
sppartial uses information from the spectral fit of a limited region of the detector and from the full field-of-view to scale the fitted SP normalization of the limited region to be appropriate for the full FOV. This is useful for the case where bright diffuse emission or the effects of very bright point sources in part of the FOV may be affecting the SP spectral fit, for example many clusters of galaxies or LMC X-1.


20ptThe current location should be the working directory.

20ptmosspectra or pnspectra will need to have been run twice, once for the full field of view, once for a limited source-free region. This requires a number of files to be renamed or else they will be overwritten (the spectra and soft proton template files, see the image example).

Calling Parameters:

20ptfullimage – File name for the mask file of the full FOV. This is the mosprefix-fovimspdet.fits file produced for the region by mosspectra.

20ptfullspec – File name for the spectral file for the full FOV.

20ptregimage – File name for the mask file of the limited region. This is the mosprefix-fovimspdet.fits file produced for the limited region by mosspectra.

20ptregspec – File name for the spectral file for the limited region.

20ptregnorm – The fitted SP normalization from the limited region.


20ptScaled value for the SP normalization.


20ptsppartial fullimage=mos1S001-fovimspdet-full.fits fullspec=mos1S001-full.pi regimage=mos1S001-fovimspdet-ann.fits regspec=mos1S001-ann.pi rnorm=0.029