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HEASARC Staff Scientist Position - Applications are now being accepted for a Staff Scientist with significant experience and interest in the technical aspects of astrophysics research, to work in the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt, MD. Refer to the AAS Job register for full details.

BeppoSAX U.S. Coordination Facility
[BeppoSAX] [BeppoSAX Email]

BeppoSAX Symposium n. 3



3rd Circular - 25 September 1997.

1 - The Symposium is intended to review the recent observational evidence in
    X-Ray Astronomy with special emphasis on the results obtained by the 
    space missions Beppo-SAX and Rossi-XTE.
    The aim is to assess, through the joint evaluation by observers and
    theorists, the impact of the new data on our understanding of 
    "The active X-ray sky".

2 -     Symposium General Information

        Title:          "The Active X-Ray Sky:
                        Results from Beppo-SAX and Rossi XTE"

        Place:          Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei:
                        Villa Farnesina/Palazzo Corsini 
                        via Della Lungara - Roma

        Schedule:       October 21 - 1997 

                        Arrival and Registration.

			Afternoon: 15:00

			Starts Poster Exhibition.
			Posters will remain exposed permanently during the

                        October 22 - 23 - 24
                        Scientific sessions

	Session Time:	from 9.00 to 19.00 hrs with Lunch and Coffee break
			interruptions. Lunchs will be served at Palazzo

	Social Events:  Banquet: October 22 at 20:30 
                        Concert: October 23 at 20:30, Farnesina Auditorium 

  The number of participants is limited to 250, due to the Accademia
  Auditorium capacity. In a limited amount of cases a financial support
  is foreseen for people  planning to attend the Symposium.

3 -  

All together the Symposium will see:

	-		19 Invited Talks of 30 minutes

	-	        30 Contributed talks of 20 minutes 

                        (questions/answers included in the time allocated)

        -               2 1-hour sessions wherein 3 or 4 "rapporteurs" 
                        (to be designated) will summarize the results 
                        presented in posters. 

Poster authors: to faciltate the "rapporteur" presentation, please
send A.S.A.P. an extended abstract and the text/figure of the spot
presentation desired as a postscript file or a fax to the Symposium
Local Organizing Committee (E-mail:

Invited Talks, Contributions and Posters will be published in the Symposium 
Proceedings ( Invited: 12 pages, Contributed 8 pages, Posters 4 pages).

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Wednesday Oct.22-   Opening -Compact Galactic Objects-

08.45-09.00 Welcome addresses

09.00-09.40 Introduction. BeppoSAX,RXTE Status Report by the Mission Scientists

09.40-10.10 M. van der Klis  - KHz Z and Atoll sources        Inv.1

10.10-10.40 F. Lamb          - Rapid X-ray Variability of Neutron Stars Inv.2
                               in Binary Systems

10:40-11:00               1 Compact Galactic Sources contribution          C1

11.00-11.20               COFFEE BREAK

11.20-11.50 F. Frontera      - High energy properties of Neutron        Inv.3
                               Stars and Black Hole candidates
                               X-Ray sources   

11.50-13.10               4 Compact Galactic Sources contributions C2-C3-C4-C5

13.10-14.50               LUNCH

14.50-15.20 R. Remillard     - RXTE Observations of Black Hole 
                               Binaries                                 Inv.4
15:20-15:50 R. Taam          - Variability in Black Hole Binary 
                               Systems                                  Inv.5

15.50-16.50               3 Compact Galactic Sources contributions   C6-C7-C8

16.50-17:10               COFFEE BREAK

17:10-17.40 W. Becker        - X-ray emission properties of 
                               rotation-powered Neutron Stars           Inv.6
17.40-18.20               2 Compact Galactic Sources contributions     C9-C10

18.20-19.10               Poster Summaries by one or two rapporteurs 
                          (to be designated)

20:30                     Banquet


Thursday Oct.23 -Compact Galactic Objects--AGN-

09.00-09.30 J. Heise         - Wide Field Survey on the Galactic 
                               Center Region                            Inv.7

09.30-10.00 R. Levine        - Outbursts, State Transitions  
                               and Periodicities observed with          Inv.8
                               the RXTE ASM.                        

10.00-11.00               3 Compact Galactic Sources contributions C11-C12-C13

11.00-11.20               COFFEE BREAK

11.20-12.00               1 Compact  Galactic Sources contribution        C14
                          1 AGN Contribution                               A1

12.00-12.30 H. Inoue         - Galactic Black Hole candidates
                               and AGN: Results from ASCA               Inv.9

12.30-13.00 L. Maraschi      - Blazar Spectra and Variability,
                               with BeppoSAX                           Inv.10

13.00-14.50               LUNCH

14.50-15.20 G. Matt          - Seyfert Galaxies and BeppoSAX           Inv.11

15.20-17.00               5 AGN Contributions                  A2-A3-A4-A5-A6

17.00-17.15               COFFEE BREAK

17.15-18.20               3 AGN  Contributions                      A7-A8-A9*

18.20-19.10               Poster Summaries by one or two rapporteurs 
                          (to be designated)

20:30                     Concert

Friday October 24 -Clusters- GRBs-Surveys-SNR-Stars Conclusions

09.00-10.00               3 Cluster of Galaxies contributions     Cl1-Cl2-Cl3

10.00-10.30 A. Cavaliere     - Clusters of Galaxies                    Inv.12

10.30-11.00 E. Costa         - Observation of GRB with Beppo-SAX       Inv.13

11.00-11.20               COFFEE BREAK

11.20-11.50 J. Van Paradijs  - GRB optical counterparts                Inv.14

11.50-12.20 M. Rees          - Latest Interpratations of Gamma Ray
                               Bursts                                  Inv.15

12.20-13.00               2 GRB contributions                           G1-G2

13.00-15.00               LUNCH

15.00-15.20               1 GRB contribution                               G3

15:20-15:50 P. Giommi        - The BeppoSAX Deep Survey                Inv.16

15.50-16.20 G. Hasinger      - Rosat/ASCA Deep Surveys                 Inv.17

16.20-16.50 L. Chiappetti    - Background-BeppoSAX results             Inv.18

16.50-17.10               1 Stars contribution                             S1

17.10-17.30               COFFEE BREAK

17:30-18:10               2 SNR  contributions                          S2-S3

18:10-18:40 B. Aschenbach    - X-ray from supernova Remnants           Inv.19

18.40-19.00               Concluding Remarks


In total: 19 - 30' Invited 

	  32+1 - 20' Contributions  (subdivided in :14 Compacts, 8+2 AGN,
                                     3 Clusters, 3 GRB,3 SNR/Stars).


                        ORAL CONTRIBUTIONS

Abstracts can be found on the Symposium WEB pages:


F. Mirabel:     Superluminal sources in the Galaxy
C. Miller:      Effects of Radiation Forces on Kilohertz QPOs
A. Santangelo:  Wide Band Phase resolved spectra of X-ray binary
                pulsars observed by BeppoSAX.
H. Bradt:       RXTE Observations of Circinus X-1
M.A. Nowak:     The Physical Interpretation of X-ray Phase Lags
                and Coherence: RXTE Data of Cygnus X-1 as a Case Study 
S. Campana:     SAX observations of the Soft X-ray transient Aql X-1 
                during the decay of the 1997 outburst.
A. Treves:      Why Old Neutron Stars are an Elusive Population?
L. Stella:      Lense-Thirring Precession and QPOs in Low Mass X-Ray Binaries
K. Jahoda:      Peak luminosities during burst from GRO J1744-28 measured 
                with the RXTE Proportional Counter Array
C. Hellier:     Eclipses and outbursts of the intermediate polar XY Ari
E. Kuulkers:    Dips in the lightcurves of GRO J1655-40 during outburst: 
                mapping the inner disk region
T. Belloni:     Viscous evolution of the unstable disk in GRS 1915+105
D. Dal Fiume:   The broad band spectral properties of galactic X-ray binary 
J. Swank:       The Periods Discovered by RXTE in Thermonuclear Flash Bursts

G.C. Perola:    A spectral survey of bright Seyfert 1 galaxies with BeppoSAX
P. Uttley:      Long term monitoring of Seyfert galaxies with XTE
A. Orr:         BeppoSAX observations of low-energy spectral features in AGN
I. McHardy:     Short Timescale RXTE Spectral Variability of Seyfert Galaxies
M. Salvati:     The BeppoSAX program on X-ray weak Seyfert 2 galaxies
P. Grandi:      BeppoSax Observations of Radio  Galaxies
A. Lawson:      RXTE and other waveband monitoring observations of the 
                blazars 3C 279 and 3C 273
A. Comastri:    BeppoSAX observations of Narrow Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies
G. Ghisellini:  High energy flares in blazars:: MKN 501
G. Lamer:       Multifrequency observations of MKN 501 during X-ray high 
                state in July 1997
* Ghisellini and Lamer will share 25 minutes talk presentation on
the latest observations of MKN501

S. Molendi:     Beppo-SAX Observations of Galaxy Clusters
J. Kaastra:     Spatially resolved spectroscopy of the cluster of galaxies 
                A 2199
S. Colafrancesco: Evolution of distant galaxy clusters: the SAX results

E. Fenimore:    Gamma-Ray Burst Spectra and Time Histories From 2 to 400 keV
F. Marshall:    RXTE Observations of GRB Afterglows
M. Tavani:      Theory of GRB emission in light of the SAX results

F. Favata:      First coronal results from the SAX X-ray mission
J. Vink:        First Results on three SNR observed by BeppoSAX
R. Rothschild:  Cosmic Ray Acceleration and Nucleosynthesis in Cas A

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        Bernand Aschenbach
        Max-Planck-Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik

        Johan A.M. Bleeker
        Space Research Organization of Nl

        Hale V.D. Bradt 				Co-Chairman
        Massachussetts Institute of Tecnology

        Alfonso Cavaliere
        Dipartimento di Fisica
        2a Univ. Roma -Tor Vergata

        H. Inoue

        Frederick K. Lamb
        University of Illinois

        Francis E. Marshall
        Goddard Space Flight  Center

        G.Cesare Perola
        Dipartimento di Fisica E. Amaldi
        Universita' di Roma-3

        Richard E. Rothschild
        University of California San Diego

        Marco Salvati
        Osservatorio Astrofisico Arcetri

        Giorgio Salvini
        Accademia Nazionale Dei Lincei

        Livio Scarsi					Co-Chairman
        Istituto Fisica Cosmica e Informatica/CNR

        Yasuo Tanaka
        Astronomical Institute of Amsterdam, NL

        Brian G. Taylor
        ESTEC-Space Science Department

        Joachim Truemper
        Max-Planck-Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik

        E.P.J. Van Den Heuvel
        Astronomical Institute Anton Pannekoek


	A. Baccari (Segretary at Accademia Dei Lincei)

	A. Cavaliere

        F. Fiore  (Beppo-SAX Science Data Center)

	P. Giommi (Beppo-SAX Science Data Center)
	L. Piro (Beppo-SAX Mission Scientist)

	L. Scarsi.

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	You can read all information about Hotels and retrieve the Hotel 
	Reservation Form at the web page:

8 - 

   www home page  :

   For additional information please contact:

	Symposium Helpdesk
	BeppoSAX Science Data Center, ASI
        c/o Nuova Telespazio
	Via Corcolle 19 - 00131 ROMA, Italy
	Tel	39-6-4079-6307, 39-6-4079-6327, 39-6-4079-6328
	Fax	39-6-4079-3855, 39-6-4079-6291
