The TESS Users Committee (TUC) is a group of ten members from relevant science communities and external to the TESS project. The goal of the TUC is to provide input to the project on behalf of the user community in order to boost the impact of TESS within the scientific community over the mission’s lifetime. The TUC is also designed to assist the TESS Project Scientist in preparation for Senior Reviews of the mission during its operational phase.
Key areas that the TUC is anticipated to examine include: data processing pipelines, data products, data access, data analysis tools, documentation, General Investigator (GI) program policies and implementation, and observing strategies to optimize science return.
The TUC Charter describes in more detail the goals and structure of the TUC. Please contact the TUC chair or any member for more information or to submit an idea or topic for a future TUC meeting. TUC meeting dates and agendas will be made publicly available on this website.
2023-2024 TUC Chair and Members
- Dan Huber (chair, email:, University of Hawai’i & University of Sydney
- Marcel Agüeros, Columbia University
- Luke Bouma, Caltech
- Nora Eisner, Flatiron Institute, Center for Computational Astrophysics & Princeton University
- Adina Feinstein, University of Colorado Boulder
- Teruyuki Hirano, Astrobiology Center / National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
- Savita Mathur, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias
- Armin Rest, STScI/JHU
- Malena Rice, Yale University
- Krista Lynne Smith, Texas A&M University
Committee Reports
- Report from November 08, 2023 meeting
- TUC Community Survey Summary Slides
- TUC Community Survey Summary Document
- TSC3 TUC Session Combined Slides
- TSC3 TUC Session Summary Document
Modified September 10th 2024