IXPE Calibration Data Releases

The history of IXPE CALDB releases is listed below. The CALDB release date corresponds to the date when the calibration files included in the release were made public and links to a combined release note if calibration files for more than one instrument were released.
The description column contains the CALDB date when the CALDB index for each of the instrument was generated. The CALDB date links to the CALDB index. In the description column is also noted when the Calibration data were simultaneously released with the software. The columns named after each instrument links to the page containing the release notes for that instrument.

CALDB public release date Version Description Notes
2024-08-20 20240726 IXPE XRT Release Notes
2024-02-28 20231201 IXPE XRT Release Notes
2024-02-28 20240125 IXPE GPD Release Notes
2023-06-16 20230526 IXPE XRT Release Notes
2023-06-16 20230526 IXPE GPD Release Notes
2022-11-17 20221021 IXPE XRT Release Notes
2022-11-17 20221020 IXPE GPD Release Notes
2022-05-13 20220314 IXPE XRT (initial release)
2022-05-13 20211118 IXPE GPD (initial release)

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Last modified: Tuesday, 20-Aug-2024 17:41:31 EDT