ROSAT Status Report #95:
June 21 1994
Accepted target list for AO5
The list of targets accepted for AO5 is now available from anonymous ftp
on from /rosat/timelines/ao5.targets.
Other ftp update information
- Latest HRI & PSPC "detailed" timelines from MPE were installed in
/rosat/timelines. Files have names "ao4pt4_hri.timeline" and
- MPE SASS bug report "bugs.sass_pspc" was added to /rosat/doc/pspc.
- New "archive_intro" files replaced the previous versions in
/rosat/doc/ archive area.
- New postscript file replaced previous version of
/rosat/doc/pspc/on_axis_psf/ (some users had reported
problems printing the old versions).
- Updated version of "cookbook.tex" added to S. Snowden
/rosat/publications/diff_bkgrd/temp area.
- Mission Short-term timelines are updated every week, on Mondays.

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