August 5th 1991
The satellite has continued working with no problems since the restoration to operations on July 9th. Southern hemisphere targets are being successfully acquired using the new section of software uplinked at that time. Current particle fluxes result in a typical exposure time of 30 ksec per observation. The German Science Operations Center (GSOC) still expect to return to normal operation mode sometime in September.
Verification Phase data was processed during the first week of July using SASS 5.0 (version of the pipeline software). 57 sequences (observations) were processed, which were owned by 29 international PIs. PV data were distributed to 12 US PIs during the second week of July while the remainder of the PV data were archived. The data were distributed despite less-than- optimal aspect solutions and detector response matrix, since the processing quality is good enough for a detailed scientific analysis. The data will be reprocessed using a better aspect solution (and redistributed) once GSOC sends Goddard the new solution (the estimate from GSOC is 2 months).
The latest release of the level 1 data processing system (SASS 5.1.1) was installed after extensive interaction with MPE to identify and fix software problems, and set useful parameters for data processing. The system was "shaken out" using a suite of test data sets; new problems come to light as more data is processed and more is learned. The problems range from data printer failures to subtle errors in the processing software that can affect data quality.
Despite such problems, AO1 Pointed Phase data processing began on July 24,1991. ROSAT data taken between Feb 7th and Feb 22nd have been processed to date. These data comprise 25 distinct US observations that have been distributed to 14 US Principle Investigators. The PIs will be notified via electronic mail that their data packages have been sent out. This notification is intended just to alert the PI and hence contains very little information about the data set (sequence number, target name,etc.). The non-US data that was processed is archived on ROSAT's optical disk jukebox and will be released to the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center once the proprietary period has expired.
Currently we are processing two ROSAT days per work day (10 ROSAT days per calendar week) and this includes doing validation, quality assurance and archiving of the data. This rate assumes that the whole system will be functional with no major problems. For further processing information, observers are urged to consult the Mission Information Planning System (MIPS) which will contain a data base listing the dates when data tapes were shipped. This will enable users to estimate when their data will be processed.
Future bulletins will relay more information about this database. ROSAT Observers can visit one of the Guest Observer Facilities at Goddard Space Flight Center (tel 301-286-1256 or 301-286-7612 or email LHEAVX::ROSAT) or SAO (tel 617-495-7282) to analyze their ROSAT data.

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