IXPE Data Archive

The IXPE data are processed at MSFC after completion of a science observation and then sent to the HEASARC for archiving. After a three month checkout period, the data will be publicly available within one week of the observation completion. Note: It is still very early in the IXPE mission and flaws are being found in the processing and fixed. For each observation a readme file is being included in the archive that describe know issues with the processing for that observation.

The data products are provided as event lists of processed tracks giving polarization information in sky coordinates. This processing is described in the IXPE Observatory User Guide. Also archived are the lower level event files as well as housekeeping and auxiliary data, though these are not needed for most science use cases.

Note that some observations include data from a number of different time periods.

It is strongly recommended that publications using IXPE data include the following acknowledgement: "This work reports observations obtained with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE), a joint US (NASA) and Italian (ASI) mission, led by Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC). The research uses data products provided by the IXPE Science Operations Center (MSFC), using algorithms developed by the IXPE Collaboration, and distributed by the High-Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC)."

IXPE Archive Access

IXPE data can be accessed through the following HEASARC multi-mission interfaces:

HEASARC Browse interface The classic multi-mission interface
HEASARC Xamin interface (including a command-line batch interface) HEASARC next-generation multi-mission data portal
Astronomy data access through Python Using Python and generic VO interfaces.
Anonymous FTP via HTTPS and related command-line download methods Direct data retrieval without browsing the observation logs.

Latest News

  • IXPE on the cover of Galaxies (21 Oct 2024)
    IXPE made the cover of the October 2024 edition of Galaxies with a paper on probing magnetic fields in young supernova remnants with IXPE by Pat Slane et al. The work explore how X-ray polarimetry using IXPE provides insights into magnetic field structures and particle acceleration mechanisms in young supernova remnants. This article belongs to a special issue of the journal titled "X-Ray Polarimetry: A New Era Begins with the Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer"
  • Updates to IXPE tools (04 Sep 2024)
    HEASoft 6.34 has been released and contains updates to the IXPE software tools. This release also includes a new tool for flagging background events. Please see the release notes for more details. Downloads are available from the HEASoft page. IXPE users are recommended to use the latest version of HEASoft for their analysis.
  • IXPE Caldb Updated (20 Aug 2024)
    The IXPE Caldb has been updated for the XRT (version 20240726). Please see the release notes for details. Downloads are available from the IXPE Calibration page. Users can also access the HEASARC IXPE caldb via remote access.
  • IXPE Quick Start Guide Updated (12 Mar 2024)
    The IXPE Quick Start guide has been updated to include the use of the ixpecalcarf tool to generate observation specific response files.
  • IXPE Caldb Updated (28 Feb 2024)
    The IXPE Caldb has been updated for the XRT (version 20231201) and the GPD (version 20240125). Please see the release notes for details. Downloads are available from the IXPE Calibration page. Users can also access the HEASARC IXPE caldb via remote access.