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Re: OGIP/93-013 - A list of standard strings for HE missions,instruments & filters.

On Mon, 7 Feb 1994, Ian M George, Code 668, NASA/GSFC, USA (Usque ad mortem bibendum) wrote:

> HEA FITS gurus
> At a recent OGIP FITS Working Group (OFWG) meeting, the panel made a 
> preliminary recommendation ("p15.1") that a set of standard strings be 
> employed to specify the mission, instrument (+sub-instrument) and filter 
> in use in a given FITS dataset. In most cases these strings would of course be 
> used in conjuncture with the TELESCOP, INSTRUME & FILTER keywords.
> (The start of) a list of such standard strings has been constructed by 
> George & Angelini, based upon comments received from within the OGIP & SAO.
> This is available in the form of an OGIP Memo from anonymous ftp on 
> legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov as
> 	caldb/docs/memos/ogip_93_013.ps			(Postscript)
> We would welcome any comments or additions from the community - especially 
> if the proposed strings will cause insurmountable problems to existing s/w.
> We hope that most members of the High Energy community agree that it 
> would be highly desirable if such a list of standards were adopted 
> community-wide as soon as possible. As usual, comments of community-wide
> interest should be posted to HEAFITS.
> regards
> Ian M George      	(george@lheavx.gsfc.nasa.gov)
> Lorella Angelini  	(angelini@lheavx.gsfc.nasa.gov)