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Suzaku Guest Observer Facility

Suzaku Cycle 8 Closed

November 26, 2012

Suzaku Cycle 8 is now closed.

We have received 67 valid submissions to NASA, somewhat down from previous cycles. A total of 13.9 Msec of time was requested, for an oversubscription factor of 3.13. However, for TOO proposals with multiple candidate targets, the above sum includes the requested time for all candidates; the effective oversubscritption factor is lower if we correct for this fact. We thank the community for the continued interest in the Suzaku mission.

Following the US review and the international merging meeting, we anticipate the accepted target list will be published by early March, 2013.

If you are a US-based researcher who is interested in participating in the US peer review of Suzaku observing proposals, please contact us using the feedback form link below.

If you have any questions concerning Suzaku, visit the Feedback form.

This file was last modified on Monday, 26-Nov-2012 20:18:35 EST

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    Suzaku Project Scientist: Dr. Robert Petre
    Responsible NASA Official: Dr. Andy Ptak

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