The ROSAT Users' Handbook
The ROSAT Users' Handbook (RUH) was released in October of 1994. It is available through the ROSAT anonymous ftp account on heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov in the directory /rosat/doc/users_handbook and on the WWW (see the section on the WWW on page 8 in this newsletter). The handbook is intended to provide both a general introduction and overview of the ROSAT mission as well as detailed information about the scientific instruments and their operation. A few sections of the RUH remain incomplete and will be added later.
The ROSAT Data Products Guide
The ROSAT Data Products Guide has been updated to reflect Rev2 RDF data sets. It is available through the ROSAT anonymous ftp account on heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov in the directory /rosat/doc/data_prod_guide.
"Appendix F"
The ROSAT Mission Descrption, the old Appendix F of previous AOs, is now available through the ROSAT anonymous ftp account on legacy in the directory /rosat/doc/appendix_f and the WWW (see the section on the WWW on page 8 in this newsletter). Due to the fact that most of the figures were scanned (note that all are not yet available), the entire document requires a great deal of memory (>15 Mbytes and growing). Appendix F has been set up with figures embedded as postscript files in the LaTeX documents. However, because of the size of the figures, dummy postscript files have been provided which will allow the figure captions to be printed. This allows the user to download only those figures which are desired.