ROSAT Guest Observer Facility
The ROSAT Bibliography

The following citations were drawn from a search of the ADS on-line database, or brought to our attention by the authors. If your paper is not listed in this bibliography, (or in previous issues of the ROSAT Newsletter), please fe-mail your reference to Natalie Anderson ( for inclusion in the next issue.

Due to the present size of the ROSAT publication bibliography (>1400 items), it is not listed here in its entirety. To obtain a copy of the full list, you can access it at the anonymous FTP site on legacy under: rosat/biblio/ads_bibliography.rosat or you can search the www at: and select "ROSAT References from the ADS database"

To conduct your own search of the NASA Astrophysical Data System (ADS), Abstract Service, then goto the url:

Typing "ROSAT" into the Title, Keyword, and Abstract boxes, you will give you an up to date listing.

Recent ROSAT Publications:

Banas, K.R.; Hughes, J. P. "The Association of Supernova Remnants and Molecular Clouds in the Large Magellanic Cloud" Bull. Amer. Astr. Soc., submitted

Brunner, H.; Westphal, H.; Weimer, S. "Deep ROSAT observation of Abell 1795" NATO ASI Conference on Cosmological Aspects of X-ray Clusters of Galaxies, Velen, Germany, Jun. 6 - 18, 1993

Brunner, H.; Weimer, S.; Westphal, H.; Staubert, R. "ROSAT observation of Abell 1795: Temperature and mass profile" Proc. of 1st Annual ROSAT Science Symposium and Data Analysis Workshop, College Park, Maryland, USA, Nov. 8 - 10, 1993

Brunner, H.; Dörrer, T.; Friedrich, P.; Lamer, G.; Staubert:, R. "ROSAT Observations of an optical quasar survey field" Proc. IAU Symp.159 on Active Galactic Nuclei across the Electromagnetic Spectrum, Geneva, Switzerland, 30.8.-3.9.1993, (Edts. T.J.-L. Courvoisier and A. Blecha), 1994, p.368

Brunner, H. "ROSAT observations of an optical quasar survey field" Proceed. 1st Annual ROSAT Science Symposium, College Park, Maryland, USA, Nov. 8 - 10, 1993

Brunner, H.; Friedrich, P.; Staubert, R.; Zimmermann, H.-U.; Schartel, N.; Fink; H.H; "Soft X-ray spectra of radio-loud quasars; first results from the ROSAT survey" Proceed. Conf. on Physics of Active Galactic Nuclei, Heidelberg, Germany, June 3 - 7, 1991, p. 77

Brunner, H.; Friedrich, P.; Zimmermann, H.-U.; Staubert; R. "Spectra of radio-loud quasars observed in the ROSAT XRT All Sky Survey" Conference on X-ray Emission from AGN and the Cosmic X-ray Background, Garching, Germany, Nov. 4 - 8, 1991, eds. W. Brinkmann and J. Trümper, MPE report 235, p. 198

Brunner, H.; Lamer, G.; Worrall, D. M.; Staubert, R.; "X-ray spectra of a complete sample of extragalactic core-dominatedradio sources" Astronomy and Astrophysics 287 (1994) 436

Buhler, P.; Courvoisier, T.L-L.; Staubert, R. "Beamed X-rays in radio-loud quasars" Astronomy & Astrophysics 287 (1994) 433

Bühler, P.; Courvoisier, T.J.-L.; Staubert, R.; Brunner, H.; Lamer, G. "ROSAT spectra of quasars" Proc. IAU Symp.159 on Active Galactic Nuclei across the Electromagnetic Spectrum, Geneva, Switzerland, 30.8.-3.9.1993, (Edts. T.J.-L. Courvoisier and A. Blecha), 1994, p.369

Bühler, P.; Courvoisier, T. J.-L; Staubert, R.; Brunner, H.; Lamer, G. "ROSAT spectra of quasars" Astronomy & Astrophysics 295 (1995) 309

Buote, D. A., & Tsai, J. C. 1996 "Quantifying the Morphologies and Dynamical Evolution of Galaxy Clusters. II. Application to a Sample of ROSAT Clusters" ApJ, 458, 27

Buote, D. A., & Canizares, C. R. 1996 "X-ray Constraints on the Intrinsic Shapes and Baryon Fractions of Five Abell Clusters" ApJ, 457, 565

Buote, D. A., & Canizares, C. R. 1996 "X-ray Constraints on the Intrinsic Shape of the Lenticular Galaxy NGC 1332" ApJ, 457, 177

Buote, D. A., & Canizares, C. R. 1994 "Geometric Evidence for Dark Matter: X-ray Constraints on the Mass of the Elliptical Galaxy NGC 720" ApJ, 427, 86

Dörrer, T.; Friedrich, P.; Brunner, H.; Staubert, R.; "UV to X-ray AGN accretion disk spectra: model fitting of IUE and ROSAT All Sky Survey data" Conference on X-ray Emission from AGN and the Cosmic X-ray Background, Garching, Germany, Nov. 4 - 8, 1991, eds. W. Brinkmann and J. Trmper, MPE report 235, p. 130

Dörrer, T.; Riffert, H.; Ruder, H.; Staubert; R. "Vertical Structure and spectrum of accretion disks in Active Galactic Nuclei" Astronomy & Astrophysics, Nov. 1995, in press

Done, C.; Pounds, K.A.; Nandra, K.; Fabian, A.C. "The Complex Variable Soft X-ray Spectrum of NGC5548" MNRAS, 1995, 275, 417

Friedrich, P.; Brunner, H.; Dörrer, T.; Staubert:, R. "ROSAT All Sky Survey spectra of AGN; constraints on accretion disks" Proc. IAU Symp.159 on Active Galactic Nuclei across the Electromagnetic Spectrum, Geneva, Switzerland, 30.8.-3.9.1993, (Edts. T.J.-L. Courvoisier and A. Blecha), 1994, p.374

Friedrich, S.; Staubert, R.; Lamer, G.; König, M.; Geckeler, R.; Bässgen, M.; Kollatschny, W.; Streicher, R.; James, S. D.; Sood; R. K.; "RX J1940.1-1025 -- A new asynchronous AM Her system" Astronomy & Astrophysics 1995, in press

Gorenstein, P.; Hughes, J. P.; Tucker, W. H. "Detection of X-rays from SN 1987A with ROSAT" The Soft X-Ray Cosmos, ROSAT Science Symposium, eds. E. M. Schlegel and R. Petre, 1994, 205

Harrus, I.; Hughes, J. P. "An X-Ray Study of the Supernova Remnant W44" Bull. Amer. Astr. Soc., 1994, 26, 1429

Hughes, J. P. "A New Transient Pulsar in the Small Magellanic Cloud with an Unusual X-ray Spectrum" 1994, 427, L25.

Hughes, J. P. "A New X-Ray-Discovered Cluster of Galaxies Associated with CL0016+16" The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 1995, 448, L93

Hughes, J. P. "A New X-Ray-Discovered Cluster of Galaxies Associated with CL0016+16" Bull. Amer. Astr. Soc., 1994, 26, 1395

Hughes, J. P.; Birkinshaw, M. "Complex Spatial Structures in Sunyaev-Zel'-dovich Decrement Ckusters Abell 665 and CL0016+16" The Soft X-Ray Cosmos, ROSAT Science Symposium, eds., E. M. Schlegel and R. Petre, 1994, 378

Hughes, J. P.; Smith, R. C. "Discovery of Be/X-ray Stars in Two Supernova Remnants in the Small Magellanic Cloud" The Astronomical Journal, 1994, 107, 1363

Hughes, J. P. "ROSAT HRI Observations of Magellanic Cloud Supernova Remnants" The Soft X-Ray Cosmos, ROSAT Science Symposium, eds. E. M. Schlegel and R. Petre, 1994, 144

Hughes, J. P.; Birkinshaw, M. "The Distance to CL0016+16 and the Hubble Constant" Bull. Amer. Astr. Soc., 1995, submitted

Hughes, J. P.; Birkinshaw, M. "X-Ray Observations of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Decrement Clusters Abell 665 and CL0016+16" Proceedings of the 37th Yamada Conference, Evolution of the Universe and its Observational Quest, ed., K. Sato, 1993 in press

Kreysing, H.-C.; Brunner, H.; Staubert; R. "A ROSAT XUV Pointed Phase Source Catalogue" Astronomy & Astrophysics Supl. 114 (1995) 465

Kreysing, H.C.; Diesch, C.; Zweigle, J.; Staubert, R.; Grewing, M.; Hasinger, G.

"Extended X-ray emission from Planetary Nebulae" Astronomy & Astrophysics 264 (1992), 623

Kreysing, H.C. "Röntgenstrahlung von Planetarischen Nebeln - ROSAT Beobachtungen und deren Interpretation" Dissertation, Universitït Tübingen, Juli 1992

Lamer, G.; Bunner, H.; Staubert, R.

"ROSAT Observations of bright BL Lacertae objects" Proc. IAU Symp.159 on Active Galactic Nuclei across the Electromagnetic Spectrum, Geneva, Switzerland, 30.8.-3.9.1993,

(Edts. T.J.-L. Courvoisier and A. Blecha), 1994, p.377

Lamer, G.; Brunner, H.; Staubert. R. "ROSAT observations of BL Lacertae objects" Astronomy & Astrophysics, Nov. 1995, in press

Lamer, G.; Brunner, H.; Staubert, R. "ROSAT Observations of BL Lacertae Objects" Proc. Summer School L'Aquila, Sep. 1994

Lamer, G.; Staubert, R.; Brunner; H. "Source content of a deep pointed ROSAT observation at very low NH" Conference on X-ray Emission from AGN and the Cosmic X-ray Background" Garching, Germany, Nov. 4 - 8, 1991, eds. W. Brinkmann and J. Trümper, MPE report 235, p. 220

Lamer, G.; Brunner, H.; Staubert, R. "X-ray spectra of BL Lac objects from the ROSAT archive" Proceed. Röntgenstrahlung from the Universe, Würzburg, 25-29. 9.1995

Lichti, G. G.; Balonek, T.; Courvoisier, T.J.-L; Johnson, N.; McConnell, M.; McNamara, B.; von Montigny, C.; Paciesas, W.; Robson, E. I.; Sadun, A.; Schalinski, C.; Smith, A. G.; Staubert, R.; Steppe, H.; Swanenburg, B. N.; Turner, M. J. L.; Ulrich, M.-H.; Williams, O.R. "Simultaneous and quasi-simultaneous observations of the continuum emission of the quasar 3C 273 from radio to g-ray energies" Astronomy & Astrophysics 298 (1995) 711

Madejski, G.M.; Done, C.; Turner, T.J.; Mushotzky, R.F.; Fiore, F.; Serlemitsos, P.; Sikora, M.; Begelman, N.; "Solving the Mystery of the Periodicity in NGC6814" Nature, 1993, 325, 626

Martin, C.L.; Kennicutt, R.C., Jr. "Soft X-Ray Emission fro NGC 5253 and the Ionized Interstallar Medium" 1995ApJ, 447, 171

McClintock, J.E.; Horne, K.; Remillard, R. A. "The Dim Inner Accretion Disk of the Quiescent Black Hole A0620-00" The Astrophysical Journal, 442:358-365, 1995 March 20

McHardy, I. M.; Papadakis, I.; Leach, C. M.; E.I. Robson, E. I.; Junor, W.; Staubert, R.; Steppe, H.; Gear, W.K. "Correlated X-ray and millimetre variability of the blazar 3C 273" Proc. IAU Symp.159 on Active Galactic Nuclei across the Electromagnetic Spectrum, Geneva, Switzerland, 30.8.-3.9.1993, (Edts. T.J.-L. Courvoisier and A. Blecha), 1994, p.193

McHardy, I.M.; Green, A.R.; Done, C.; Puchnarewicz, E.M.; Mason, K.O.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Jones, M. H. "Low Energy X-ray Spectral Variability of NGC4051" MNRAS, 1995, 273, 549

Pflüger, B.; Otterbein, K.; Staubert; R. "The X-ray sky around 3C 273" Astronomy & Astrophysics 1995, in press (Feb. 1996)

Pounds, K.A.; Done, C.; Osborne, J.P. "RE 1034+39 -- A High State Seyfert Galaxy?" MNRAS, 1995, 277, 5

Predehl, P.; Friedrich, S.; Staubert, R.; "ROSAT observation of GX 1+4" Astronomy & Astrophysics 294 (1995) L33

Riffert, H.; Dörrer, T.; Staubert, R.; Ruder, H."The vertical structure of the accretion disk in AGN" Proc. IAU Symp.159 on Active Galactic Nuclei across the Electromagnetic Spectrum, Geneva, Switzerland, 30.8.-3.9.1993, (Edts. T.J.-L. Courvoisier and A. Blecha), 1994, p.478

Rother, F.; Brunner, H.; Maisack, M.; Staubert; R. "ROSAT observations of radio-loud AGN" Proceed. Röntgenstrahlung from the Universe, Würzburg, 25-29. 9.1995

Singh, K. P.; Szkody, P.; Barrett, P.; White, N. E.; Fierce, E.; Silber, A.; Hoard, Hakala, P. J.; Piirola, V.; Sohl, K. "A New Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable: WGA J1047.11+6335" Astrophysics Journal Letters, 1995, 453, L95

Singh, K. P.; Drake, S. A.; White, N. E. "A Study of Coronal X-ray Emission from Short-Period Algol Binaries" Astrophysics Journal, 1995, 445, 840

Singh, K. P.; Barrett, P.; White, N. E.; Giommi, P.; Angelini, L.; :The Softest X-ray Sources in the ROSAT Pointed Catqalog: WGCAT" Astrophysics Journal, 1995, 455, 000 (12/20/95)

Slane, P.; Hughes, J.P.; "ROSAT High Spatial Resolution Observations of Kepler's Supernova Remnant" Bull. Amer. Astr. Soc., 1992, 24, 1196

Staubert, R.; König, M.; Friedrich, S.; Lamer, G.; Sood, R. K.; James, S. D.; Sharma, D. P. "On the newly discovered 3.4 hour modulated X-ray source (RX J1940.1-1025) near NGC 6814" Astronomy & Astrophysics 288 (1994) 513

Staubert, R.; "Recent results on 3C 273; Conference on X-ray Emission from AGN and the Cosmic X-ray Background" Garching, Germany, Nov. 4 - 8, 1991, eds. W. Brinkmann and J. Trümper, MPE report 235, p. 42

Staubert, R.; Friedrich, S.; Bössgen, M.; Sood, R. K.; James, S. D.; Kollatschny, W. "RX J1940.1-1025" IAUC 5901, Dez. 1993

Staubert, R.; Friedrich, S.; Lamer, G.; König, M.; Geckeler, R.; Sood, R. "RX J1940.1-1025 - an asynchronous magnetic CV" Proceed. Cape Workshop on Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables, Cape Town, South Africa, 23.-27. Jan. 1995, PASP in press

Staubert, R.; Courvoisier, T. J.-L.; Fink, H.; Ulrich, M.-H.; Brunner, H.; Friedrich, S.; Otterbein, K. "Spectral variability of 3C 273 at soft X-rays" Proc. IAU Symp.159 on Active Galactic Nuclei across the Electromagnetic Spectrum, Geneva, Switzerland, 30.8.-3.9.1993, (Edts. T.J.-L. Courvoisier and A. Blecha), 1994, p.382

Staubert, R.; Friedrich, S.; Geckeler, R.; Lamer, G.; König, M. "The new non-synchronous AM Her system RX J1940.1-1025" Proceed. Röntgenstrahlung from the Universe, Würzburg, 25-29. 9.1995

Staubert, R.; Fink, H. H.; Courvoisier, T. J.-L.; Ulrich, M.-H.; Brunner, H.; Zimmermann, U.; Kendziorra, E.; Otterbein, K. "The X-ray spectrum of 3C 273 as observed with ROSAT" Proceed. 2nd Annual October Astrophysics Conference in Maryland Testing the AGN Paradigm, College Park, Maryland, USA, Oct. 14 -16, 1991, p. 366

Szkody, P.; Silver, A.; Hoard, D. W.; Fierce, E.; Singh, K. P.; Barrett, P.; Schlegel, E.Piirola, V, "Identification of the Soft X-ray Source J1802.1=1804 with a New Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable", Astrophysics Journal Letters, 1995, 455, L43

Vancura, O.; Hughes, J.P.; Gorenstein, P. "Comparative X-ray Studies of the Tycho and Cas A Supernova Remnants" Bull. Amer. Astr. Soc., 1993, 25, 785

Walter, F.M.; Wolk, S. J.; Neuhäuser, R. "Discovery of a Nearby Isolated Neutron Star" Nature, 1996, 379, p. 233

Warwick, R.S.; Done, C.; Smith, D.A.; "The Soft X-ray Spectrum of NGC4151 revisited" MNRAS, 1995, 275, 1003

Zimmermann, H. U.; Voges, W.; Petre, R.; Watson, M.; Brunner, H. "Data from the X-ray Observatory ROSAT" in Databases & On-line Data in Astronomy, eds. M.A. Albrecht and D. Egret, 1994

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Curator: Michael Arida (ADNET)
HEASARC Guest Observer Facility

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