[BeppoSAX Email]
BeppoSAX Symposium n. 3
3rd Circular - 25 September 1997.
1 - The Symposium is intended to review the recent observational evidence in
X-Ray Astronomy with special emphasis on the results obtained by the
space missions Beppo-SAX and Rossi-XTE.
The aim is to assess, through the joint evaluation by observers and
theorists, the impact of the new data on our understanding of
"The active X-ray sky".
2 - Symposium General Information
Title: "The Active X-Ray Sky:
Results from Beppo-SAX and Rossi XTE"
Place: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei:
Villa Farnesina/Palazzo Corsini
via Della Lungara - Roma
Schedule: October 21 - 1997
Arrival and Registration.
Afternoon: 15:00
Starts Poster Exhibition.
Posters will remain exposed permanently during the
October 22 - 23 - 24
Scientific sessions
Session Time: from 9.00 to 19.00 hrs with Lunch and Coffee break
interruptions. Lunchs will be served at Palazzo
Social Events: Banquet: October 22 at 20:30
Concert: October 23 at 20:30, Farnesina Auditorium
The number of participants is limited to 250, due to the Accademia
Auditorium capacity. In a limited amount of cases a financial support
is foreseen for people planning to attend the Symposium.
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All together the Symposium will see:
- 19 Invited Talks of 30 minutes
- 30 Contributed talks of 20 minutes
(questions/answers included in the time allocated)
- 2 1-hour sessions wherein 3 or 4 "rapporteurs"
(to be designated) will summarize the results
presented in posters.
Poster authors: to faciltate the "rapporteur" presentation, please
send A.S.A.P. an extended abstract and the text/figure of the spot
presentation desired as a postscript file or a fax to the Symposium
Local Organizing Committee (E-mail: romaxray@sax.sdc.asi.it
Invited Talks, Contributions and Posters will be published in the Symposium
Proceedings ( Invited: 12 pages, Contributed 8 pages, Posters 4 pages).
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Wednesday Oct.22- Opening -Compact Galactic Objects-
08.45-09.00 Welcome addresses
09.00-09.40 Introduction. BeppoSAX,RXTE Status Report by the Mission Scientists
09.40-10.10 M. van der Klis - KHz oscill.in Z and Atoll sources Inv.1
10.10-10.40 F. Lamb - Rapid X-ray Variability of Neutron Stars Inv.2
in Binary Systems
10:40-11:00 1 Compact Galactic Sources contribution C1
11.00-11.20 COFFEE BREAK
11.20-11.50 F. Frontera - High energy properties of Neutron Inv.3
Stars and Black Hole candidates
X-Ray sources
11.50-13.10 4 Compact Galactic Sources contributions C2-C3-C4-C5
13.10-14.50 LUNCH
14.50-15.20 R. Remillard - RXTE Observations of Black Hole
Binaries Inv.4
15:20-15:50 R. Taam - Variability in Black Hole Binary
Systems Inv.5
15.50-16.50 3 Compact Galactic Sources contributions C6-C7-C8
16.50-17:10 COFFEE BREAK
17:10-17.40 W. Becker - X-ray emission properties of
rotation-powered Neutron Stars Inv.6
17.40-18.20 2 Compact Galactic Sources contributions C9-C10
18.20-19.10 Poster Summaries by one or two rapporteurs
(to be designated)
20:30 Banquet
Thursday Oct.23 -Compact Galactic Objects--AGN-
09.00-09.30 J. Heise - Wide Field Survey on the Galactic
Center Region Inv.7
09.30-10.00 R. Levine - Outbursts, State Transitions
and Periodicities observed with Inv.8
10.00-11.00 3 Compact Galactic Sources contributions C11-C12-C13
11.00-11.20 COFFEE BREAK
11.20-12.00 1 Compact Galactic Sources contribution C14
1 AGN Contribution A1
12.00-12.30 H. Inoue - Galactic Black Hole candidates
and AGN: Results from ASCA Inv.9
12.30-13.00 L. Maraschi - Blazar Spectra and Variability,
with BeppoSAX Inv.10
13.00-14.50 LUNCH
14.50-15.20 G. Matt - Seyfert Galaxies and BeppoSAX Inv.11
15.20-17.00 5 AGN Contributions A2-A3-A4-A5-A6
17.00-17.15 COFFEE BREAK
17.15-18.20 3 AGN Contributions A7-A8-A9*
18.20-19.10 Poster Summaries by one or two rapporteurs
(to be designated)
20:30 Concert
Friday October 24 -Clusters- GRBs-Surveys-SNR-Stars Conclusions
09.00-10.00 3 Cluster of Galaxies contributions Cl1-Cl2-Cl3
10.00-10.30 A. Cavaliere - Clusters of Galaxies Inv.12
10.30-11.00 E. Costa - Observation of GRB with Beppo-SAX Inv.13
11.00-11.20 COFFEE BREAK
11.20-11.50 J. Van Paradijs - GRB optical counterparts Inv.14
11.50-12.20 M. Rees - Latest Interpratations of Gamma Ray
Bursts Inv.15
12.20-13.00 2 GRB contributions G1-G2
13.00-15.00 LUNCH
15.00-15.20 1 GRB contribution G3
15:20-15:50 P. Giommi - The BeppoSAX Deep Survey Inv.16
15.50-16.20 G. Hasinger - Rosat/ASCA Deep Surveys Inv.17
16.20-16.50 L. Chiappetti - Background-BeppoSAX results Inv.18
16.50-17.10 1 Stars contribution S1
17.10-17.30 COFFEE BREAK
17:30-18:10 2 SNR contributions S2-S3
18:10-18:40 B. Aschenbach - X-ray from supernova Remnants Inv.19
18.40-19.00 Concluding Remarks
In total: 19 - 30' Invited
32+1 - 20' Contributions (subdivided in :14 Compacts, 8+2 AGN,
3 Clusters, 3 GRB,3 SNR/Stars).
Abstracts can be found on the Symposium WEB pages:
F. Mirabel: Superluminal sources in the Galaxy
C. Miller: Effects of Radiation Forces on Kilohertz QPOs
A. Santangelo: Wide Band Phase resolved spectra of X-ray binary
pulsars observed by BeppoSAX.
H. Bradt: RXTE Observations of Circinus X-1
M.A. Nowak: The Physical Interpretation of X-ray Phase Lags
and Coherence: RXTE Data of Cygnus X-1 as a Case Study
S. Campana: SAX observations of the Soft X-ray transient Aql X-1
during the decay of the 1997 outburst.
A. Treves: Why Old Neutron Stars are an Elusive Population?
L. Stella: Lense-Thirring Precession and QPOs in Low Mass X-Ray Binaries
K. Jahoda: Peak luminosities during burst from GRO J1744-28 measured
with the RXTE Proportional Counter Array
C. Hellier: Eclipses and outbursts of the intermediate polar XY Ari
E. Kuulkers: Dips in the lightcurves of GRO J1655-40 during outburst:
mapping the inner disk region
T. Belloni: Viscous evolution of the unstable disk in GRS 1915+105
D. Dal Fiume: The broad band spectral properties of galactic X-ray binary
J. Swank: The Periods Discovered by RXTE in Thermonuclear Flash Bursts
G.C. Perola: A spectral survey of bright Seyfert 1 galaxies with BeppoSAX
P. Uttley: Long term monitoring of Seyfert galaxies with XTE
A. Orr: BeppoSAX observations of low-energy spectral features in AGN
I. McHardy: Short Timescale RXTE Spectral Variability of Seyfert Galaxies
M. Salvati: The BeppoSAX program on X-ray weak Seyfert 2 galaxies
P. Grandi: BeppoSax Observations of Radio Galaxies
A. Lawson: RXTE and other waveband monitoring observations of the
blazars 3C 279 and 3C 273
A. Comastri: BeppoSAX observations of Narrow Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies
G. Ghisellini: High energy flares in blazars:: MKN 501
G. Lamer: Multifrequency observations of MKN 501 during X-ray high
state in July 1997
* Ghisellini and Lamer will share 25 minutes talk presentation on
the latest observations of MKN501
S. Molendi: Beppo-SAX Observations of Galaxy Clusters
J. Kaastra: Spatially resolved spectroscopy of the cluster of galaxies
A 2199
S. Colafrancesco: Evolution of distant galaxy clusters: the SAX results
E. Fenimore: Gamma-Ray Burst Spectra and Time Histories From 2 to 400 keV
F. Marshall: RXTE Observations of GRB Afterglows
M. Tavani: Theory of GRB emission in light of the SAX results
F. Favata: First coronal results from the SAX X-ray mission
J. Vink: First Results on three SNR observed by BeppoSAX
R. Rothschild: Cosmic Ray Acceleration and Nucleosynthesis in Cas A
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Bernand Aschenbach
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik
Johan A.M. Bleeker
Space Research Organization of Nl
Hale V.D. Bradt Co-Chairman
Massachussetts Institute of Tecnology
Alfonso Cavaliere
Dipartimento di Fisica
2a Univ. Roma -Tor Vergata
H. Inoue
Frederick K. Lamb
University of Illinois
Francis E. Marshall
Goddard Space Flight Center
G.Cesare Perola
Dipartimento di Fisica E. Amaldi
Universita' di Roma-3
Richard E. Rothschild
University of California San Diego
Marco Salvati
Osservatorio Astrofisico Arcetri
Giorgio Salvini
Accademia Nazionale Dei Lincei
Livio Scarsi Co-Chairman
Istituto Fisica Cosmica e Informatica/CNR
Yasuo Tanaka
Astronomical Institute of Amsterdam, NL
Brian G. Taylor
ESTEC-Space Science Department
Joachim Truemper
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik
E.P.J. Van Den Heuvel
Astronomical Institute Anton Pannekoek
A. Baccari (Segretary at Accademia Dei Lincei)
A. Cavaliere
F. Fiore (Beppo-SAX Science Data Center)
P. Giommi (Beppo-SAX Science Data Center)
L. Piro (Beppo-SAX Mission Scientist)
L. Scarsi.
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You can read all information about Hotels and retrieve the Hotel
Reservation Form at the web page:
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www home page : http://www.sdc.asi.it/symposium
For additional information please contact:
Symposium Helpdesk
BeppoSAX Science Data Center, ASI
c/o Nuova Telespazio
Via Corcolle 19 - 00131 ROMA, Italy
Tel 39-6-4079-6307, 39-6-4079-6327, 39-6-4079-6328
Fax 39-6-4079-3855, 39-6-4079-6291
e-mail romaxray@sax.sdc.asi.it
www http://www.sdc.asi.it/symposium