XL-Calibur Image Gallery: Science
All figures shown here are from the GX301-2 observations made by the
X-Calibur flight in December 2018, one of the two targets studied
during the flight. These figures appear in
Abarr, Q et al., ApJ, 891, 70 (2020).
X-Calibur constraints on the linear polarization of GX301-2 at 15–35 keV
in the plane of the normalized Stokes parameters (with 1σ statistical
error bars):
- black filled circle: entire data set
- red square: the main pulse (phase 0.8–1.14)
- green triangle: secondary pulse (phase (0.14–0.8)
Polarization fractions are shown for illustrative purposes as:
- center: Q = U = 0 (0%)
- red circle: 30%
- black circle: 100%
Q (filled circles) and U (open circles) parameters for the background-subtracted
on source (red) and off source (black) as a function of time.
GX301-2 detection rates around the apastron flare as seen by X-Calibur,
Swift BAT, NICER, and Swift XRT.
Principal Investigator Henric Krawcyznski discusses plans and modeled data
to explain how polarimetry observations of known black holes will provide
new insights on extreme condition physics (33 min;
640 x 360 MP4 (53.4 MB);