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AO3 observation status

Dear ASCA users,

I have reviewed current status of ASCA observation for AO3. Followins are
the list of
	1. Targets to be schedule for Dec 1995,
	2. XTE targets that are delayed until next year,
	3. Targets that were removed from the long-term schedule, and
	4. Targets that need additional observation.
Observations of targets in Table 1 will be scheduled in the first two weeks
of December. Supplemental observations for targets in Table 4 will be allocated
in the earliest opportunity of next window.

F. Nagase

1. Targets to be schedule for Dec 1995:
Seq #    Target         Cat Pri  R.A.     Dec.     Exp TC Obs  SIS  P.I.    Sun
                                 (deg)    (deg)    (ks)   Cat  cts           <
-------- -------------- --- --- -------- --------  ---- - --- ----  -------- ---
73037000 PG_1148+549    AGN  3  177.8333  54.6256  40.0 n JPN 0.04  TERASHIM 102
73084000 CTA_102        AGN  2  338.1500  11.7308  20.0 n USJ  0.5  MADEJSKI 105
73028000 MKN477         AGN  2  220.1585  53.5044  40.0 n JPN 0.05  AWAKI    80
73027000 NGC5005        AGN  2  197.7383  37.0575  40.0 n JPN 0.05  AWAKI    78
73062000 IRAS_00317-214 AGN  3    8.5571 -21.4386  40.0 n US  0.09  HELFAND  104
43029000 CYG_X-2        BIN  2  326.1713  38.3217  40.0 y USJ 250.  VRTILEK  108
23013000 CQ_CEP         STAR 2  339.2065  59.9065  40.0 y JPN  0.2  MAEDA    106
83027000 J1888.16CL     CG   3   14.2340 -27.6748  20.0 n JPN .001  TAWARA   100
83025000 HCG42          CG   2  150.0577 -19.6365  40.0 n JPN  0.5  SAKIMA   98
73050000 HE_1029-1401   AGN  2  157.9750 -14.2808  40.0 n ESJ  0.2  SMITH    94
63012000 NGC5033        GAL  2  198.3659  36.5944  40.0 n JPN  0.2  TERASHIM 83

2. XTE targets that are delayed until next year:
Seq #    Target         Cat Pri  R.A.     Dec.     Exp TC Obs  SIS  P.I.    Sun
                                 (deg)    (deg)    (ks)   Cat  cts           <
-------- -------------- --- --- -------- --------  ---- - --- ----  -------- ---
43030000 LMC_X-4        BIN  1   83.2042 -66.3706  50.0 y USJ  4.0  VRTILEK  92
33011000 BG_CMI         CV   2  112.8708   9.9394  40.0 y USJ  0.5  MUKAI    103
33011010 BG_CMI         CV   2  112.8708   9.9394  40.0 y USJ  0.5  MUKAI    103

3. Targets that were removed from the long-term schedule:
Seq #    Target         Cat Pri  R.A.     Dec.     Exp TC Obs  SIS  P.I.    Sun
                                 (deg)    (deg)    (ks)   Cat  cts           <
-------- -------------- --- --- -------- --------  ---- - --- ----  -------- ---
53000000 G-LONGITUDE_32 SNR  3  234.6300 -55.5100  30.0 n JPN 0.05  MAKISHIM 97
11010000 N132D          GAL  1   81.2600 -69.6420  40.0 n JPN  0.0  ASCA_TEA 92
* Makashima's Priority C target was dropped in favor of TOO NOVA SCO (Aug 1995).
* N132D was not needed for calibration.
* In addition to the avove two drop-out, the exposure time for Koyama's Galactic 
	Ridge survey project was reduced from 50 ksec to 35 ksec to allocate the 
	rest to TOO observation.

4. Targets that need additional observation to supply the insufficient exposure:
Target 		Cat.  Pri  Observed  	Exposuretime (ksec)		P.I.	
					approved  achieved  tobe added		
---------	---- ----  --------	--------  --------  ----------	----------------
Q1508+5714	AGN   1	   95/ 3/ 2	  80        38         26	D. Helfand
SN1993J		SNR   2    95/ 4/ 1	  50        23         27       H. Inoue
3C 303		AGN   1    95/ 5/21	  40        21         19	H. Inoue
XY Ari		CV    1	   95/ 8/ 6	  40        34          6	E. Schlegel
V773 Tau	Star  2    95/ 9/16	  40        26         14	S. Skinner
ESO 103-G35	AGN   1	   95/ 9/26	  19         4         19	K. Leighly
* These supplements are based on the survay of observation log between 95 March 1 to
	95 October 6. 	A few more supplements will be added later for the AO3 observations
	between October 7 and end of AO3 (middle Decmber), since already we have
	information of emergent cancellation of scheduled DNS telemetry down-link.
* ESO 103-G35 was a priority-A target of AO2 of approved time 40 ksec. Unfortunately,
	we met trouble again in the supplement observation, and added exposure time
	was very small and useless. A full re-observation for the supplement will be
	planned again in the next window.