Add large SPI data sets

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How to add large SPI data sets

last update of this page: 08.12.2003

Large data sets cannot be processed all in one by the SPI instrument specific software. The best is to process smaller data sets (e.g. one revolution) at a time, and then to add the results after the binning step. Here I describe the necessary steps. You need spiaddobs 6.0.20 or higher to perform the analysis as described here.
  • Run the same analysis on the data subsets, i.e. use the same binning and the same number of detectors.
  • Run spi_science_analysis up to the BIN_I level on each dataset.
  • Create a new directory in your obs/ directory:
    mkdir summed_analysis
    cd summed_analysis
  • Create a spi/ subdirectory:
    mkdir spi
  • Create a list of the observation groups you want to add. Use this og_list.fits file and modify it; fill the relative location of the observation groups you want to add in the table and add further rows if necessary.
  • Run spiaddobs:
    spiaddobs rogroup="og_list.fits[1]" \
    truncate=0 \
    process_psd_response=0 \
    process_background=0 \
    stat_err = 1 \
  • use spiback as a single tool (the script spi_science_analysis is not working as the observation group is not existing/complete). DFEE option will not work!
  • use a source catalogue from one of the data subsets, or one which covers the region of the observation groups you use. You cannot run cat_extract on the observation group you produced, as there is no science window group index!
  • use spiros / spiskymax as a single tool