March 1999 from the BeppoSAX Calendar
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The BeppoSAX observation of eight binary pulsars led to the
detection of cyclotron lines in six of them. In three cases (the 4.8 sec
high-mass X-ray pulsar Cen X-3; the 7.7 sec low-mass X-ray binary pulsar
4U1626-67; and the 700 sec high-mass X-ray pulsar GX301-2)
such features were never observed before.
The broad-band spectrum of 4U1626-67 is shown on the left side.
The figure on the right shows the spectra of the eight pulsars divided
by the spectrum of the Crab Nebula, a technique that is used to
visualize spectral features such as cycrotron lines.
Courtesy of M. Orlandini and D. Dal Fiume, TeSRE Institute, CNR, Bologna, Italy.
Images courtesy of the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) and the
BeppoSAX Science Data Center (SDC).
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