
rotdet2sky uses information from the previously created count image in sky coordinates to rotate the detector coordinate model QPB images produced by mosback and pnback, model SP background images produced by proton, and model SWCX background images produced by swcx into images in sky coordinates.


20ptThe current location should be the working directory.

20ptmosspectra or pnspectra and mosback or pnback must have been successfully run for the recasting of the particle background.

20ptproton must have been successfully run for the recasting of the soft proton background.

20ptswcx must have been successfully run for the recasting of the swcx component of the background.

Calling Parameters:

20ptintemplate – The template sky coordinate image to be matched.

20ptinimage – The detector coordinate image to be rotated.

20ptoutimage – The output detector coordinate image rotated into the sky coordinate frame set by intemplate.

20ptwithmask – True if a mask file is to be applied.

20ptinmaskimage – The name of the mask file to be applied.

20ptwithdetxy – To set the detector reference pixel location (i.e., CRPIX1, CRPIX2) manually in the detector coordinates. The use of this parameter is not recommended unless you really know what you are doing.

20ptdetx – The DETX reference pixel location (obtained by running esky2det).

20ptdety – The DETY reference pixel location (obtained by running esky2det).

20ptwithskyxy – To set the sky reference pixel location (i.e., CRPIX1, CRPIX2) manually in the sky coordinates. The use of this parameter is not recommended unless you really know what you are doing.

20ptskyx – The X location of the reference pixel (CRPIX1)

20ptskyy – The Y location of the reference pixel.


20ptprefix-bkgimsky-elow-ehigh.fits – The QPB count image in sky coordinates.

20ptprefix-protimsky-elow-ehigh.fits – The SP background count image in sky coordinates.

20ptprefix-swcximsky-elow-ehigh.fits – The SWCX background count image in sky coordinates.


20ptrotdet2sky intemplate=pnS003-fovimsky-350-1100.fits inimage=pnS003-protimdet-350-1100.fits outimage=pnS003-protimsky-350-1100.fits detx=-1103.3 dety=1473.3 withskyxy=no