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ROSAT Status Report #137/ FTOOLS v3.5 release

		ROSAT Status Report #137
			April 1 1996


A number of new ROSAT ftools are available as part of the ftools version 3.5 
release (detailed release notes follow): 

New in the ROSAT package: 

 pcsasscor - Performs spatial gain recorrection on  PSPC events file

	This tool was previously known as pcpicor, and corrects the PI 
	column of a ROSAT events file for a bug in the spatial gain correction 
	appplied by all versions of SASS used to date. 

 pctcor    - Applies a time-dependant correction to PI data

    pctcor  corrects for uncalibrated spatial gain variations across the
    face of the detector.  It uses gain maps produced from the  on-board
    Al  K  alpha  calibration data.  The calibration data were binned in
    100 day intervals and then fit for the  gain  on  a  2  arc  minute

 pcecor    - Applies an energy dependant term to time correction of the PI data

    pcecor uses calibration data from the PANTER facility in Neuried  to
    correct  for  the  variation  in  the linearity of the PSPC response
    with absolute gain.  The data were  collected  several  years  after
    the  launch  of  ROSAT  using  the  engineering  model PSPC.  It was
    observed that the effective gain in the 0.25 - 1.0 keV energy  range
    was  lower  than  expected  after normalizing to the 1.5 keV monitor
    line, and this effect became worse with lower  absolute  gain.   For
    example,  a  0.75  keV  X-ray  might be detected as a 0.72 keV X-ray
    when the PSPC was operating at low gain.  Data  from  higher  energy
    calibration  lines  were collected at the same time, which allowed a
    check of response linearity over an extended energy range.

 pcpicor   - script which spawns PI correction tasks pcsasscor, pcecor, pctcor

	The ftool previously released under the pcpicor name perfomed the 
	correction which is now know as pcsasscor. This new script version
	of pcpicor spawns all the PI correction tasks, pcsasscor, pcecor 
	and pctcor. 



- spectra extracted after correction for all time dependant 
effects using pcpicor (or using pctcor and pcecor) 
should not be fit using the pspcb/c_gain1/2  matrices. A new matrix 
will shortly be released for use with corrected data (expected by May 
1996). Please contact the ROSAT GOF for updates. 


Useful new general tasks:

 extrpsf   - Extracts a radial profile directly from an events file

	This allows an extraction of a FITS format radial profile directly 
	from the ROSAT events file in circular annuli. User inputs include the 
	desired energy range, the specification of the centroid and extent 
	of the radial profile and some options related to error and 
	background handling. Later releases of this task will allow 
	region masks to be applied to screen-out regions which should be 
	excluded from the radial profile. The output from this task 
	can be compared to the theoretical profile using the rbnrpsf, 
	pcrpsf, rpsfqdp, rpsf2eef tasks (or the calcrpsf script which 
	spawns these). Please read the online help file for more details 
	and current limitations of this first version of the task. 

 rpsf2eef  - converts radial point spread  format to encircled energy function
 caldbinfo - Gives info on caldb setup
 addspec   - adds pha spectra

A ROSAT Users Guide to data analysis using XSELECT and FTOOLS is available in 
postscript and LaTeX form from the legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov anonymous FTP area 
under /rosat/doc/xselect_guide and via the www at 
The Users Guide will be updated shortly, to reflect these additions and 
some other minor changes. For more details on the new tasks please see the 
online help files, or contact the ROSAT GOF at rosathelp@rosserv

The ROSAT FTOOLS page on the World Wide Web describes the latest FTOOLS and
perl scripts, the URL is

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SOFTWARE  RELEASE  ANNOUNCEMENT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< FTOOLS  VERSION 3.5  DISTRIBUTION >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

A new release of the FTOOLS software package is now publicly available.  
FTOOLS is a package of approximately 200 data analysis programs and Perl
scripts that operate on FITS format data files.  Some of these tasks are 
very general and may be used on any FITS format file.  Other tasks are 
designed to perform specific data reduction or analysis procedures on data 
files from the ROSAT, ASCA, XTE, CGRO and other astrophysics X-ray and 
Gamma-ray satellites.  This software is freely available from the High Energy 
Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) as described below:

How:    (1) With a WWW browser:

        *** OR ***

        (2) Anonymous FTP from legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov in directory:


What:   ******* FTOOLS Source and Data *******
        ***(ascadata is only needed to run certain tasks, primarily ASCA)***
        ftools.v3.5.tar.gz   -  Source Code Distribution for all platforms
        ascadata.v3.5.tar.gz  -  Minimal subset of ASCA Calibration Database
        *** Compressed Postscript Documentation ***
        ***(in software/ftools/release/doc directory)***
        develop.v3.5.ps.gz    -  Developer's Guide
        install.v3.5.ps.gz    -  Installation Guide
        users.v3.5.ps.gz      -  User's Guide
        Xselect_1.3.ps.gz     -  Xselect Users Guide
        *** HTML Documentation ***
        at http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/software/ftools/ftools_menu.html
Supported Platforms: (See Installation Guide for details)
        unix         ALPHA/OSF, DEC/ULTRIX, SUN/SunOS (incl. Solaris)
        vms          ALPHA/VMS, VAX/VMS 

++++++++++What's New in FTOOLS version 3.5++++++++++

++ HP-UX Host Untested ++

        As of the release date (29MAR96), the v3.5 release has
        not been tested on HP-UX. Our software group hasn't had 
        access to an HP platform since November, 1995. There are
        probably several routines that won't work, assuming the
        package builds at all. Hopefully we'll have access to an
        HP by early fall '96.

        Report any installation difficulties to: 

        Please remember that without an HP here our ability to
        answer questions is severely limited.


        XRONOS comes to us from XANADU. It has several tools for
        general timing analysis.


        EINSTEIN contains two EINSTEIN mission specific tasks.

++ Questionnaire ++

        So that we can better serve the user community in the future
        we have prepared a short questionnaire. Your cooperation in
        filling it out and emailing it back to us will be greatly

*******************************CUT HERE******************************
               FTOOLS Questionnaire (v3.5, 28.03.1996)

1. Are you running the Host/Standalone version or the IRAF version?
   Please explain your choice. Also, what platform are you running
   IRAF on?

2. Is there an architecture/OS that you'd like to see supported?

3. Do you have any general comments/suggestions for FTOOLS?

Please return to ftoolshelp@athena.gsfc.nasa.gov
       under the Subject heading: Questionnaire

*******************************CUT HERE******************************

NEW TASKS AND PERL SCRIPTS (indicated by **):

*Note: sisrmg currently fails on fast mode data files *
*A fix is in the works.                               *
  -New. Computes the euler angles of the best aspect point
  -New. Extract light curve from ASCA GIS housekeeping file.

  -New.  Adds two or more Ancillary Response Files (ARFs)
  -New. Converts a radial profile dataset to an encircled energy fraction
  -New. Determines if local CALDB is setup
  -New. Converts  a  radial  PSF  (RPSF)  dataset  to  a  radial encircled
   energy function (REEF) dataset.

New package for EINSTEIN mission.

  -New. Returns column number for an input filename and column name

  -New. Adds PHA spectra, bkgd files & combines respons matices
  -New. Extracts radial PSF (RPSF) dataset from an event file

  -Now a perl script: corrects PI channel in Events file
  -New. Corrects PI channel in Events file

  -Working. Creates multiple light curves for sources in
   confused fields
  -Working. Creates a set of FITS source maps of a rectangular

New package for general timing analysis

 XTE has been completely updated.

For ftools help please contact 