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INTEGRAL U.S. Guest Observer Facility

Stage 2 Soliciation
Due: February 1, 2002

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Headquarters
Washington, DC 20546-0001

Dear INTEGRAL AO-1 Guest Observer:

Several months ago ESA completed the scientific and technical evaluation of proposals received in response to the INTEGRAL AO-1 Call for Proposals, and has notified PIs of their proposals status (accepted/rejected). This letter pertains to PIs and/or CoIs on successful AO-1 proposals. We offer our congratulations, and thank you for your interest in the INTEGRAL project.

AO-1 Guest Observer (GO) observations are expected to begin in about November 2002, and will continue thereafter for 12 months. GO observations will comprise 65% of the available time during the 1-year period covered by AO-1.

Successful US-based INTEGRAL investigators are now invited to submit a budget proposal for the funding of their investigation(s). This includes both PIs, and Co-Is of foreign PI proposals. Note that only one budget proposal per accepted scientific proposal will be allowed, i.e., multiple US Co-Is on a foreign PI proposal must submit a single proposal as a group. All Co-I budget requests pertaining to a US-PI proposal must be contained within the single PI proposal.

Please note that the funding available for the support of INTEGRAL analysis is limited. In approximate figures, it is anticipated that funding will be at a mean level of about $45k per PI proposal and $15k per Co-I proposal.

The US INTEGRAL Users Group (currently being selected from the successful AO-1 PIs and Co-Is) will advise the GOF in assessing the budget proposals. Consideration will be given to a number of factors in determining the appropriate level of funding for an investigation, including the scope of the investigation, the relative ranking of the proposal (the indicated A, B or C rating of the targets), the possible presence of other proposals for which a given PI or Co-I is requesting funding under this NRA, and other sources of support relevant to this request.

Budget proposals associated with programs awarded only B or C rated targets will be evaluated, and award recommendations will be made, but no grant awards will be established until the observations are actually carried out. Similarly, target of opportunity programs (ToOs) will generally not be funded until a ToO is declared, and awarded to that program by the ESA project scientist. If a compelling case can be made that programs of supporting observations or data analysis are crucial to the ToO trigger determination, the committee may consider recommending that a fraction (probably .20%) of the total award be prefunded.

A stage 2 cost proposal consists of:

  1. An electronic submission of a Cover Page, General Form using the Remote Proposal System (RPS) .
  2. A copy of the scientific justification section of the AO-1 proposal as submitted to ESA.

    And, in addition, hard-copy submission of the following:

  3. Cover page, General Form with institutional signatures, and accepted target list from the RPS submission. Institutional endorsement is required for Stage 2 budget proposals. Please clearly mark the Cover Page with the proposal number, as provided by ESA in the PI e-mail proposal status notification.
  4. A one page (or less, minimum 10pt font with reasonable margins) summary of the budget justification, including a breakdown of the work assignments for all funded investigators, justification of any major purchases including workstations, justification of foreign or extensive travel, and any cost sharing applied to this project.
  5. A budget, using the Budget Summary Form, or one prepared according to the guidelines of the PI or Co-I institution.
  6. All required government certifications; copies of which are in the NRA.
  7. A list of current or pending research support from sources other than INTEGRAL for the PI and any funded Co-I.
The PI, or lead Co-I of a foreign PI proposal, should be responsible for submitting a single package containing all budget requests for a given proposal.

Please submit 10 hard copies of your completed Stage 2 proposal to:

    Dr. Chris R. Shrader
    INTEGRAL Guest Observer Facility
    Code 661
    NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
    Greenbelt, MD 20771
    c/o Sandra L. Barnes, rm T02, Rm. 1

The due date for Stage 2 proposals is February 1, 2002.

We expect to complete the Stage 2 review early spring 2002, with notification of the funding recommendations in the May/June 02 timeframe. Approved requests will be funded in FY03. If you have any questions concerning your Stage 2 proposal, you contact us by e-mail:

In addition, if the PI or Co-I should change institution, please send e-mail to this address to inform the GOF of the change.

With Regards,

Dr. Donald A. Kniffen
NASA INTEGRAL Program Scientist
Code SZ, NASA Headquarters