OGIP Calibration Memo CAL/GEN/92-020

Ian M. George & Rehana Yusaf
Mail Code 668,
Michael F. Corcoran
CRESST & X-ray Astrophysics Lab
Code 662 NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD20771
Universities Space Research Association
10211 Wincopin Circle, Columbia, MD 21044

Version: 2011 Oct 21


Ths document describes the standard formats adopted by the OGIP for the storage of the Radial Point Spread Function (RPSF) and Radial Encircled Energy Function (REEF) datasets, which describe the radial angular/spatial response of an instrument as a function of energy, and position.
Intended audience: primarily HEASARC programmers & hardware teams.
Log of Significant Changes

Release Sections Changed Brief Notes
1992 Jul 24 First Draft (within memo CAL/GEN/92-003)
1993 Oct 03 All Separation from CAL/GEN/92-003
1994 Jan 12 All Revised & added HDUCLASn info
1995 Jan 19 All Made compatible with LaTeX2HTML software
1995 Feb 10 All Fixed typos & ambiguities
2011 Oct 20 All (and Appendix) more typos; added Figure 1 and Appendix


1  Introduction
    1.1  Storage Options
    1.2  Dataset Origins & Storage Recommendations
    1.3  Dataset vs Task Summary
    1.4  Software Considerations
2  RPSF Data File Formats
    2.1  Summary of RPSF file formats versions
    2.2  The Radial PSF Extension (HDUVERS = '1.0.0')
3  REEF Data File Formats
    3.1  Summary of REEF file formats versions
    3.2  The Radial Encircled Energy Fraction Extension (HDUVERS = `1.0.0')
4  Virtual File Formats & Allowed Standalone Tasks
    4.1  VCF Requirements
5  Related Software
6  Example FITS headers
    6.1  ROSAT 
    6.2  ASCA
7  Appendix


The following documents may also be of use:

1  Introduction

Within the HEASARC CALDB the term "Point Spread Function" (PSF) (or "Point Response Function", PRF) is used to refer to the spatial/angular spreading of incident photons from a point source caused by the instrument (mirror or optical system, and - optionally - the detector). In the most common and simple case, imperfections in the surface smoothness and shape of the mirrors result in incident photons from cosmic sources not being perfectly focussed on the focal plane. Thus the number of events detected as a function of position in the focal plane is not the idealized delta-function at the expected position, but has a characteristic shape (depending upon the optics and detectors in use) with a finite width. More generally, the PSF also can include spreading of events due to geometrical effects (eg obscuring structures, the detector surface not laying exactly on the focal plane, including coma), and effects within the detector (eg lateral charge-cloud drift in gas experiments), etc.
Thus, generally a point-source at infinity gives rise to a 2-dimensional image of finite size. Within the HEASARC CALDB such a dataset is refered to as a 2DPSF, and the FITS file format for such calibration datasets are described in CAL/GEN/92-027 (George & Yusaf). In this memo we concentrate on Radial Point Spread Functions which give the source surface brightness as a function of radial distance from the focal point. These radial point spread functions represent the azimuthally-averaged values of the detected source surface brightness from a 2DPSF, centered on the nominal point of focus assuming an idealized optical path. In practice, the centroid of the 2DPSF is often used instead of the theoretical position of focus.
Figure 1: The detector plane in sky coordinates. N is to the top, E to the left. The optical axis is normal to the detector at the point marked by the ×, and the imaged source is represented by the blue circle. The off-axis angle θXMA and azimuthal angle ϕXMA are shown. The azimuthal angle ϕXMA is usually measured from north through east by convention.
The HEASARC CALDB currently recognizes two types of datasets relating to the storage of the radial point spread function of an instrument: Both the RPSF and REEF data historically have been referred to as radial point spread functions. However, for clarity, the HEASARC CALDB distinguishes the two.
Finally, it should be noted that for most instruments, the azimuthal averaging involved in their construction means that neither RPSF nor REEF (calibration datasets) are suitable for a detailed scientific investigation of the spatial extent of a detected source. Rather, both types of dataset provide: Detailed image reconstruction of non-point-source targets should use full 2-dimensional 2DPSF calibration datasets described in CAL/GEN/92-027 (George & Yusaf).

1.1  Storage Options

The point spread function in general depends on annular distance R from the point of focus, the incident photon energy E, and on the position of the point of focus on the detector, usually given in terms of two angles, the off-axis angle (θXMA) which accounts for the dependence of the RPSF on the angular distance from the optical axis, and an azimuthal angle (ϕXMA), as shown in figure 1. When stored in a FITS file, both RPSF and REEF datasets consist of a 4-dimensional grid, with 1 axis giving the "radius" (R, the angular distance from the theoretical point of focus), 1 axis giving the photon energy (E), and 2 axes (θXMA and ϕXMA) defining the position relative to the optical axis at which each RPSF dataset is valid.

1.2  Dataset Origins & Storage Recommendations

The construction, format used (within the limitations discussed here) and delivery of the data to the HEASARC (including any updates) is the responsibility of the instrument team. However, below, are the recommendations of the HEASARC CALDB team based on our experience. Our emphasis is on "calibration" RPSF or REEF datasets (ie datasets which are likely to be used as "standard calibrations" by users and analysis software, and delivered to and stored in the HEASRAC CALDB). Consequently, a number of the issues discussed here and in the document as a whole are not applicable to datasets derived from non-calibration, Guest Observer observations.
In both the case of RPSFs and REEFs, use of virtual calibration files are recommended (see Sections 1.3 & 4) for those cases where the point spread function can be adequately described by simple functional forms (gaussians, lorentzians, etc.).
Prior to launch, the spatial/angular spreading of a point source is measured at a (limited) number of positions and/or photon energies during ground calibrations and/or modelled analytical (eg by ray-tracing) to characterize the PSF. In most cases these results can be parameterized and stored in a virtual calibration file (Sections 1.3 & 4).
After launch, the pre-launch PSFs are usually checked and updated using a limited number of pointings of known bright point-sources (LMC X-1, Cyg X-3, ζ Pup, etc.) usually at a number of off-axis and azimuthal angles. Often the results from these observations can be parameterized such that a virtual calibration file (Sections 1.3 & 4) can be created.

1.3  Dataset vs Task Summary

It is often possible to parameterize both a RPSF and REEF dataset for a given science instrument. In these cases the RPSF and/or REEF information may often be economically stored as a virtual calibration file, and an associated standalone s/w task (see CAL/GEN/92-003). Wherever possible, this is recommended. Virtual calibration files are discussed in Section 4.

1.4  Software Considerations

Data Files:
In the case of both RPSF and REEF datasets, interpolation between the θXMAXMA grid points is usually required for comparison with a pointed observation. Most often, analysis software will use a simple 2-dimensional linear interpolation when calculating the RPSF/REEF between θXMAXMA grid points. Thus the θXMAXMA grid should be of sufficient resolution to enable this to be reasonable approximation.
As discussed in CAL/GEN/92-003, it is strongly recommended that the energy grid be of sufficient resolution such that interpolation of this parameter is not required. However, in cases where interpolation is required, as simple 1-dimensional linear interpolation may be performed, (which will clearly which may be inaccurate close to sharp spectral features (detector absorption edges, for example).
Virtual Files:
No specific issues.

2  RPSF Data File Formats

The HEASARC FITS Working Group (HFWG) Header-Data Unit (HDU) keywords and values for this type of dataset are: These are valid for all datasets described in this section, and should be present in the header of the extension containing the RPSF dataset.
Figure 2: Plot of sample radial point spread function. The PSFs shown are approximated as gaussians with given standard deviations σ values as shown. The PSFs broaden as the source off-axis angle increases. Each PSF is normalized to unity.

2.1  Summary of RPSF file formats versions

The following versions of file formats for a RPSF dataset have been defined:

2.2  The Radial PSF Extension (HDUVERS = '1.0.0')

One file for each telescope/instrument combination containing a single BINTABLE FITS extension. The BINTABLE only has a single row, using arrays for the 8 necessary columns.
Note: this format was formally known as RPSFVERS = '1992a', and is still occasionally refered to as such.
Extension Header
Beyond the standard FITS keywords required, and the HDU keywords/values given in Section 2, the following keywords/values are mandatory:
and the following keywords/values are mandatory for CIF purposes ONLY if the dataset is ever to be included as a calibration file within the HEASARC CALDB (see CAL/GEN/92-011): and the following mandatory to supply further information:
Data Format:
The data within the extension is organised as a BINTABLE with the following columns:
  1. Rlow, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the lower radial bounds of the annular bins as measured from the nominal point of focus.
    The FITS column name is RAD_LO.
    The recommended units are arcmin.
  2. Rhigh, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the upper radial bounds of the annular bins as measured from the nominal point of focus.
    The FITS column name is RAD_HI.
    The recommended units are arcmin.
  3. θXMA, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the off-axis angles.
    The FITS column name is THETA (but see below).
    The recommended units are arcmin.
  4. ϕXMA, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the azimuthal angles.
    The FITS column name is PHI (but see below).
    The recommended units are arcmin.
  5. Elow, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the lower energy bounds of the energy bins.
    The FITS column name is ENERG_LO.
    The recommended units are keV.
  6. Ehigh, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the upper energy bounds of the energy bins.
    The FITS column name is ENERG_HI.
    The recommended units are keV.
  7. RPSF, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the RPSF measurement at each R,θXMAXMA,E grid point.
    The FITS column name is RPSF.
    The order of data storage is RPSF (R,θXMAXMA,E), where R & E represent the Rlow and Rhigh Elow and Ehigh arrays respectively (see below).
    The recommended units are per square arcmin.
  8. Awgt, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing an area weighting factor at each R,θXMAXMA,E grid point.
    The FITS column name is AREA_WGT.
    The order of data storage is Awgt (R,θXMAXMA,E), where R & E represent the Rlow and Rhigh Elow and Ehigh arrays respectively (see below).
    No units (dimensionless)
These are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1: Summary of the OGIP format for Radial PSFs (HDUVERS = 1.0.0).

to (filename).(ext)

HDUVERS: 1.0.0
HDUCLAS3: see text
HDUCLAS4: see text
EXTNAME : RPSF (suggested, not required)
Description: Radial Point spread Function datasets (including errors, if required) as a function of radial angular distance from centroid, energy, off-axis & azimuthal angle.
An alternate spatial coordinate frame may also be used (see text).
1 23 4 5 6 7 8
Inner Outer Off-axis Azimuthal Low energy High energyRadial Area
Radius Radius anglesangles bounds bounds PSF data Weigthing
Rlow Rhigh θXMA ϕXMA Elow Ehigh RPSF Awgt
format of each column
4-byte 4-byte 4-byte 4-byte 4-byte 4-byte 4-byte 4-byte
real real real real real real real real
array array array array array array array array
total number of elements per row
i i j k m m i ×j ×k ×m i ×j ×k ×m
column name
Points to Note & Conventions

3  REEF Data File Formats

The HEASARC FITS Working Group (HFWG) Header-Data Unit (HDU) keywords and values for this type of dataset are: These are valid for all datasets described in this section, and should be present in the header of the extension containing the REEF dataset.
Figure 3: Plot of sample radial encircled energy function. The REEFs shown are approximated as gaussians with standard deviations σ given as in Figure 2 above. Because the PSFs broaden as the source off-axis angle increases, an extraction cell of a given size captures less of the integrated flux as the source is placed at increasingly larger off-axis positions.

3.1  Summary of REEF file formats versions

The following versions of file formats for a REEF dataset have been defined:

3.2  The Radial Encircled Energy Fraction Extension (HDUVERS = `1.0.0')

One file for each telescope/instrument combination containing a single BINTABLE FITS extension. The BINTABLE only has a single row, using arrays for the 8 necessary columns.
Note: this format was formally known as REEFVERS = '1992a', and is still occasionally refered to as such.
Extension Header
Beyond the standard FITS keywords required, and the HDU keywords/values given in Section 3, the following keywords/values are mandatory:
and the following keywords/values are mandatory for CIF purposes ONLY if the dataset is ever to be included as a calibration file within the HEASARC CALDB (see CAL/GEN/92-011): and the following mandatory to supply further information:
Data Format:
The data within the extension is organised as a BINTABLE with the following columns:
  1. Rlow, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the lower radial bounds of the annular bins as measured from the nominal point of focus.
    The FITS column name is RAD_LO.
    The recommended units are arcmin.
  2. Rhigh, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the upper radial bounds of the annular bins as measured from the nominal point of focus.
    The FITS column name is RAD_HI.
    The recommended units are arcmin.
  3. θXMA, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the off-axis angles.
    The FITS column name is THETA (but see below).
    The recommended units are arcmin.
  4. ϕXMA, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the azimuthal angles.
    The FITS column name is PHI (but see below).
    The recommended units are arcmin.
  5. Elow, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the lower energy bounds of the energy bins.
    The FITS column name is ENERG_LO.
    The recommended units are keV.
  6. Ehigh, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the upper energy bounds of the energy bins.
    The FITS column name is ENERG_HI.
    The recommended units are keV.
  7. REEF, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing the REEF measurement at each R,θXMAXMA,E grid point.
    The FITS column name is REEF.
    The order of data storage is REEF (R,θXMAXMA,E), where R & E represent the Rlow and Rhigh Elow and Ehigh arrays respectively (see below).
    No units (dimensionless)
  8. Awgt, a fixed-length REAL vector (array, each element within which is 4-byte) containing an area weighting factor at each R,θXMAXMA,E grid point.
    The FITS column name is AREA_WGT.
    The order of data storage is Awgt (R,θXMAXMA,E), where R & E represent the Rlow and Rhigh Elow and Ehigh arrays respectively (see below).
    No units (dimensionless)
These are summarized in Table 2.
Table 2: Summary of the OGIP format for Radial EEFs (REEFVERS = 1992a).

to (filename).(ext)

HDUVERS: 1.0.0
HDUCLAS3: see text
HDUCLAS4: see text
EXTNAME : REEF (suggested, not required)
Description: Radial Encircled Energy Function datasets (including errors, if required) as a function of radial angular distance from centroid, energy, off-axis & azimuthal angle.
An alternate spatial coordinate frame may also be used (see text).
1 23 4 5 6 7 8
Inner Outer Off-axis Azimuthal Low energy High energyRadial Area
Radius Radius anglesangles bounds bounds PSF data Weighting
Rlow Rhigh θXMA ϕXMA Elow Ehigh REEF Awgt
format of each column
4-byte 4-byte 4-byte 4-byte 4-byte 4-byte 4-byte 4-byte
real real real real real real real real
array array array array array array array array
total number of elements per row
i i j k m m i ×j ×k ×m i ×j ×k ×m
column name
Points to Note & Conventions

4  Virtual File Formats & Allowed Standalone Tasks

Standalone tasks to perform the following tasks are currently allowed:

4.1  VCF Requirements

See CAL/GEN/92-003 & CAL/GEN/92-013. Extension Header
Beyond the standard FITS keywords required, the following keywords/values are mandatory: along (if desired) with those keywords/values mandatory for CIF purposes as given in within the appropriate sub-section of Sections 2 & 3, with the exception of: plus those required for all virtual files listed in CAL/GEN/92-013, and the following mandatory keyword to supply further information:
Data Format:
See CAL/GEN/92-003 amd CAL/GEN/92-013. The number and type of parameters specified depends solely on the requirements of the associated standalone task.

5  Related Software

The following list of subroutines/tasks are available:

6  Example FITS headers

Here we give an example of keywords used in files currently within the CALDB.

6.1  ROSAT 

Example 1
WARNING: This dataset has a number of keywords missing.
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           / binary table extension
BITPIX  =                    8 / 8-bit bytes
NAXIS   =                    2 / 2-dimensional binary table
NAXIS1  =                  200 / width of table in bytes
NAXIS2  =                    1 / number of rows in table
PCOUNT  =                    0 / size of special data area
GCOUNT  =                    1 / one data group (required keyword)
TFIELDS =                    5 / number of fields in each row
TTYPE1  = 'RAD_LO  '           / label for field   1
TFORM1  = '10E     '           / data format of the field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT1  = 'arcmin  '           / physical unit of field
TTYPE2  = 'RAD_HI  '           / label for field   2
TFORM2  = '10E     '           / data format of the field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT2  = 'arcmin  '           / physical unit of field
TTYPE3  = 'RPSF    '           / label for field   3
TFORM3  = '10E     '           / data format of the field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT3  = 'count/arcmin**2'    / physical unit of field
TTYPE4  = 'RPSF_ERR'           / label for field   4
TFORM4  = '10E     '           / data format of the field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT4  = 'count/arcmin**2'    / physical unit of field
TTYPE5  = 'AREA_WGT'           / label for field   5
TFORM5  = '10E     '           / data format of the field: 4-byte REAL
EXTNAME = 'OBS RPSF'           / name of this binary table extension
TDIM1   = '(10)    '           /  Column dimension
TDIM2   = '(10)    '           /  Column dimension
TDIM3   = '(10,1,1)'           /  Column dimension
TDIM4   = '(10,1,1)'           /  Column dimension
TDIM5   = '(10,1,1)'           /  Column dimension
TELESCOP= 'ROSAT   '           / Name of Mission/Telescope
INSTRUME= 'PSPCB   '           / Name of Instrument/Detector
HDUCLASS= 'OGIP    '           / format conforms to OGIP standard
HDUCLAS1= 'RESPONSE'           / dataset is a response function
HDUCLAS2= 'RPRF    '           / dataset is a radial point response function
HDUCLAS3= 'NET     '           / Source only radial point spread function
HDUVERS1= '1.0.0   '           / Version of family of formats
HDUVERS2= '1.0.1   '           / Version of format
RPSFVER = '1993a   '           / OGIP FITS format version
THETA_LO=      -9.90000000E+01 / Value not defined
THETA_HI=      -9.90000000E+01 / Value not defined
ENERG_LO=      -9.90000000E+01 / Value not defined
ENERG_HI=      -9.90000000E+01 / Value not defined
DATE    = '14/04/94'           / FITS file creation date (dd/mm/yy)
HISTORY   ST2RPSF converts from STW -> RPSF format
HISTORY   STW FILE : pros2_3b_cnt.fits
CREATOR = 'ST2RPSF 1.0.5'      / s/w task which wrote this dataset
PIXSIZE =           1.3889E-04 / In decimal degrees
BACKGRND=       0.00000000E+00 / In counts per pixel
CHANMIN =                   20 / Minimum PI channel for image
CHANMAX =                  100 / Maximum PI channel for image
SUMRCTS =         1.496935E+04 / Sum of raw counts

Example 2
WARNING: This dataset has a number of keywords missing.
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           / binary table extension
BITPIX  =                    8 / 8-bit bytes
NAXIS   =                    2 / 2-dimensional binary table
NAXIS1  =                  120 / width of table in bytes
NAXIS2  =                    1 / number of rows in table
PCOUNT  =                    0 / size of special data area
GCOUNT  =                    1 / one data group (required keyword)
TFIELDS =                    5 / number of fields in each row
TTYPE1  = 'RAD_LO  '           / label for field   1
TFORM1  = '6E      '           / data format of the field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT1  = 'arcmin  '           / physical unit of field
TTYPE2  = 'RAD_HI  '           / label for field   2
TFORM2  = '6E      '           / data format of the field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT2  = 'arcmin  '           / physical unit of field
TTYPE3  = 'RPSF    '           / label for field   3
TFORM3  = '6E      '           / data format of the field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT3  = 'count/arcmin**2'    / physical unit of field
TTYPE4  = 'RPSF_ERR'           / label for field   4
TFORM4  = '6E      '           / data format of the field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT4  = 'count/arcmin**2'    / physical unit of field
TTYPE5  = 'AREA_WGT'           / label for field   5
TFORM5  = '6E      '           / data format of the field: 4-byte REAL
EXTNAME = 'OBS RPSF'           / name of this binary table extension
TDIM1   = '(6)     '           /  Column dimension
TDIM2   = '(6)     '           /  Column dimension
TDIM3   = '(6,1,1) '           /  Column dimension
TDIM4   = '(6,1,1) '           /  Column dimension
TDIM5   = '(6,1,1) '           /  Column dimension
TELESCOP= 'ROSAT   '           / Name of Mission/Telescope
INSTRUME= 'PSPCB   '           / Name of Instrument/Detector
HDUCLASS= 'OGIP    '           / format conforms to OGIP standard
HDUCLAS1= 'RESPONSE'           / dataset is a response function
HDUCLAS2= 'RPRF    '           / dataset is a radial point response function
HDUCLAS3= 'NET     '           / Source only radial point spread function
HDUVERS1= '1.0.0   '           / Version of family of formats
HDUVERS2= '1.0.1   '           / Version of format
RPSFVER = '1993a   '           / OGIP FITS format version
THETA_LO=      -9.90000000E+01 / Value not defined
THETA_HI=      -9.90000000E+01 / Value not defined
ENERG_LO=      -9.90000000E+01 / Value not defined
ENERG_HI=      -9.90000000E+01 / Value not defined
DATE    = '18/10/94'           / FITS file creation date (dd/mm/yy)
PIXSIZE =         1.388900E-04 / pixelsize in deg
BACKGRND=         0.000000E+00 / Background count rate in cts/pixel
CHANMIN =                   10 / Minimum PI channel for image
CHANMAX =                  200 / Maximum PI channel for image
SUMRCTS =         1.496935E+04 / Sum of raw counts
CREATOR = 'RBNRPSF 1.1.1'      / s/w task which wrote this dataset

6.2  ASCA

Example 1
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           / binary table extension
BITPIX  =                    8 / 8-bit bytes
NAXIS   =                    2 / 2-dimensional binary table
NAXIS1  =               733064 / width of table in bytes
NAXIS2  =                    1 / number of rows in table
PCOUNT  =                    0 / size of special data area
GCOUNT  =                    1 / one data group (required keyword)
TFIELDS =                    7 / number of fields in each row
TTYPE1  = 'RAD_LO  '           / label for field   1
TFORM1  = '502E    '           / data format of the field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT1  = 'arcmin  '           / physical unit of field
TTYPE2  = 'RAD_HI  '           / label for field   2
TFORM2  = '502E    '           / data format of the field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT2  = 'arcmin  '           / physical unit of field
TTYPE3  = 'THETA   '           / label for field   3
TFORM3  = '11E     '           / data format of the field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT3  = 'arcmin  '           / physical unit of field
TTYPE4  = 'PHI     '           / label for field   4
TFORM4  = '3E      '           / data format of the field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT4  = 'deg     '           / physical unit of field
TTYPE5  = 'ENERG_LO'           / label for field   5
TFORM5  = '11E     '           / data format of the field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT5  = 'keV     '           / physical unit of field
TTYPE6  = 'ENERG_HI'           / label for field   6
TFORM6  = '11E     '           / data format of the field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT6  = 'keV     '           / physical unit of field
TTYPE7  = 'RPSF    '           / label for field   7
TFORM7  = '182226E '           / data format of the field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT7  = '        '           / physical unit of field
EXTNAME = 'ASCA_PSF'           / name of this binary table extension
TDIM7   = '(502,11,3,11)'      /  Column dimension
1CTYP7  = 'SPATIAL_OFFSET'     /  Axis label
2CTYP7  = 'COORD-1 '           /  Axis label
3CTYP7  = 'COORD-2 '           /  Axis label
4CTYP7  = 'ENERGY  '           /  Axis label
CREF7   = '(RAD_LO:RAD_HI,THETA,PHI,ENERG_LO:ENERG_HI)' /  Column referencing
TELESCOP= 'ASCA    '           / Name of Mission/Telescope
CSYSNAME= 'XMA_POL '           / The spatial coordinate system in use
PIXSIZE =       8.18500004E-04 / The pixel size in decimal degrees
BACKGRND=       0.00000000E+00 / The background count rate in counts/pixe
SUMRCTS =                  1.0 / Sum of counts within a 6 arcmin radius
INSTRUME= 'XRT     '           / Name of Instrument/Detector
HDUCLASS= 'OGIP    '           / format conforms to OGIP standard
HDUCLAS1= 'RESPONSE'           / dataset is a response function
HDUCLAS2= 'RPRF    '           / dataset is a radial point response function
HDUCLAS3= 'PREDICTED'          / Predicted (theoretical) dataset
HDUCLAS4= 'NET     '           / Source only radial point spread function
HDUVERS1= '1.0.0   '           / Version of family of formats
HDUVERS2= '1.0.1   '           / Version of format
AREA_WGT=       1.00000000E+00 / Area Weighting Factor
DATE    = '19/09/95'           / FITS file creation date (dd/mm/yy)
HDUDOC  = 'CAL/GEN/92-020'     / OGIP memo for File Format definition
RPSFVERS= '1992a   '           / OGIP FITS format version
CCLS0001= 'BCF     '           / OGIP class for this dataset
CCNM0001= 'RPSF    '           / OGIP codename for this dataset
CDTP0001= 'DATA    '           / OGIP datatype for this dataset
CVSD0001= '20/02/93'           / Date when data becomes valid
CVST0001= '02:00:00'           / Time when data becomes valid
CDES0001= 'XRT Radial Point-Spread-Function dataset from Nagoya ray-tracing' /
CBD10001= 'THETA(0,25)arcmin'  /
CBD20001= 'PHI(0,45)deg'       /
CBD30001= 'ENERG(1,10)keV'     /


Information regarding on-line versions of any of the following references with an OGIP Memo number (i.e., documents starting OGIP/... or CAL/...) can most easily be found via the WorldWide Web by following the links from the HEASARC CALDB Document Library.
Most OGIP Calibration Memos of general community interest have appeared as articles in the HEASARC journal Legacy.
George, I.M., 1992. Legacy, 1, 56
George, I.M. & Zellar, R.S., 1992.
George, I.M., Zellar, R.S. & Pence, W., 1992.
George, I.M., Arnaud, K.A., Pence, W. & Ruamsuwan, L., 1992a.
George, I.M., et al., 1992b.


The following links may be useful:

7  Appendix

Table 3: Sample PRF and REEF files
CHANDRA HRMA ASC HDUCLAS1= 'RESPONSE' hrmaD1996-11-01wpsfN0001.fits
CHANDRA HRMA HDUCLAS1= 'RESPONSE' hrmaD1996-12-20reefN0001.fits
CHANDRA ACIS ASC HDUCLAS1= 'RESPONSE' acisi1998-11-052dpsf1N0002.fits
CHANDRA HRC ASC HDUCLAS1= 'RESPONSE' hrci1998-11-052dpsf1N0002.fits
Swift XRT swxpsf20010101v004.fits
Swift XRT swxeef20010101v001.fits
Suzaku XRT-I0 ae_xrt0_psf_20090605.fits
Fermi LAT OGIP HDUCLAS1= 'RESPONSE' psf_P6_v11_diff_front.fits
HDUVERS = '1.0.0 '

File translated from TEX by TTHgold, version 4.00.
On 4 Dec 2012, 11:58.