USJ, Hughes
11/09 1:40 N103B (SNR) 20 ks USJ, Hughes
11/09 11:00 0506-68.0 (SNR) 30 ks JPN, Koyama
11/10 0:00 0509-67.5 (SNR) 25 ks JPN, Koyama
11/10 11:00 GRS 1009-45 20 ks TOO (BHC transient)
(11/11 1:30) (next target)