The Extended Source Analysis Software (ESAS) package has been significantly updated with new functionality added. Output images now have considerably more complete information in the FITS headers. Software has also been added to cast count images, exposure maps, and modeled particle-background maps for HRI observations, as well as to mosaic multiple exposures in a region. As with previous programs in the ESAS package, the new ones are stand-alone FORTRAN 77 routines relying on FITSIO to access the data in observation data sets. The new software has been extensively used locally but is still in beta-site testing, so any bugs or suggestions should be reported to Snowden (snowden@lheavx.gsfc.nasa.gov). The software, along with a cookbook (cookbook.tex) and README file, is located in the legacy anonymous ftp area /rosat/software/fortran/sxrb.
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