ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

ROSAT Status Report # 93:

May 4, 1994

Note: This report is from the ROSAT Scientific Data Center at the Max-Planck Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik (MPE)



With the exception of one longer break (April 25 to 28) the satellite has performed quite stably throughout the past month.


One hundred seventy-nine proposals for ROSAT AO-5 observations were submitted to MPE. The corresponding numbers on the US and UK side are 160 and 58, respectively. The oversubscription in time is more than 4:1 on the German ROSAT time.

The preparations for the timeline of the rest of the AO-4 observations has begun. The timeline covering the rest of AO-4 is expected to be available in the middle of May; AO-5 observations are expected to commence in October 1994.


During the last weeks we have started to make the ROSAT Service Area also available through 'world wide web (www)' services like Mosaic. This very comfortable interface (comfortable if adequate network capacities are present) offers an easy-to-use alternative to the usual anonymous ftp channel.

More info on Mosaic can be obtained by reading the file in directory general.

Note: The MPE World Wide Web (WWW) area is also accessible via the Goddard Space Flight Center ROSAT GOF page.

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Curator: Michael Arida (ADNET)
HEASARC Guest Observer Facility

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This file was last modified on Tuesday, 14-Sep-1999 11:47:04 EDT

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