OGIP Calibration Memo CAL/GEN/94-002

The Calibration Database User's Guide
Ian M George & Lorraine Breedon
Mail Codes 660.2 & 664,
Greenbelt, MD20771
Version: 1996 Sep 30


This document describes how a user should set up their account in order to use a local copy of the HEASARC calibration database.


This document is intended to provide a general User's Guide to their local copy of the HEASARC's calibration database system. Every attempt has been made to present the information in a clear, and (moderately) concise manner, and copious use of cross-referencing is made, although reference to other Calibration Memos etc is occasionally required.
All questions, comments and suggestions should be directed to:
or to a member of Team Caldb listed at the URL:
A printable version of this document can be obtained at:


Release Sections Changed Brief Notes
1994 Jan 21 First Public Release
1995 Jul 12 All Made compatible with LaTeX2HTML software
1995 Oct 13 All Updated and expanded
1996 Sep 30 All Clarifies in the line of user's questions
2004 Apr 01 All Made compatible with tth
2012 Aug 08 All minor typos/corrections


    1.1  Is a Local Caldb Available to Me?
    1.2  Do I really need Access to the Caldb
    2.1  Setting Up the Caldb Environment
        2.1.1  On unix/ultrix/osf systems
    2.2  Check the CALDB environment
    2.3  Mounting the CALDB Directories
    2.4  Final mission/instrument specific checks
    3.1  When to Customize
    3.2  How to Customize
    4.1  I don't understand anything
    4.2  Do I have FTOOLS?
    4.3  Why doesn't the FTOOLS installation set up a local Caldb ?


The HEASARC's calibration database (Caldb) system is a flexible, unix-based file system which stores and indexes FITS format calibration datasets. Essentially, the Caldb system is a relatively simple relational-database in which calibration datasets are linked to software via Calibration Index Files (CIFs). CIFs contain information for every dataset in the local Caldb and are read by the Caldb access software (the general user should not need to know any more, but if you're really keen and want further information on CIFs, see CAL/GEN/92-008).
Since a local Caldb can become very large (and there are some maintenance overheads), the HEASARC recommends that a site maintain only one local copy of the Calibration Database on a central file system, that this system is administered by a single 'local Caldb manager', and that the local Caldb be made available to multiple users at that site. Further information regarding the set-up and maintenance of a local Caldb is available in the OGIP Calibration Memos CAL/GEN/94-004 and CAL/GEN/92-015.
The Caldb access software is distributed through the FTOOLS software package. If a local caldb already exists at your site, most likely the FTOOLS software is also available to you. Again, the reader should verify that indeed FTOOLS are available at their institution and determine its location (see Section 4.2). It should be stressed that a local Caldb is NOT automatically set up by the FTOOLS installation (see Section 4.3 for more information).

1.1  Is a Local Caldb Available to Me?

The task caldbinfo distributed with the FTOOLS software package (starting with version 3.5)provides a simple test as to whether a local Caldb has been set-up and is accessible to you.
At the operating system prompt, type:
caldbinfo infomode=BASIC chatter=30
caldbinfo has additional functionality which may help should you experience problems at a latter time. Check-out the help file (type fhelp caldbinfo at the system prompt) for more information.

1.2  Do I really need Access to the Caldb

Caldb access is helpful for calibration and analysis of many of the high-energy missions archived at the HEASARC (notably CHANDRA, ROSAT, Swift, Suzaku, RXTE, and other missions listed on the Caldb "Supported Missions" web page.
Several FTOOLS tasks contain code which enables them to access a Caldb. Generally these tasks will contain a parameter for the calibration file(s) to be used. Entering the string caldb will inform the task that the Caldb is to be asked to supply the name & location of the appropriate calibration files. If you do not have access to a local Caldb, then clearly you will have to find the appropriate file (which can be far from trivial) and supply the name of that file via the appropriate XPI parameter.
It's important to note that you don't necessarily need to download or maintain a local version of the Caldb. Most FTOOLS which support Caldb access also support Remote Access to the HEASARC Caldb. For more information on remotely accessing the HEASARC Caldb, please see the Remote Access Webpage, http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/heasarc/caldb/caldb_remote_access.html.
In short Caldb access is not required, but it can make your life easier. It is relatively trivial to set up Caldb access (either by accessing a local copy of the Caldb, or accessing the HEASARC's caldb over the internet) and will make the running of many tasks much less painful.


There are two basic requirements for a user to be able to use their local Caldb:

2.1  Setting Up the Caldb Environment

The Caldb environment is a set of user-defined environment variables which point to Calibration Index Files (CIFs). CIFs contain calibration information for every dataset in the Caldb and are read by the Caldb access software (for further information on CIFs, see CAL/GEN/92-008). The Caldb environment can be set up by sourcing the appropriate caldbinit file as explained below.
At the present time, the caldbinit file defines the following environment variables: These files should have been edited appropriately by your local Caldb manager, and only users wishing to customize a personal caldb will have to worry about its contents (see Section 3).

2.1.1  On unix/ultrix/osf systems

Linux or Unix:
If you are using a machine running unix/linux,and want to use your local Caldb directly from your operating system, add the following line to your .login file:
source path/caldbinit.csh
(if you are running c-shell or t-shell), or
source path/caldbinit.sh
(if you are running the Bourne shell), where path is the path to the directory in which the caldbinit file is kept. Generally it is recommended that this path is /caldb/software/tools, however your local Caldb manager may have chosen to put the caldbinit.unix file somewhere else. If you are unable to locate the appropriate caldbinit file, contact your local Caldb manager.
After this line has been added to your .login file, source that file (source $HOME\.login) or logout & login again.

2.2  Check the CALDB environment

One can verify that the CALDB environment has successfully been set-up by repeating the test using the FTOOLS software package caldbinfo outlined in Section 1.1, namely at the operating system prompt, type:
caldbinfo infomode=BASIC chatter=30

2.3  Mounting the CALDB Directories

Check that you are able to see your local Caldb directories & files from your account. In Section 1.1 (and/or Section 2.2), you were requested to run the FTOOL caldbinfo as follows:
caldbinfo infomode=BASIC chatter=30
amongst the output should be the lines:
 ...... environ-var/logical CALDB defined
 .........   CALDB path = path
The location path is the path to the top-level of your local Caldb.
Check that this file-system is visible to you.

2.4  Final mission/instrument specific checks

Finally, do should check that your local Caldb is actually set up for the specific mission/instrument in which you're interested. Total flexibility is given to local Caldb Managers regarding which mission/instruments they include within their local Caldb (primarily for disk-space reasons).
Again, using the FTOOLS software package caldbinfo, but with the infomode parameter set to infomode=INST, you can check your local Caldb is set up for your favourite mission/instrument. At the operating system prompt, type:
caldbinfo infomode=INST chatter=30


The Caldb system is moderately flexible such that some degree of customization of a user's set-up is available. However such customization is only recommended for advanced users who fully understand the implications. It is intended that the standard set-up described in Section 2 will satisfy the needs of general users.

3.1  When to Customize

Essentially, the customization involves construction a personal copy of one or more CIFs in order to be able to add to or replace standard calibration datasets with personal copies. Following the customization, these CIFs will be used instead of the standard CIFs available as part of the local Caldb. This is achieved by re-defining the environment variable (or logicals) by which the caldb software locates the relevant files such as to point to some/all files not in a user's official local Caldb. Users effectively become local Caldb managers of a personal Caldb (though they may share some - but not all - datasets with their official local Caldb).
Such customization is recommended only for users who All other users are strongly advised to use the standard set-up described in Section 2.

3.2  How to Customize

As stated in Section 2: Under the standard set-up, both CALDB and CALDBCONFIG are defined in the caldbinit file (see Section 2.1).
Customization requires defining the Caldb environment variable CALDB to the appropriate top-level directory pointing to the top-level directory containing the desired Caldb data. Also if necessary the CALDBCONFIG file may need to have an entry added to point to the new Calibration Index File. Consult the HEASARC Caldb Manager for more details or assistance.


4.1  I don't understand anything

No problem, we'll help you. Don't be shy, just contact us via one of the routes given in Section 5.

4.2  Do I have FTOOLS?

All the Caldb access software is distributed through the FTOOLS software package. Again, the reader should verify that indeed FTOOLS are available at their institution and determine its location. The easiest way to check for FTOOLS is to type the following at the operating system prompt:
fhelp ftools

4.3  Why doesn't the FTOOLS installation set up a local Caldb ?

The FTOOLS installation does NOT automatically include the setting up of a local Caldb. The reasons for this are:


You can always get help at the HEASARC Feedback page, http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/Feedback. Please choose the "Calibration Data Base" mailing list from the pull-down menu.


The following useful links are available (in the HTML version of this document only):

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