... 20161.1
Note that XRISM does not carry the equivalents of the hard X-ray and soft gamma-ray instruments on-board Hitomi.
... (COR)3.1
XRISM is protected from solar and cosmic-ray particles by the geomagnetic field. The COR is an indicator of the minimum momentum required for a particle to reach a specific location, given the average geomagnetic field configuration.
... website5.1
The instrument team and manufacturer also uses another identifier CCD1-4, which has the same numbering order but starts from 1 (e.g., CCD1 for CCD_ID=0). This document consistently refers to the CCD_ID identifier to avoid confusion.
... model6.2
... edges6.3
The precise values are measured with onboard calibration.
... simulation7.1
Despite this being the best feasible approach by far at the moment, it is good to keep in mind that generating an ARF in a local region from an input image has its own limitations. In particular, such an image stands for one specific energy and does not account for the energy-dependency of the extended source. Such systematics can be assessed by reproducing the same exercise with input images obtained from different energy bands. In the case of the Perseus cluster, for instance, the energy dependency of this method using Hitomi SXS data was found to be negligible (Hitomi Collaboration 2018, PASJ, 70, 9).
... range7.2
A single energy is not possible with the current ARF generator, but a narrow energy band is.
... components7.3
Taking the external SSM into account, each region requires at least one additional off-detector region. This means that the above number of components fitted simultaneously further increases to $36 \times 35 = 1260$.