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ASCA weekly plan
Dear ASCA team members and ASCA users:
I am sending the weekly observation plan of ASCA for the week of
1993 November 18-26.
The contact scientist at ISAS of this week is M. Itoh
F. Nagase
Date MNV Target Tag. Exp. Observation
start name Cat. (ks) Cat. Pri. PPI
November 18-26, 1993:
(ISAS contact scientist: M. Itoh, itoh@astro.isas.ac.jp)
11/18 18:30 A1722 CG 40 JPN 2 Y. Tanaka
11/19 12:20 A1704 CG 30 JPN 2 J. Hughes
11/20 1:10 PSR00437-4715 Bin. 40 JUS 2 N. Kawai
11/21 1:10 0535-66.0 SNR 20 JPN 1 K. Koyama
11/21 15:40 Fairall-9 AGN 40 JPN 2 F. Makino
11/22 9:10 NGC 300 Gal. 20 JPN 2 K. Mitsuda
11/22 19:10 NGC 55 Gal. 20 JPN 2 K. MItsuda
11/23 4:20 A2440 CG 40 JPN 3 K. Takagishi
11/24 4:20 NGC7469 AGN 40 JPN 2 M. Matsuoka
11/25 4:20 MR2251-178 AGN 10 JPN 2 C. Otani
11/25 10:30 NGC4051 AGN 40 PV Matsuoka & ASCA Team
11/26 2:40 (next target)