Calibration Memo CAL/GEN/92-008

Calibration Index Files
Ian M George, Bill Pence, Ron S Zellar and M. F. Corcoran
Greenbelt MD 20771

Original Version: 1995 Mar 01
Last update: 2020 Apr 20


This document discusses the role and format of Calibration Index Files (CIFs) within the Calibration Database (CALDB). Important HEASoft CALDB software tasks and CALDB library are described. We also reference documentation for the installation and maintenance of Calibration Database (CALDB) software & data at remote sites.
Intended audience: authors of analysis software needed to calibrate supported science data, and general users of HEASARC data.


Release Sections Notes
Date Changed
1993 Feb 22 - Original Version
1995 Mar 01 All Made compatible with LaTeX2HTML software
2004 Apr 01 All Made compatible with tth
2022 Apr 19 3.1.2 MFC: corrected CAL_VSD format to YYYY-MM-DD
2022 Apr 20 all MFC: general updates


In line with IAU and NASA policy, Calibration Index Files (CIFs) (and, all files within the OGIP1) are formatted using the Flexible Image Transport System (FITS; eg. see Wells et al. 1981, Griesen & Harten 1981). The files conform to the approved FITS standard, Version 4.0 from the IAU FITS Working Group.
Calibration Index Files serve as a FITS-formatted, simple database of valid files stored within a Calibration Database (CALDB). Due to various reasons, and as an aid to clarity, calibration data are stored in the CALDB as a relatively large number of small files. Each file usually contains a single aspect of calibration. Often, closely related datasets may be combined in a single FITS file to minimize disk space and for efficiency of access. In the event of a calibration update, the new calibration information will be written into a new file, which generally employs the same format as the outdated calibration file. Outdated calibration files are maintained in the CALDB  which allows a CALDB user to compare effects of new calibration on older results. The CIF allows a user to locate and retrieve valid calibration data from the CALDB for a given high-energy mission & instrument.
The CIF for a given mission & instrument is a FITS file containing a single BINTABLE extension which contains specific information for each of the extensions in a (FITS-formatted) file in the CALDB. The CIF also stores with information on the validity of that file for calibration of data. The FITS header of each calibration file extension contains header keywords defined by the HEASARC which specify necessary details concerning the contents, origin, validity times and type of calibration data and applicable calibration parameters (appropriate off-axis angles or temperature ranges, as common examples)
This document describes the format and use of CIFs as implemented in the CALDB. Section 2 describes the overall purpose and design of a CIF. Section 3 gives a description of the CIF format. Section 4 lists the mandatory keywords which need to be included for all calibration files to be indexed in a CIF. Section 5 briefly describes important software tasks and routines for creating CIFs, updating CIFs when new calibration files are produced, and accessing data from the CALDB using the CIF. Section 6 provides references to other relevant documentation.


NASA's High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) is dedicated to the proposition that all software should be as mission/detector independent as possible, to enable analysis of data in a multi-wavelength context with a minimal learning curve. This means that physically valid results should be obtainable through standard analysis of high-energy observations by non-expert users who may have minimal knowledge of the specifics of the instrument. The CALDB is designed to allow software to apply the appropriate instrumental calibrations for an observation on at a specified time under specific instrumental conditions. To this end, calibration filenames are not hardcoded into the analysis software (a deprecated practice common in the 1980's), but selected by the analysis software from the CALDB using standard CALDB software tools. In the case of calibration data, this policy obviously gives users & software greater flexibility in choosing which calibration data they wish to use. Although an effort is made to make data calibration and analysis as "turnkey" as possible, it is the ultimate responsibility of the user to ensure any calibration data they use is appropriate and gives physically realistic results. The HEASARC helpdesk is available to users to help answer questions about the data, calibration, or analysis, or to point the user to additional resources.

2.1  Design Requirements

Calibration Index Files (CIF) serve the following functions:
  1. To enable the HEASARC to keep track of the numerous calibration files within the archive.
  2. To provide users with a concise summary of the available calibration information.
  3. To enable analysis software to locate and retrieve required calibration information, either from a CALDB installed on a locally-mounted disk or remotely from the HEASARC CALDB.
To achieve these purposes, CIFs were designed with the following requirements:
  1. The format of the file must be FITS.
  2. The CIF must contain all the information necessary for software to uniquely locate the required file or files and calibration dataset stored therein (usually as one or more FITS extension).
  3. The CIFs should be stored in a standard location within the CALDB (but can be stored in other locations if necessary).
In order to simplify identification of and access to calibration information by users and software, a CIF must contain location and instrumental parameter information for the calibration files associated with a given instrument.

2.2  CALDB Management

A research scientist on staff at the HEASARC serves as CALDB Manager and is responsible for maintenance of CALDB data, software tools, documentation and web pages, including installation of new CIFS and calibration files when available and announcing availability of new calibration data to the user community. The HEASARC CALDB manager can be contacted at The name of the current CALDB manager at the HEASARC is given on the CALDB home page.
Users can manage local installations of the HEASARC CALDB themselves. The CALDB "supported missions" page has a list of all missions and instruments supported by the HEASARC CALDB, along with links to tar files of the calibration data for users to download and install. Updates and management of such local installations must be done by the user.
Management of a public CALDB (one accessed by more than a single user) for a given mission/instrument and modification of CIFs should be restricted. If a need arises for experimentation or customization, a CALDB can be copied to a user's local disk. To use a customized CALDB, a user would need to redefine the $CALDB environment to point to the local installation.

2.3  CIF Usage

The CIFs are in FITS format and hence accessible to users via standard FITS compatible software (like HEASoft and the python package). Both HEASoft and accept local and virtual file names, and so both can access information in CIFs stored locally or remotely on the internet.
Users can use standard CALDB software (the standalone caltools or lower-level subroutines in the callib subroutine libraries) to query, identify, manipulate and access CIFs and associated CALDB data. Users can also use other FTOOLS or other software packages to inspect, extract & manipulate the data file themselves, if desired.

2.4  Versioning

The CALDB is designed to preserve a record of previous calibration data, in order that the effects of updated calibrations can be compared to previous ones. To make such comparisons as easy as possible, the CALDB uses a simple versioning system. A given CALDB release is specified by a CIF which has a name of caldb.indxYYYYMMDD, where YYYYMMDD is the (4-digit) year, (2-digit) month and (2-digit) day corresponding to date of the CALDB release. The convention used by the HEASARC is to store these individual CIF files in an index/ subdirectory of the CALDB for a mission/instrument.
Since the standard CALDB access software (see Sec. 5) assumes that the current CIF is at the main directory of the CALDB for the mission and instrument, for example
the CIF in the main mission/instrument directory is a relative symbolic link to the latest CIF in the index subdirectory. For example, for the Swift XRT
$CALDB/data/swift/xrt/caldb.indx → index/caldb.indx20210915
where caldb.indx20210915 is the most recent version of the CIF as of this writing.


A Calibration Index File is a FITS file with a null primary array and a single BINTABLE extension. Each row within the extension refers to a single calibration dataset within a single extension in a single calibration file. The values inserted into the various columns of the BINTABLE originate either from the calibration file or are supplied by the installation software (crcif, udcif) as noted below. As stated above, when taken together each row of the CIF contains all the information for analysis software to identify, locate, and access a required calibration dataset.
The structure of a standard CIF is:
  No. Type     EXTNAME      BITPIX Dimensions(columns)      PCOUNT  GCOUNT

   0  PRIMARY                  8     0                           0    1
   1  BINTABLE CIF             8     947(18) 62                  0    1

      Column Name                Format     Dims       Units     TLMIN  TLMAX
      1 TELESCOP                   10A
      2 INSTRUME                   10A
      3 DETNAM                     20A
      4 FILTER                     10A
      5 CAL_DEV                    20A
      6 CAL_DIR                    70A
      7 CAL_FILE                   40A
      8 CAL_CLAS                   3A
      9 CAL_DTYP                   4A
     10 CAL_CNAM                   20A
     11 CAL_CBD                    630A70
     12 CAL_XNO                    I
     13 CAL_VSD                    10A
     14 CAL_VST                    8A
     15 REF_TIME                   D
     16 CAL_QUAL                   I
     17 CAL_DATE                   10A
     18 CAL_DESC                   70A

3.1  The INDEX BINTABLE Extension

The CALDB index for a given mission/instrument is located in the first extension of the CIF.

3.1.1  Extension Header

Besides the standard FITS keywords, the header contains the following (mandatory) keywords/values:

3.1.2  FITS BinTable Column Description

Table 1 defines the table columns in the CIF bintable extension (the first extension) of a calibration index file.
Table 1: Definitions of the columns in a Calibration Index File
Column Name Data Type Description Origin
TELESCOP 10-byte CHARACTER string The name of the telescope or mission to which the calibration data applies. See CAL/GEN/92-011 for a summary of available strings. TELESCOP keyword in the primary header of the indexed calibration file.
INSTRUME 10-byte CHARACTER string The name of the instrument on the telescope used for the observation to which the calibration data applies. The INSTRUME keyword in the primary HEADER of the indexed calibration file.
DETNAM 20-byte CHARACTER string Specifies the detector to which the calibration applies, if needed. If not needed, set to NONE. The DETNAM keyword in the appropriate extension header of the indexed calibration file extension.
FILTER 10-byte CHARACTER string The filter in use for the observation data to which the calibration data applies, if needed. A filter is defined as an optical element placed in front of a detector to alter the response/sensitivity of the detector. Value set to NONE if not needed for calibration. The FILTER keyword in the extension header of the indexed calibration file extension.
CAL_DEV 20-byte CHARACTER string Either ONLINE if the data are available on a mounted volume, or OFFLINE if the data have been stored on an unmounted volume. CAL_DEV applies to all extensions in the indexed calibration file. Defined by the creator of the CIF.
CAL_CLAS 3-byte CHARACTER string Either BCF, CPF or PCF if the indexed calibration file is a BASIC CALIBRATION FILE, a CALIBRATION PRODUCT FILE or a PRIMARY CALIBRATION FILE. See CAL/GEN/92-003 for discussion of these classes. Obtained from the value of the CCLSmmmm keyword in the calibration file
CAL_DIR 70-byte CHARACTER string Specifies the sub-directory location of the indexed calibration file relative to $CALDB/data/telescope/ instrume/CAL_CLAS. Defined by the creator of the CALDB
CAL_DTYP 4-byte CHARACTER string Specifies whether the calibration data consists of real data (DATA), or virtual data (VIRTUAL) Defined by the creator of the CIF
CAL_CNAM 20-byte CHARACTER string Specifies the OGIP codename which describes the type of calibration data in the calibration file extension Obtained from the CCNMxxxx keyword in the indexed calibration file extension
CAL_CBD A 9 element array of 70-byte CHARACTER strings Specifies the instrumental parameter boundaries for which the indexed calibration extension is appropriate Derived from the CBDnxxxx keyword in the header of the indexed calibration file extension
CAL XNO 2-byte integer Specifies the extension number of the indexed calibration file extension. An value of 0 (zero) is used to specify the primary image header. Derived from the extension number in the indexed FITS calibration file.
CAL_QUAL 2-byte INTEGER Specifies the validity of the indexed calibration data. A value of 0 (zero) means that the indexed calibration data are considered valid. A non-zero positive value indicates that the data should generally not be used to calibrate observations. Defined by the creator of the CIF
CAL_VSD 10-byte character string Gives the UTC start date when the indexed calibration is valid, in YYYY-MM-DD format. Specified by the creator of the CIF
CAL_VST 8-byte character string Gives the UTC start time when the indexed calibration is valid, in HH:MM:DD format. Specified by the creator of the CIF
REF_TIME 8-byte REAL The CAL_VSD and CAL_VST date and time converted to MJD Defined from CAL_VSD and CAL_VST
CAL_DATE 10-byte character string Date on which the file was installed in the CALDB, in YYYY-MM-DD formats Defined by the creator of the CIF
CAL_DESC 70-byte CHARACTER string Brief description the the data stored within the indexed extension Defined by the creator of the CIF


As noted in Section 3.1.2, in order to include a calibration data file in a CIF, the following keywords are mandatory in the header of any FITS extension containing calibration data: where xxxx is a number of the form 0001, 0002, 0003 etc. These keywords are further described, along with their allowed values in CAL/GEN/92-011, available on-line as pdf and html.
We recommend that the TELESCOP and INSTRUME keywords be present in the primary header of the file as well as in each extension. It is the responsibility of those supplying the files for inclusion in the CALDB to ensure that all other relevant keywords are present and correct, and that appropriate COMMENT and/or HISTORY keywords are supplied to identify and describe the dataset. It is also the responsibility of suppliers of calibration datasets to provide all necessary documentation concerning the origin, description, use and limitations of each dataset to the manager of the HEASARC CALDB. Send e-mail to for more information.


HEASoft caltools software includes tasks to create and access CIFs and the information indexed therein. The caltools are freely available to users as source code and pre-compiled binaries for common operating systems and are based on CFITSIO, a standard, widely-used library of C and Fortran subroutines for reading and writing FITS data files.

5.1  Creating & Modifying Calibration Index Files

There are two main caltools tasks used to create and modify calibration index files: crcif and udcif.
When updating a CIF using udcif, in order to preserve a record of past calibrations, the standard practice is to make a copy of the latest CIF in the index directory and update the new copy. For example, suppose there's a new release of the Swift XRT CALDB, to be released on 2023/01/31. In the index subdirectory directory, the CALDB manager should copy the previous version of the CIF to a new CIF with a new YYYYMMDD version in the index directory:
% cd $CALDB/data/swift/xrt/index
% cp caldb.indx20210915 caldb.indx20230131 

The CALDB manager should then update the caldb.indx20230131 file with the new calibration data using udcif, and after that's completed change the symbolic link to point to the new file:
% cd $CALDB/data/swift/xrt
% ln -fs caldb.indx index/caldb.indx20230131 

In general, the udcif update routine is sufficient for adding updated calibrations and invalidating older ones. There are special circumstances which can arise during CALDB maintenance when a user might desire to edit a CIF manually. This might include deleting an existing row from a CIF (not generally recommended), updating the quality flag for a row, correcting the CAL_VSD or CAL_VST values, or other changes. Calibration Index files can be edited with standard FITS file editors. The HEASoft tool fv provides a convenient way to edit any FITS file. Caution should be exercized when manually editing CIFS, however, since the contents and structure of the original CIF must be maintained (and checksums updated) in order to use the CIF to access the appropriate calibration data using standard caltools.

5.2  Finding Calibration Data

Users can search a CIF for calibration data for a given mission and instrument using the quzcif task in the caltools, a command-line interface to a CALDB. quzcif finds the rows in a CIF which meet the user-specified selection criteria. The filename field (with the complete directory path) and the extension number is printed for each dataset which satisfies the specified criteria.
If the user is accessing the HEASARC CALDB using remote access, the full URL of the files is returned. Note that quzcif can download remote files to the current working directory if the quzcif retrieve parameter is set to yes. For example, the following command would retrieve the response matrices for the NICER XTI using remote access to the HEASARC CALDB:
% quzcif mission=nicer instrument=xti detector=- filter=- codename=matrix \
          date=now time=now expr=- retrieve=yes
nixtirmfbase20170601v001.fits   2
nixtiref20170601v003.rmf   2

% ls nixtir*
nixtiref20170601v003.rmf	nixtirmfbase20170601v001.fits

assuming that the $CALDB environment variable is set to

5.3  Inquiry subroutines in the Calibration Library (callib)

The CALDB subroutine library, callib, includes low-level subroutines (in FORTRAN) which can be used in user-developed software to access calibration data from a CALDB:


Documentation describing the installation, maintenance and use of CIFs is provided in the HEASARC CALDB library: As stated above, in order to reduce disk-space and maintenance requirements, it is strongly recommended that remote users on clustered machines share a single local caldb, and that a single person be responsible for its maintenance.


We thank the numerous people, both inside and outside the OGIP, who have contributed ideas and suggestions.


Cotton, W.D. & Tody, D., 1992. In preparation.
George, I.M., 1992. Legacy, 1, 56, CAL/GEN/91-001
(available online in pdf and html versions).
George, I.M. & Zellar, R., 1993a. In preparation. (CAL/GEN/92-015)
George, I.M., Zellar, R., & Pence, W., 1993. OGIP Calibration Memo CAL/GEN/92-011
(available online in pdf and html versions).
George, I.M., Zellar, R., & Yusaf, R., 1993a. OGIP Calibration Memo CAL/SW/93-004
(available online in pdf and html versions).
George, I.M., Zellar, R., & Yusaf, R., 1993b. OGIP Calibration Memo CAL/SW/93-005
(available online in pdf and html versions).
Griesen, E.W. & Harten, R.H., 1981. Astron. Astrophys. Suppl., 44, 371.
Grosbol, P., Harten, R.H., Greisen, E.W. & Wells, D.C., 1988. Astron. Astrophys. Suppl., 73, 359.
Harten, R.H., Grosbol, P., Griesen, E.W. & Wells, D.C., 1988. Astron. Astrophys. Suppl., 73, 365.
Mukai, K., 1992. OGIP Memo OGIP/92-010.
Pence, W., 1992. Legacy, 1, 14..
Wells, D.C., Griesen, E.W. & Harten, R.H., 1981, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl., 44, 363.
Zellar, R. & George, I.M., 1992. In preparation. (CAL/GEN/92-014).


The following useful links are available (in the HTML version of this document only):


1The Office of Guest Investigator Services, or OGIP, was the office established at the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center which managed the HEASARC when the HEASARC was first established in 1990 as NASA's multi-mission archive for X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy.

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