XL-Calibur Image Gallery: Science

All figures shown here are from the GX301-2 observations made by the X-Calibur flight in December 2018, one of the two targets studied during the flight. These figures appear in Abarr, Q et al., ApJ, 891, 70 (2020).

X-Calibur constraints on the linear polarization of GX301-2 at 15–35 keV in the plane of the normalized Stokes parameters (with 1σ statistical error bars):
  • black filled circle: entire data set
  • red square: the main pulse (phase 0.8–1.14)
  • green triangle: secondary pulse (phase (0.14–0.8)
Polarization fractions are shown for illustrative purposes as:
  • center: Q = U = 0 (0%)
  • red circle: 30%
  • black circle: 100%

Q (filled circles) and U (open circles) parameters for the background-subtracted on source (red) and off source (black) as a function of time.

GX301-2 detection rates at apastron flare as seen by X-Calibur
GX301-2 detection rates around the apastron flare as seen by X-Calibur, Swift BAT, NICER, and Swift XRT.


Still frame from presentation on X-ray Polarimetry of Microquasers with IXPE and XL-Calibur
Principal Investigator Henric Krawcyznski discusses plans and modeled data to explain how polarimetry observations of known black holes will provide new insights on extreme condition physics (33 min; 640 x 360 MP4 (53.4 MB); YouTube).