ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

ROSAT Status Report # 99

July 27 1994

Contents: Hints & Pointers for PROS Users


The PROS USERS GUIDE (PUG) has been updated to conform to PROS vs. 2.3.1 (released 24 June 1994). This issue of the PUG differs from previous versions because, in addition to the traditional versions (LaTeX, Postscript, or a paper copy), it is also accessible via the World Wide Web (WWW), i.e. with software tools such as Mosaic. Because the on-line version can be corrected from time to time, we hope to keep it more current than was done previously. Therefore, we recommend that whenever possible, the WWW version be used. To facilitate keeping track of what you access, the cover page will have both a a PROS version number and the date of the last modification. When sending us comments, please mention both of these items.


Both LaTeX and postscript files will be placed in /pub/pros/PUG in our anonftp area (see bottom of this message). If you cannot ftp to our site, we will mail you a hardcopy on request to the address below.


While there may be some initial problems, we have high hopes that the WWW version will prove to be popular and not difficult to maintain. We realize that in this first experimental version, we have not availed ourselves of all possible features; e.g. eventually we plan to add links to the IRAF help files whenever a task is mentioned. Please send comments and corrections to the address below. When sending email, please put "PUG" in the subject line. To access the PUG, click on "Pros Users Guide" on the PROS home page, which can be reached via WWW with the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of:

This PUG revision was performed by many members of the USRSDC/SAO team, and we thank Andrea Prestwitch for her extensive and persistent efforts to produce the html version.

IF YOU NEED MORE INFORMATION ABOUT WWW, HTML, AND MOSAIC, The following information was taken from the net.

Obtaining Web Browsers and Servers

ftp, in directory /pub/www
Simple text-only browser, as well as the CERN HTTP server.
ftp, in directory /pub/WWW/lynx
Distribution for Lynx, a line-mode curses-based browser.
ftp, in directory /Mosaic
Mosaic distribution, as well as the NCSA HTTP server. contains versions for X windows, MacIntosh, and PC.
ftp in directory /public/mac
Macintosh server. (filename "NCSAMosaicMac.103.sit.hqx")
ftp, in directory /pub/LII/Cello
Browser for Microsoft Windows.

Browsers Accessible by Telnet

A comprehensive list of telnet-accessible clients
The simplest line mode browser.
A full screen browser "Lynx" which requires a vt100 terminal. Log in as "www".
Log in as "www". A full-screen browser.

Of General Interest

"Network Access to Multimedia Information", June 1993: ftp, in directory /pub/mmaccess
This report summarizes the requirements of academic and research users for network access to multimedia information. (... very long, more an analysis of the web , the needs of researchers, the various proposals and actual implementations of a global network community, etc, etc.


As the provider of the PROS software package ("xray" in IRAF), the ROSAT Science Data Center (RSDC) at SAO distributes HINTS & POINTERS to PROS Users via email. When we find answers to often asked questions, or when we have implemented new software solutions to longstanding problems, we will send this information directly to our users. These messages will also be available via anonymous ftp*, but to receive the email version, you should register with us. If your username is the one associated with your site registration, you are already registered for "HINTS & POINTERS", but we encourage other users (even at the same sites) to register.

Mailings will be sent as the need arises. If you would like to suggest items for future issues of H&P or add your name to our distribution list, please contact us at the following address:

Internet -         RSDC    MS-3
DECnet   - CFA::RSDC (6699::RSDC)       Center for Astrophysics
UUCP     - ...!harvard!cfa!rsdc         60 Garden St. Cambridge MA 02138 USA
BITNET   - rsdc@cfa                     tel: (617) 495-7134  FAX: 495-7356

* to access our anonymous ftp service:

 o   ftp -i              # node address:
        [Name: anonymous]
        [Password: ]

   ftp> cd pub/pros/Hints

N.B.: you can also obtain your own copy of the PROS USERS GUIDE by anonftp from subdir /pub/pros/PUG.

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Curator: Michael Arida (ADNET)
HEASARC Guest Observer Facility

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This file was last modified on Wednesday, 24-Mar-2004 12:08:07 EST

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