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ASCA Weekly; Revised schedule
Dear ASCA users:
Following is the observation schedule for the weeks December 3-10 and
December 10-18, revised assuming that the regular observations by the new
gyro system are available after December 4.
F. Nagase
December 3 - 10, 1993:
(ISAS contact scientist: T. Kii, kii@astro.isas.ac.jp)
Date MNV Target Tag. Exp. Observation
start name Cat. (ks) Cat. Pri. PPI
12/ 3 2:00 A 85 (part-1) CG 35 US 2 A. Preswitch
12/ 4 2:00 (test of large angle maneuver; till 7:30 during contact passes)
12/ 4 8:30 NGC4151 (No. 1) AGN 10 USJ 1/TC R. Edelson
12/ 4 15:30 A1367 SE CG 20 USJ 2 W. Forman
12/ 5 5:50 A1367 NW CG 20 USJ 2 W. Forman
12/ 5 20:10 NGC4151 (No. 2) AGN 10 USJ 1/TC R. Edelson
12/ 6 4:10 NGC 3256 Gal. 40 US 2 D. Helfand
12/ 7 10:40 NGC4151 (No. 3) AGN 10 USJ 1/TC R. Edelson
12/ 7 18:20 MR2251-178 AGN 10 JPN 2 C. Otani
12/ 8 5:50 MWC1080 Star 40 JPN 2 K. Tomita
12/ 9 5:50 Mkn 335 AGN 20 US 1 G. Madejski
12/ 9 20:00 NGC4151 (No. 4) AGN 10 USJ 1/TC R. Edelson
December 10 - 18, 1993:
(ISAS contact scientist: K. Mitsuda, mitsuda@astro.isas.ac.jp)
Date MNV Target Tag. Exp. Observation
start name Cat. (ks) Cat. Pri./TC PI (or PPI)
12/10 4:10 A1722 CG 40 JPN 2/n Y. Tanaka
12/11 2:20 A1413 CG 40 JPN 2/n J. Hughes
12/12 4:00 NGC 3628 Gal. 20 JPN 2/n H. Kunieda
12/12 20:00 S49-147 CG 40 JPN 1/n T. Tsuru
12/14 1:00 A 85 (part-2) CG 15 US 2/n A. Preswitch
12/14 10:30 MR2251-178 AGN 10 JPN 2/Y T. Otani
12/14 20:00 GL 355 Star 20 US 2/Y J. Bookbind
12/15 12:00 3C273 AGN 40 PV SIS Cal. (SIS team)
12/16 12:00 3C273 AGN 10 JPN 2/Y F. Makino
12/16 19:50 3C279 AGN 10 JUS 2/Y F. Makino
12/17 2:30 NGC4203 Gal. 40 JPN 1/n T. Ohashi
12/17 2:20 (next target)