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INTPUBLIC - INTEGRAL Public Data Results Catalog



The INTEGRAL Public Data Results Catalog is based on publicly available data from the two main instruments (IBIS and SPI) on board INTEGRAL (see Winkler et al. 2003, A&A, 411, L1 for a description of the INTEGRAL spacecraft and instrument packages). INTEGRAL began collecting data in October 2002. This catalog will be regularly updated as data become public (~14 months after they are obtained).

This catalog is a collaborative effort between the INTEGRAL Science Data Center (ISDC) in Switzerland and the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) INTEGRAL Guest Observer Facility (GOF). The results presented here are a result of a semi-automated analysis and they should be considered as approximate: they are intended to serve as a guideline to those interested in pursuing more detailed follow-up analyses.

The data from the imager ISGRI (Lebrun et al. 2003, A&A, 411, L141) have been analyzed at the INTEGRAL Science Data Centre (ISDC), while the SPI (Vedrenne et al. 2003, A&A, 411, L63) data analysis was performed at GSFC as a service of the INTEGRAL GOF.

Note: For cases where two or more proposals have been amalgamated (entries with pi_lname = 'Amalgamated') for a given observation, the same observation is listed for each of the amalgamated proposal numbers.


The INTPUBLIC database table was last updated on 26 May 2019.


This table is based on the online web page maintained by the INTEGRAL GOF at the URL

Further information and analysis results can be found linked from the INTEGRAL GOF page at the URL


This database table was first created in September 2004. It is based on the online web page maintained by the INTEGRAL GOF at the URL and was updated on a weekly basis whenever that web page was updated. Automatic updates were discontinued in June 2019. Duplicate entries were removed in June 2019, also.

Data Products

The following data products are available:

ISGRI significance image, 20-40 keV (JPEG). Bright sources are labelled.

ISGRI results maps (intensity, error, significance, and exposure map) as a gzipped FITS file (20-, 40-, 60-, 80-, 100-, 150-, 200-, 400-keV bands). All the maps for all the energy bands are included in one FITS file. The second extension of the file includes the intensity map, the third the error map, then the significance map, and the fifth extension is the exposure map, in the first energy band. After that comes the higher energy bands in the same order of intensity map, error map, significance map, and exposure map.

SPI significance image, 20-40 keV (JPEG). Bright sources are labelled. For more information look into the SPI analysis results ASCII file.

SPI significance map, 20-40 keV (gzipped FITS file). The map can be found in the second extension of this FITS file.

SPI analysis results (ASCII file). This information is based on the logfile of the SPIROS analysis software (Skinner & Connell, 2003, A&A, 411, L123). It also includes some information about parameters used to perform the analysis. The list of sources includes sources detected with at least 1 sigma significance. Additional sources found by the SPIROS software are listed in the end. Note that those sources might be artefacts of the analysis process.

The list of science windows (ASCII file) used for this analysis.

To access the actual data corresponding to a given observation (to perform one's own data analysis, for example), one should download the science windows list for that observation and then proceed to the INTEGRAL GOF Cookbook at the URL for further instructions.


The orbital revolution of the spacecraft during which the observation was made.

The date and time that the observation started.

The date and time that the observation ended.

The exposure time, in seconds, of the observation.

The designation of the target of the observation.

The Right Ascension of the source in the specified equinox, given in J2000 equatorial coordinates and to a precision of 0.1 seconds of time in the originating table.

The Declination of the source in the specified equinox, given in J2000 equatorial coordinates and to a precision of 0.1 seconds in the originating table.

The Galactic Longitude of the source.

The Galactic Latitude of the source.

The dither pattern used for the observation. Possible values are: `5x5', `HEX', `GCDE', `GPS', and `Staring'.

In order to minimize systematic effects due to spatial and temporal background variations in the spectrometer (SPI) detectors, a controlled and systematic spacecraft dithering maneuver is required. This maneuver consists of several off-pointings of the spacecraft pointing axis from the target in steps of 2 degrees. The integration time for each pointing on the raster is flexible in the range between 30 min. up to 1 hour. Two main, different pointing patterns are currently used:

(1) Hexagonal dither pattern: this consists of a hexagonal pattern around the nominal target location (1 source on-axis pointing, 6 off-source pointings, each 2 degrees apart.

(2) Rectangular, or 5 x 5, dither pattern: this consists of a square pattern around the nominal target location (1 source on-axis pointing, 24 off-source pointings, each 2 degrees apart.

The spacecraft continuously follows one dithering pattern throughout one observation; however, if scientific requirements exist to observe sources for long, uninterrupted periods of time using all 4 instruments then the dithering modes can be switched off, and the satellite will be in Staring mode.

The surname of the Principal Investigator for the proposal under which the target was accepted. For Core Program targets, the PI is listed as the ISWT (INTEGRAL Science Working Team). Some observations may satisfy multiple proposals in which case the PI is listed as Amalgamated.

The INTEGRAL proposal number. The first digit of the proposal number specifies to which Announcement of Opportunity (AO) it corresponds: e.g., proposal 220007 was submitted for INTEGRAL AO-2.

The data result set identifier. This parameter is used by Browse to link to the corresponding INTEGRAL data products.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the INTPUBLIC database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:29:18 EDT