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Catalog Notes

The catalog contains short naming for the time definition of the burst occurance and duration and for the localization region. These short naming definitions are provided in these notes together with the main characteristics of the instruments that detected the bursts included in the catalog. The instruments/missions included are only those mentioned in the original publication and it is possible that the same burst have been detected by other instruments not listed here. It is provided a list of observatories that have searched for and followed the afterglows after the initail burst detection. A short description of all the GRBcat parameters is also provided here with the links to the online table help for more information on that parameter.

GRB Occurence Time

Occurence Time Definition
Time at Instrument Often the time of a GRB event is reported as the trigger time in the detecting instrument. Sometimes, especially for IPN or catalogs that report simultaneous observations, the catalog reports the time for one instrument involved in the burst detection, such as BATSE (on CGRO) or WATCH (on GRANAT).
Earth Crossing Time The Earth crossing time is the time at which some feature, usually the first large peak, would theoretically pass through Earth's center.
Not Specified Many catalogs give a GRB time without specifying what time is measured.

GRB Duration

Duration Time Definition
T90 The 90% duration of the burst in seconds. T90 measures the duration of the time interval during which 90% of the total observed counts have been detected. The start of the T90 interval is defined by the time at which 5% of the total counts have been detected, and the end of the T90 interval is defined by the time at which 95% of the total counts have been detected.
T50 The 50% duration of the burst in seconds. T50 measures the duration of the time interval during which 50% of the total observed counts have been detected. The start of the T50 interval is defined by the time at which 25% of the total counts have been detected, and the end of the T50 interval is defined by the time at which 75% of the total counts have been detected
T_other For some of the GRBs the duration is not provided as either T50 or T90. The parameter "t_other" contains the duration, in seconds, obtained using different methods: Castro-Tirado (1994) reports the durations of two energy bands (6-15 keV and 15-100 keV), though the criterion for a time cut-off is not given. Mitrofanov (1989a, b, c, 1990) reports the time during which the counts in the 130-1450 keV range are greater or equal 3 sigma over the background. This parameter also records the duration even when the method is not specified.

GRB Localization Region

Geometry Definition
Circle The circle region is described by a center given in RA and Dec, and a radius given in degrees.
Annulus The annulus region is described by a center given in RA and Dec, the radius of the annulus (corresponding to the center betewen the inner and outer radii) and by the half-width of the annulus.
Box The box region is defined by the corners of the box and a center given in RA and Dec. The number of corners to describe the box is up to six and for each corner the RA and Dec is provided. In a few cases, Laros et al. (1998) report "hybrid" boxes which are based on either the IPN and the BATSE-only or COMPTEL-only error regions were used. These hybrid boxes are defined by segments of one of the IPN annuli and an area.
Dual The dual region type is for GRBs that had the localization defined by two error circle regions. The dual regions are defined by the centers of the two circle region given in RA and Dec and their radii given in degrees.
Intersection This localization region consists of a box derived from the intersection of the IPN annulus with the region determined by a different observatory. The table lists the corners of the final box intersection and the parameters that defined the IPN annulus (center, radius and half-width). The region of the other observatories that intersect with the IPN annulus is listed with the record for this GRB associated with the other observatory.
Annulus Intersection This localization region consists of in the intersection up to three annuli. Each annulus is described by a center given in RA and Dec, the radius of the annulus and by the half-width of the annulus.
Irregular The 'irregual' region are from the Kippen et al. (1998). This localization region consist of a short thin arc segment derived from a COMPTEL localization combined with an IPN localization where the most likely position corresponds to the maximum obtained from the integral distribution. The COMPTEL localization consists of a circle error region centered at the most likely position within that region.

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Last modified: Thursday, 19-Jun-2008 16:22:09 EDT