HaloSat Data AnalysisThis page contains links to documents and information on the HaloSat software necessary to calibrate and analyse the HaloSat data. The HaloSat archival data may be analyzed with the HEASoft software package (starting from version 6.27, Mar 26, 2020) and the calibration files distributed with CALDB.
The document on the HaloSat Response Matrix Modifications, released on 2022-02-14, described the gain and edge corrections to apply to the data as results of the In-flight Calibration. These corrections have been incorporated with the data reprocessing and new arf both released on May 1, 2023. If you need help, with the HaloSat data analysis please send your queries to the help desk of HEASARC or FTOOLS .
HaloSat Calibration and SoftwareThe calibration data are archived in the HEASARC calibration database (CALDB). The latest releases of the calibration data and their supporting information are available in the HaloSatCaldb page . There is not a specific HaloSat software but most of the analysis is possible using the standard Tools available in HEASoft. The latest software is available from the HEASARC software download page. |