protonscale extracts the BACKSCAL keyword and average total soft proton intensity from the detector map for a specified region. These values are necessary in the spectral fitting process of multiple regions which are linked.
20ptThe current location should be the working directory.
20ptmos-spectra must have been successfully run for the exposure to be used.
Calling Parameters:
20ptmode – Set mode for single or list input.
1: do a single region
2: do multiple regions with the required input provided in a text file.
For mode=1
maskfile – File name for the mask file. This is the, e.g.,
mosprefix-fovimspdet.fits file
produced for the region by mosspectra.
specfile – File name for the spectral file for the region.
For mode=2
spfile – ASCII text file with the input for multiple regions.
The file should contain, on separate lines,
the mask file name (maskfile) and spectrum file
name (specfile) for each region. For example:
20ptScreen output only –
mode=1: BACKSCAL keyword value converted to units of
arcmin and the average soft proton flux.
mode=2: Ordered pairs of the BACKSCAL keyword value converted
to units of arcmin and the relative
soft proton value normalized to that of the first region.
20ptprotonscale maskfile=mos1S001-fovimspdet.fits specfile=mos1S001-fov.pi
20ptprotonscale spfile=spec-ann.txt