May 1999 from the BeppoSAX Calendar
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Hard X-ray BeppoSAX observation of the "Lockman hole", the site of
the most sensitive survey carried out so far in the soft X-ray band. The image
to the left is the background subtracted ~130,000 seconds MECS observation
showing a number of hard X-ray sources.
On the right side the iso-intensity contours of the BeppoSAX 2-10 keV
sources are superposed to the ROSAT HRI
ultra-deep (> 1,100,000 seconds) soft X-ray image of the same region.
Courtesy of J. Truemper, MPE Garching, G. Hasinger, AIP Potsdam, and P. Giommi, BeppoSAX SDC
Images courtesy of the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) and the
BeppoSAX Science Data Center (SDC).
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