ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

ROSAT Status report #100:

August 1st 1994

Redistribution of MPE Report #30>



No major problems were encountered during the last month.


The AO4 timeline runs through October 3, 1994. Afterwards, the first AO5 observations will be inserted into the ROSAT mission timeline. The first leg of the AO5 timeline will run through April 11, 1995. We anticipate providing the AO5 timeline by the end of August.


In the last ROSAT NEWS, it was stated that the Guest Observer Program for the PSPC detector had officially ended in early July. The small amount of residual gas is left for a few Super TOO's (target of opportunity observations). Therefore, all high priority (A,B) PSPC observations that could not be completed to at least 70 percent now will be officially closed. The closing date for still incomplete observations will be set to August 1, 1994. Thus, these data will become public in August 1995 (at least 1 year after data have been distributed). Possible additional time for incomplete PSPC observations in connection with future Super TOO's are 'lucky extras', but do not influence the decision that data from now incomplete PSPC observations will become public as stated above.


As already announced, this year's ROSAT Workshop III will be held at MPE on October 26 and 27 (Wednesday & Thursday). The opportunity to present and discuss recent ROSAT results, to speak on data evaluation and interpretation issues with a large expert community is a unique chance. We therefore hope for a similar interest as experienced in the past two years.

To facilitate our planning, please fill out the registration form provided below, which you can retrieve from the ROSAT Service Area (general/workshop.form).


A new release of EXSAS has been placed in the ROSAT Service Area and can be retrieved from there. All EXSAS site managers registered with us have been notified how to do so.


                           REGISTRATION FORM

              for the R O S A T  Users'  W o r k s h o p 

on October 26/27 1994 at the MPI fuer Extraterrestrische Physik in Garching

Begin: October 26 at 9:00         End: October 27 at about 17.00

Name, First Name: ........................................................

Institute:        ........................................................

Address:          ........................................................

E-mail Address:   ........................................................

Telephone No.:    ........................................................

I will participate at the Workshop ..........     .. (please tick)
                                     definitely     no

Please reserve a Hotel room    from  ..............  until  ..................

Title of my talk (about 15 min.) - if appropriate:


Please return this form as soon as possible:

per email:        (Internet) 
                  MPE::ROSAT_SVC                       (SPAN) 
per FAX:          089-3299-3569
per letter        Wissenschaftliches Datenzentrum - ROSAT
                  MPI fuer Extraterrestrische Physik
                  Postfach 1603
                  85740 Garching

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Curator: Michael Arida (ADNET)
HEASARC Guest Observer Facility

Please use the Feedback link if you have questions on ROSAT.

This file was last modified on Tuesday, 12-Apr-2011 16:56:36 EDT

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