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FUSELOG - Far Ultraviolet Explorer (FUSE) Observation Log



NASA's FUSE (Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer) spacecraft provided spectra in the far-ultraviolet portion of the electromagnetic spectrum (the wavelength range from 905 - 1180 Angstroms, or 90.5 - 118 nm), with a high spectral resolution of about 20000 (one wavelength point each 5 pm). FUSE was funded by NASA as part of its Origins program, and was developed in collaboration with the space agencies of Canada and France. It was operated for NASA by the Johns Hopkins University. FUSE was launched into orbit aboard a Delta II rocket on June 24, 1999 for a nominal mission of three years of operations. This table contains the FUSE Observation Log up to May 8, 2007, as archived at CDS in summer 2007. FUSE was formally decommissioned on October 18, 2007, following the failure of the last control wheel on the spacecraft in July 2007.

More information about the FUSE Project can be found at NASA's Optical and Ultraviolet Archive (MAST) at and at the Johns Hopkins FUSE web site at

Catalog Bibcode



FUSE (Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer) Observations
     FUSE Science Team
    <Johns Hopkins University (1999-2007)>


This database table was updated by the HEASARC in March 2009, superceding the previous versions of May 2007, May 2004, March 2005, and April 2006. It is primarily based on the CDS table <B/fuse>, specifically, the files fuse.dat, refs.dat and proposal.dat, but also contains additional information on proposal titles and bibliographic codes obtained from the MAST FUSE Archive. The HEASARC plans to update the bibliographic metadata for this table on a monthly basis as and when new information from the latter source becomes available.

Data Products

There are three categories of data products available for downloading via the Web interface of Browse, all of which are actually created and stored at the MAST FUSE Archive:
 FUSE Preview Page: This contains the FUSE `Preview' spectra of the object
                    and other information

 FUSE Search Results Page: This is the MAST results page which is generated
                           by a search in the FUSE Archive using the specified
                           ObsID (the first 8 characters of the parameter
                           Data_ID in the MAST FUSE Archive)

 FUSE Proposal Information: This contains the abstract of the proposal for
                            which the observation was made, a list of
                            papers which have referenced these data, and
                            a list of all observations made for this program


A unique dataset identifier, the first 4 digits of which contain the proposal identifier.

The name of the target of the observation.

The Right Ascension of the telescope pointing in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000 decimal degrees to a precision of up to 0.0001 degrees in the original table.

The Declination of the telescope pointing in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000 decimal degrees to a precision of up to 0.0001 degrees in the original table.

The Galactic Longitude of the telescope pointing.

The Galactic Latitude of the telescope pointing.

The observation date and time.

The exposure time of the observation, in seconds.

The aperture mode used in the observation. The following values are possible:

      LWRS (30"x30"; 100% throughput)
      MDRS (4"x20"; 98% throughput)
      HIRS (1.25"x20"; 85% throughput)
      PINH (Pin hole - hasn't been used as of 9/24/2002)
      RFPT Used either for instrumental test programs, or when long
           background observations are made. The latter are tagged with
           a target name, but since the target is at the reference point,
           its light is not entering the spectrograph through one of the
           science apertures.

The operating mode used in the observation. The following values are possible:

     TTAG = time information of events are accessible
     HIST = histogram mode

The number of exposures which make up the observation.

The FUSE object classification, a numerical scheme which is close but not identical to that used by the IUE Project:

      00: Sun                          50: R, N, or S Type Star
      01: Earth                        51: Long Period Variables
      02: Moon                         52: Irregular Variables
      03: Planet                       53: Regular Variables
      04: Planetary Satellite          54: Dwarf Novae
      05: Minor Planet                 55: Classical Novae
      06: Comet                        56: Supernovae
      07: Sky Background               57: Symbiotic Stars
      08: Great Red Spot               58: T Tauri Stars
      09:                              59: X-ray Source
      10: WC                           60: Shell Star
      11: WN                           61: Eta Carinae
      12: Main Sequence O              62: Pulsar
      13: Supergiant O                 63: Nova-like
      14: Oe                           64: Other
      15: Of                           65: Misidentified Targets
      16: O Subdwarf                   66: Interacting Binaries
      17: WD O                         67:
      18: Post-AGB Star                68:
      19: Other Strong UV source       69: Herbig-Haro Object
      20: B0-B2 IV-V                   70: Central Star of Planetary Neb.
      21: B3-B5 IV-V                   71: Planetary Nebula
      22: B6-B9.5 IV-V                 72: H II Region
      23: B0-B2 I-III                  73: Reflection Nebula
      24: B3-B5 I-III                  74: Dark Cloud (Absorp. spectrum)
      25: B6-B9.5 I-III                75: Supernova Remnant
      26: Be                           76: Ring Nebula (Shock-ionized)
      27: Bp                           77:
      28: B Subdwarf                   78:
      29: WDB                          79:
      30: A0-3 IV-V                    80: Spiral Galaxy
      31: A4-9 IV-V                    81: Elliptical Galaxy
      32: A0-3 I-III                   82: Irregular Galaxy
      33: A4-9 I-III                   83: Globular Cluster
      34: Ae                           84: Seyfert Galaxy
      35: Am                           85: Quasar
      36: Ap                           86: Radio Galaxy
      37: WDA                          87: BL Lac Object
      38: Horiz. Branch Stars          88: Emission-line Galaxy (non-Seyfert)
      39: Composite Spectra            89: Starburst Galaxy
      40: F0-2                         90: Intergalactic Medium
      41: F3-9                         91:
      42: Fp                           92:
      43: Late-type Degenerates        93:
      44: G IV-V                       94:
      45: G I-III                      95:
      46: K IV-V                       96:
      47: K I-III                      97:
      48: M IV-V                       98:
      49: M I-III                      99:

A flag which is set to 'Y' if the dataset has been released to the public.

The last name of the Principal Investigator of the proposal. There are a number of observations (those having with obsid values of 'S405*', 'S601*', 'Z90*', and 'Z91*') which the FUSE Project calls 'FUSE Observatory Programs' and appear to have no Principal Investigator per se; the HEASARC has given these observations pi_fname values of 'FUSE' and pi_lname values of 'Observatory'.

The first name of the Principal Investigator of the proposal. Notice that these are not necessarily consistent between different proposals of the same PI, so that, e.g., a PI with the first name 'Theodore' may also have proposals with his pi_fname = 'Ted' or 'T.' Therefore, this parameter is not a good parameter to use in a search, and the HEASARC recommends using the pi_lname parameter for this purpose.

The institution of the Principal Investigator of the proposal.

The title of the proposal from which this observation was derived.

The HEASARC Browse object classification, based on an approximate translation from the fuse_class parameter. The latter parameter should be regarded as the more definitive one.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the FUSELOG database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:27:45 EDT