Sector 34 Information
For full data release notes see: DRN50. For a list of TIC IDs with noted issues, see this list.
Sector Summary
Spacecraft Pointing (deg)
RA | dec | roll | |
Spacecraft | 115.3 | -33.78 | 163.19 |
Camera 1 | 125.08 | 1.02 | 256.09 |
Camera 2 | 119.02 | -22.24 | 254.95 |
Camera 3 | 110.4 | -45.18 | 70.06 |
Camera 4 | 90.0 | -66.56 | 52.82 |
Orbit Summary
Orbits | Dates (UTC) Start - End |
Cadence # Start - End |
Momentum dumps |
75 | 2021-01-14 - 2021-01-26 | 720929 - 729684 | 1 |
76 | 2021-01-27 - 2021-02-08 | 730459 - 739159 | 1 |
Sector Notes
Noted Issue | Description |
Spacecraft pointing | Camera 1 and Camera 4 were both used for guiding in orbit 75 of Sector 34. Camera 4 alone was used for guiding in orbit 76. |