2. Repairing or Creating an FMI File
FMI files are crucial for XDF's working correctly. In some cases you may have to fix one or create a new one; for instance, if you have a number of observations from your proposal, but no up-to-date proposal level FMI file; or if you want to combine observations from different proposals.
The ftool for creating or updating FMI files is recofmi. The general usage is simple; for instance, to update an existing FMI file in proposal level directory P10408 after you've added observations which aren't listed in the current FMI:
recofmi dirpath=P10408
This reconstructs the file P10408/FMI according to the contents of FMI files in underlying directories. If level=1 (default), it will go only to the first level subdirectories (i.e. ObsIds in this case); if level=2, it will go only to the subdirectories two levels deep. Typically, level=1 is used in proposal directories to include the information from their ObsId directories; level=2 is used to incorporate information from proposal level FMI files into the mission database's FMI file.
Normally, rows are only added. If rows with identical ObsIds are found, the original is left in place. The option "overwrite=yes" will force such rows to be overwritten. The "delete=yes" option first wipes the FMI file clean and then fills it only with whatever ObsIds it finds in lower level FMI files (for instance, if you have only a few of the listed observations.) The "check=yes" option provides only a report and will not make any changes.
If you want to create a new FMI in a directory that does not have one (say you have some loose ObsIds and want to put them under on common directory), first copy an existing FMI file (it does not matter which) to that directory and then run "recofmi delete=yes" on it.
For a more complicated example, suppose you need to create a top level FMI file under the FD directory, which you will probably want to do once you have datasets from multiple proposals and AOs; you then simply add the "level=2" option. This will tell the tool to look two directory levels down (through AOs to the proposals) and find the information in those FMIs:
cd $XFDB
cp AO1/P10033/FMI .
recofmi dirpath=$XFDB level=2 delete=yes
In this case, recofmi will look in all AOn directories and all Pxxxxxx directories under those to find the proposal level FMIs. The resulting top level FMI will list all the observations from all AOs and proposals which are in your database.
3. The calibration database (CALDB)
The caltools are a subset of the FTOOLS which require installation of CALDB in order to find the proper files for their execution. Other XTE-specific tools use the CALDB as well, such as pcabackest and pcarsp.
In all but early AO1 processed data, your tape comes with the full database structure starting with FD as the top level directory containing an AOn directory and a Cal directory, as well as Clock and OrbitEphem. Under AOn are the proposal level directories, while the Cal directory contains all of the XTE calibration files. For early processing, your tape begins with the proposal level directory, and under each ObsId is a cal directory. Newer processing puts all of the calibration files in one higher level directory to save space, replacing the files in each ObsId with symbolic links.
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