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CAIXA - Catalog of AGN in the XMM-Newton Archive



This table comprises CAIXA, the "Catalog of AGN In the XMM-Newton Archive". It consists of all the radio-quiet, X-ray unobscured (NH < 2 x 1022 cm-2) active galactic nuclei (AGN) observed by XMM-Newton in targeted observations, whose data were public as of March 2007. With its 156 sources, this is the largest catalog of high signal-to-noise X-ray spectra of AGN. All the EPIC pn spectra of the sources in CAIXA were extracted homogeneously, and a baseline model was applied in order to derive their basic X-ray properties. These data are complemented by multiwavelength data found in the literature: black hole masses, full width half maximum (FWHM) of H(beta), radio and optical fluxes. In their paper, the authors describe their homogeneous spectral analysis of the X-ray data in CAIXA and present all the results for the parameters adopted in their best-fit models.

Catalog Bibcode



CAIXA: a catalogue of AGN in the XMM-Newton archive. I. Spectral analysis.
    Bianchi S., Guainazzi M., Matt G., Fonseca Bonilla N., Ponti G.
    <Astron. Astrophys. 495, 421 (2009)>
    =2009A&A...495..421B        (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)


This table was created by the HEASARC in March 2009 based on the CDS catalog J/A+A/495/421 files table1.dat, table2.dat and table3.dat.


The name of the AGN as given in the Veron-Cetty and Veron Catalog of Quasars and AGN (2006, A&A, 455, 773; CDS Catalog VII/248, HEASARC Browse Catalog VERONCAT).

The Right Ascension of the AGN in the selected equinox, as obtained by the authors from NED. This was given in J2000.0 decimal degrees to a precision of 10-5 degrees (0.036 arcseconds) in the original table.

The Declination of the AGN in the selected equinox, as obtained by the authors from NED. This was given in J2000.0 decimal degrees to a precision of 10-5 degrees (0.036 arcseconds) in the original table.

The Galactic Longitude of the AGN.

The Galactic Latitude of the AGN.

The unique XMM-Newton observation identifier for the observation in which the AGN was detected. The obsid is made up of the proposal number, target number of the proposal, and exposure number of the target.

The 'clean' exposure time of the observation in which the AGN was detected, in seconds.

The soft-band (0.5-2 keV) flux of the AGN, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The uncertainty in the soft-band (0.5-2 keV) flux of the AGN, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The hard-band (2-10 keV) flux of the AGN, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The uncertainty in the hard-band (2-10 keV) flux of the AGN, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The soft-band (0.5-2 keV) unabsorbed X-ray luminosity of the AGN, in erg s-1.

The uncertainty in the soft-band (0.5-2 keV) unabsorbed X-ray luminosity, in erg s-1.

The hard-band (2-10 keV) unabsorbed X-ray luminosity of the AGN, in erg s-1.

The uncertainty in the hard-band (2-10 keV) unabsorbed X-ray luminosity, in erg s-1.

The soft-band (0.5-2 keV) X-ray power-law spectral index of the AGN.

The upper (positive) error in the soft-band (0.5-2 keV) X-ray power-law spectral index.

The lower (negative) error in the soft-band (0.5-2 keV) X-ray power-law spectral index.

The hard-band (2-10 keV) X-ray power-law spectral index of the AGN.

The upper (positive) error in the hard-band (2-10 keV) X-ray power-law spectral index.

The lower (negative) error in the hard-band (2-10 keV) X-ray power-law spectral index.

The 6.4-keV Fe emission-line equivalent width in the spectrum of the AGN, in eV.

The upper (positive) error in the 6.4-keV Fe emission-line equivalent width, in eV.

The lower (negative) error in the 6.4-keV Fe emission-line equivalent width, in eV.

The 6.7-keV Fe emission-line equivalent width in the spectrum of the AGN, in eV.

The upper (positive) error in the 6.7-keV Fe emission-line equivalent width, in eV.

The lower (negative) error in the 6.7-keV Fe emission-line equivalent width, in eV.

The 6.96-keV Fe emission-line equivalent width in the spectrum of the AGN, in eV.

The upper (positive) error in the 6.96-keV Fe emission-line equivalent width, in eV.

The lower (negative) error in the 6.96-keV Fe emission-line equivalent width, in eV.

The redshift of the AGN, as given in the Veron-Cetty and Veron Catalog of Quasars and AGN (2006, A&A, 455, 773; CDS Catalog VII/248, HEASARC Browse Catalog VERONCAT).

The absolute blue magnitude M_B, as given in the Veron-Cetty and Veron Catalog of Quasars and AGN (2006, A&A, 455, 773; CDS Catalog VII/248, HEASARC Browse Catalog VERONCAT).

The radio flux density at 6 cm of the AGN, in mJy. This was given in Jy in the original table, notice.

This flag parameter is set to 'RQ' to indicate that the source is considered radio-quiet in the reference, but no radio flux is reported.

A code for the reference from which the 6-cm radio flux density was obtained. The key to the code is as follows:

  Value Bibcode             Reference             CDS Catalog
   1    2006yCat.7248....0V Veron-Cetty & Veron   <VII/248>
   2    1989AJ.....98.1195K Kellermann et al.
   3    1996ApJS..103..427G Gregory et al.
   4    1998AJ....115.1693C Condon et al.         <VIII/65>
  4u    1998AJ....115.1693C Condon et al.         <VIII/65>, Sensitivity limit
   5    2001ApJS..136..225K Kuhn et al.
   6    1991A&A...246L..73V Veron-Cetty et al.
   7    2004MNRAS.352..744G Gallo et al.
   8    1980MNRAS.191..871S Smith & Wright
   9    2004MNRAS.347..316P Page et al.
  10    2006ApJ...645..868G Ganguly et al.
  11    2003MNRAS.342.1117M Mauch et al.          <VIII/70>
  12    1998A&A...330..108Y Yuan et al.
  13    2004ApJ...607L.107W Wang et al.
  14    2002MNRAS.329..227S Sadler et al.         <J/MNRAS/329/227>
  15    2005MNRAS.364..195P Page et al.
  16    1999MNRAS.309L...1M McMahon et al.
   a    1992ApJS...80..109B Boroson & Green
   b    2001A&A...377...52W Wang & Lu
   c    2002ApJ...571..733V Vestergaard
   d    1999ApJ...526..579W Wandel et al.
   e    1996A&A...305...53B Boller et al.
   f    1999A&A...350..805G Grupe et al.          <J/A+A/350/805>
   g    2004AJ....127..156G Grupe et al.          <J/AJ/127/156>
   h    2003MNRAS.343..164B Bian & Zhao
   i    2004ApJ...613..682P Peterson et al.       <J/ApJ/613/682>
   j    1996A&A...309...81W Wang et al.           <J/A+A/309/81>
   k    1999ApJS..125..317L Leighly
   l    2003ApJS..145..199M Marziani et al.       <J/ApJS/145/199>
   m    1999ApJ...514...40M McIntosh et al.
   n    1992MNRAS.257..677W Winkler
   o    2001ApJ...549..133G Ganguly et al.
   p    1991ApJ...371L..51C Corbin
   q    1996ApJS..107...69C Corbin & Boroson
   r    2006ApJ...646L..29S Shemmer et al.
   s    2003AJ....126.1690C Crenshaw et al.
   t    2001MNRAS.327..199M McLure & Dunlop
   u    2000ApJ...543L.111L Laor
   v    1997MNRAS.291..403R Reynolds et al.
   w    2005ApJ...618L..83Z Zhou & Wang           <J/ApJ/618/L83>
   A    2002ApJ...579..530W Woo & Urry
   B    2006ApJ...641..689V Vestergaard & Peterson
   C    2002ApJ...571..733V Vestergaard
   D    2006ApJ...653..137Z Zhang & Wang
   E    2001A&A...377...52W Wang & Lu
   F    2006ApJ...646L..29S Shemmer et al.
   G    2004A&A...428...39C Czerny et al.
   H    1998ApJ...505L..83L Laor
   I    2003MNRAS.343..164B Bian & Zhao
   J    2005MNRAS.358.1405O O'Neill et al.
   K    2003MNRAS.345.1057M Merloni et al.
   L    2005ApJ...618L..83Z Zhou & Wang

The radio flux density at 20 cm of the AGN, in mJy. This was given in Jy in the original table, notice.

A code for the reference from which the 20-cm radio flux density was obtained. The key to the code is given above (see the description for the ref_flux_6_cm parameter).

The full-width half maximum (FWHM) of the H-beta line in the spectrum of the AGN, in km s-1.

A code for the reference from which the H-beta FWHM was obtained. The key to the code is given above (see the description for the ref_flux_6_cm parameter).

The logarithm of the black Hole mass, in solar masses.

A code for the reference from which the black hole mass was obtained. The key to the code is given above (see the description for the ref_flux_6_cm parameter).

This flag parameter has several non-blank values [mnorv] which indicates the following notes concerning how the black hole mass was estimated:

             r = reverberation mapping
             o = Hbeta FWHM
             m = MgII FWHM
             n = narrow line region size
             v = stellar velocity dispersion

The V magnitude of the AGN, as given in the Veron-Cetty and Veron Catalog of Quasars and AGN (2006, A&A, 455, 773; CDS Catalog VII/248, HEASARC Browse Catalog VERONCAT).

The B-V color index of the AGN, as given in the Veron-Cetty and Veron Catalog of Quasars and AGN (2006, A&A, 455, 773; CDS Catalog VII/248, HEASARC Browse Catalog VERONCAT).

Contact Person

Questions regarding the CAIXA database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:25:10 EDT