3 August 2000: Update on the catalog. The ROSAT consortium released on the 25 of May 2000 "The Second ROSAT source Catalog of pointing observations with the PSPC (ROSPSPC / 2RXP)" (ROSAT News No. 72). The WGACAT final version, released on 1 May 2000 was cross-correlated with the previous version of ROSPSPC (known also as ROSATSRC) released first in November 1994. On the 2 May 2000 (ROSAT News No.71) the ROSAT consortium also released an update of the ROSAT HRI catalog containing 30 % more sources compared to the previous version released in August 1999 (ROSAT News No. 69). We re-run the cross-correlation process using these new catalogs and also the updated version of the VERON (VERON2000) catalog. All the parameters derived as result of the cross-correlation were updated and/or recalculate. The WGACAT now contains these new cross-correlations results (1 August 2000).

20 May 2000: Release of the final version of WGACAT. The catalog is available from the HEASARC Online Service and includes more than 88000 sources.

Catalog aitoff projection. Sources color coded by count rate Catalog aitoff projection. Sources color coded by source class
The figure shows an aitoff projection of all the WGACAT sources color coded by count rate. The figure shows an aitoff projection of all the WGACAT sources color coded by source class.