xAbout IXPE

About IXPE

IXPE's two-year baseline IXPE mission will measure the x-ray polarization of cosmic sources, using three identical telescopes, each comprising an x-ray mirror assembly and a polarization-sensitive detector. The mission, a collaboration between NASA and the Italian Space Agency (ASI), is led by the Principal Investigator (PI), Dr. Martin C. Weisskopf at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC). MSFC manages the project and is responsible for the x-ray optics and the Science Operations Center (SOC). Italy's National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) and National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) are responsible for the x-ray instrument. Ball Aerospace is the primary industry partner, responsible for the spacecraft, integration, and testing, as well as managing the Mission Operations Center (MOC) at the University of Colorado's Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP). In addition to funding the Instrument at INAF, INFN, and industrial partner OHB-Italia, ASI provides IXPE use of its Malindi ground station and software support by its Space Science Data Center (SSDC). The SOC will archive IXPE science data products at the High-Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), for release to the international scientific community.

The IXPE Science Team comprises investigators from MSFC, INAF, INFN, and three universities --- Roma Tre University, Stanford University, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology --- plus over 80 collaborators from more than a dozen countries. During the first two years of the mission, the IXPE Science Team develops and executes the IXPE observing program. If the mission extends beyond two years, the HEASARC will administer a General Observer (GO) program for IXPE.

IXPE science

IXPE accomplishes new science with new capabilities

  • Opens a new window on the universe -- imaging (30'') X-ray polarimetry
    • Is the science driver that advances and impacts high-energy astrophysics
    • Increases information space and lifts modeling degeneracies
  • Addresses key questions, providing new scientific results and constraints
    • What is the spin of a black hole?
    • What are the geometry and magnetic-field strength in magnetars?
    • Was our Galactic Center an Active Galactic Nucleus in the recent past?
    • What is the magnetic field structure in synchrotron X-ray sources?
    • What are the geometries and origins of X-rays from pulsars (isolated and accreting)?
  • Provides powerful and unique capabilities
    • Reduces integration time by a factor of 100 compared to the OSO-8 experiment
    • Simultaneously provides imaging, spectral, timing, and polarization data
    • Is free of false-polarization systematic effects at less than a fraction of a percent
    • Enables meaningful polarization measurements for many sources of different classes

IXPE observatory

IXPE spacecraft structure

IXPE mirrors

Parameter Value
Number of mirror modules 3
Number of shells per mirror module 24
Focal length 4000 mm
Total shell length 600 mm
Range of shell diameters 162-272 mm
Range of shell thicknesses 0.18-0.25 mm
Shell material Electroformed nickel-cobalt alloy
Effective area (3 mirror modules) 502 cm2 (@ 2.3 keV); 590 cm2 (@ 4.5 keV)
Angular resolution (HPD) <= 25 arcsec
Field of view (detector limited) 12.9 arcmin square

The polarization sensitive detectors

Parameter Value
Sensitive area 15 mm x 15 mm
Fill gas and composition DME @ 650 mbar
Detector window 50 µm thick beryllium
Absorption and drift region depth 10 mm
GEM (gas electron multiplier) copper-plated 50 µm liquid-crystal polymer
GEM hole pitch 50 µm triangular lattice
Number ASIC readout pixels 300 x 352
ASIC pixelated anode Hexagonal @ 50 µm pitch
Spatial resolution (FWHM) <= 123 µm (6.4 arcsec) @ 2 keV
Energy resolution (FWHM) 0.54 keV @ 2 keV (∝ √E)

For more information, see:

Latest News

  • IXPE Caldb Updated (14 Mar 2025)
    The IXPE Caldb has been updated for the XRT (version 20241028) and the GPD (version 20250225). Please see the release notes for details. Downloads are available from the IXPE Calibration page. Users can also access the HEASARC IXPE caldb via remote access.
  • IXPE Quick Start Guide Updated (6 Mar 2025)
    The IXPE Quick Start guide has been updated and includes various changes, including demonstrating the use of the ixpepolarization tool.
  • IXPE on the cover of Galaxies (21 Oct 2024)
    IXPE made the cover of the October 2024 edition of Galaxies with a paper on probing magnetic fields in young supernova remnants with IXPE by Pat Slane et al. The work explore how X-ray polarimetry using IXPE provides insights into magnetic field structures and particle acceleration mechanisms in young supernova remnants. This article belongs to a special issue of the journal titled "X-Ray Polarimetry: A New Era Begins with the Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer"
  • Updates to IXPE tools (04 Sep 2024)
    HEASoft 6.34 has been released and contains updates to the IXPE software tools. This release also includes a new tool for flagging background events. Please see the release notes for more details. Downloads are available from the HEASoft page. IXPE users are recommended to use the latest version of HEASoft for their analysis.
  • IXPE Caldb Updated (20 Aug 2024)
    The IXPE Caldb has been updated for the XRT (version 20240726). Please see the release notes for details. Downloads are available from the IXPE Calibration page. Users can also access the HEASARC IXPE caldb via remote access.