Sector 17 Noted TIC Issues

TIC ID's that had issues in Sector 17.

Targets not processed in 2-min pipeline:

174500619, 306349516, and 260614141

Blended stars:

445258206, 441804565, 341873045, 91329517, 91329515, 91329512

A star is considered to be bended when its flux has been significantly contaminated by a nearby bright star(s). Since the contaminating flux is considered very large, the resulting photometry for such targets is expected to be unreliable.

Contaminated stars:


This target lies within the same pixel of a very bright star (445258206, Tmag = 2.8). In this case, no optimal aperture was assigned. A target pixel file with raw data is provided, but no light curve was produced.

Not capturing bleed trails:


Targets with pixel stamps that did not fully capture the bleed trails.