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INTEGRAL U.S. Guest Observer Facility

The INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory

INTEGRAL, was launched in October 2002 aboard a Russian Proton rocket,  and is providing a new insight into the most violent and exotic objects of the Universe,  such as neutron stars, active galactic nuclei and supernovae. INTEGRAL is also helping us to understand processes such as the formation of new chemical elements and the mysterious gamma-ray bursts, the most energetic phenomena in the Universe. Environments of extreme temperature and density, near the event-horizons of black holes, are a major topic of study with INTEGRAL.

These studies are possible thanks to INTEGRAL's combination of fine spectroscopy and imaging of gamma-ray emissions in the energy range of 15 keV to 10 MeV (using the SPI and IBIS instruments) and concurrent monitoring in the X-ray band (4-35 keV) using JEM-X, and in the optical (500-600 nm) band, using the OMC.

A project of the European Space Agency INTEGRAL, serves an international Guest Observer community. Participation by U.S. astronomers was supported by a Guest Observer Facility (GOF) at the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) from the mission start until October 2010. Since then, the mirroring of the European INTEGRAL Public Data Archive into the HEASARC has been continued by the HEASARC.

Picture of the Month

Integral Picture of the Month

INTEGRAL News & Science Results

A gamma-ray burst strikes the Earth
(November 15, 2023)

A gamma-ray burst from a magnetar in a nearby galaxy
(January 15, 2021)

Integral in orbit

Latest INTEGRAL News

  • Mission Accomplished for INTEGRAL (28 Feb 2025)
    The European Space Agency's gamma-ray telescope ended its observations on 28 February 2025. During its 22+ years in space, INTEGRAL has reshaped our view of the most dramatic events in the Universe.
  • INTEGRAL AO-21 General Program Approved (18 Jan 2024)
    The INTEGRAL AO-21 General Programme, as recommended by the Time Allocation Committee (TAC) and approved by ESA's Director of Science (Prof. Carole Mundell), has been released and the observers have been informed.
  • INTEGRAL AO-21 Call for Observing Proposals is Open (05 Sep 2023)
    This announcement solicits proposals for observations to be carried out from January 1, 2024 for a period of 12 months. Proposers from all over the world are welcome to participate. All proposals will be subject to an independent peer review by the INTEGRAL Time Allocation Committee (TAC). The deadline for proposal submission is Friday September 29, 2023, 14:00 CEST.
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    INTEGRAL Public Data Archive Status
  • The HEASARC mirror to the INTEGRAL Public Data Archive now contains data through the February 25, 2025 public data release (Rev 2741) plus all data where the PI has allowed the data to be made public earlier than the 1 year proprietary period.

  • The next scheduled public data release is March 10, 2025.

    ISDC Public Data Release Schedule.

  • This page is intended for members of the scientific community. For members of the general public, or those interested in general astronomy/astrophysics information please go to our Education and Public Outreach site.