A more complete description of the facilities available at the ROSAT Guest Observer Facility (GOF) is available in previous issues of the ROSAT Newsletter. Use of the GOF should be pre-booked to assure an available workstation. Walk-ins are accommodated as long as the GOF is not completely full.
To book the GOF, contact:
Michael Arida
Code 664
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Internet: arida@rosserv.gsfc.nasa.gov
Phone: (301) 286-2291
Fax: 301-286-1684
Remote Users:
A remote help desk will provide help with software distribution and installation, problems with pipeline output, advice on data analysis problems and bug reports. This help desk is accessed via the Feedback form.
Remote users are fully supported, with Dan Harris as coordinator for ROSAT user activities at CfA. Questions about data or analysis, or remote user problems with the "PROS" software should be directed to rsdc@cfa.harvard.edu.
RSDC and GOF Staff At GSFC
Rob Petre - Project Scientist Phone: (301) 286-3844
E-mail: petre@lheavx.gsfc.nasa.gov
Steve Snowden - Duty Scientist Phone: (301) 286-8100
E-mail: snowden@lheavx.gsfc.nasa.gov
Rich Pisarski - U.S. ROSAT Science Data Phone: (301) 286-9392
Center Manager. Directs data processing, E-mail: pisarski@rsdps.gsfc.nasa.gov
archiving, and distribution of data.
Jane Turner - General observer support; Phone: (301) 286-5190
ROSAT bulletins. E-mail: turner@lheavx.gsfc.nasa.gov
Mike Corcoran - General observer support; Phone: (301) 286-5576
Data archive. E-mail: corcoran@lheavx.gsfc.nasa.gov
Pat Tyler - Database support including Phone: (301) 286-3566
observation log. E-mail: tyler@heagip.gsfc.nasa.gov
Margo Duesterhaus - Proposal Manager Phone: (301) 286-3569
E-mail: duesterhaus@rosat.gsfc.nasa.gov
Michael Arida - Observer support; Phone: (301) 286-2291
anonymous ftp area. E-mail: arida@rosserv.gsfc.nasa.gov
Minhthuyen Nguyen - Grant and contract Phone: (301) 286-1512
administration. E-mail: nguyen@rosat.gsfc.nasa.gov
Banashree Seifert - Ftool support. Phone: (301) 286-5307
E-mail: mitra@lheavx.gsfc.nasa.gov
Stephan Fantasia - Observer support; Phone: (301) 286-4944
proposal support. E-mail: fantasia@lheavx.gsfc.nasa.gov
Sumant Krishnaswamy - SASS processing Phone: (301) 286-9172
E-mail: sumant@rsdps.gsfc.nasa.gov
Kenton Adams - System Administration, Phone: (301) 286-4868
programming support E-mail: adams@rsdps.gsfc.nasa.gov
Michael Black - SASS Data processing & Phone: (301) 286-9523
tape backups E-mail: black@rsdps.gsfc.nasa.gov
Jeff Mullins - General programming support, Phone: (301) 286-9152
Database administration E-mail: mullins@rsdps.gsfc.nasa.gov
Diana Taggart - Lead SASS data processor Phone: (301) 286-0825
E-mail: taggart@rsdps.gsfc.nasa.gov
Maia Good - SASS software and data base Phone: (301) 286-5042
support E-mail: good@rsdps.gsfc.nasa.gov
Angela Panizari - SASS processing and data Phone: (301) 286-2381
distribution E-mail: panizari@ssvs.gsfc.nasa.gov
Judy Chen - HOPR & PROS Programmer, Phone: (617) 495-7133
hotseat. E-mail: jchen@cfa.harvard.edu
Dan Harris - ROSAT Results Archive, hotseat. Phone: (617) 495-7148
E-mail: harris@cfa.harvard.edu
John Silverman - Hotseat, UV cal, V&V Phone: (617) 496-7716
Rosat Results Archive. E-mail: jsilverman@cfa.harvard.edu
Saeqa Vrtilek - ROSAT Results Archive, Phone: (617) 495-7094
hotseat. E-mail: svrtilek@cfa.harvard.edu
Belinda Wilkes - Hotseat. Phone: (617) 495-7268
E-mail: belinda@cfa.harvard.edu
Select another edition of the ROSAT Newsletter
HEASARC Guest Observer Facility
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