Astrobrowse Time Formats (Proposed)

GLU specification would be: Date($sys,$fmt)
  • $sys : "UTC", "TAI", or "other".
  • $fmt : one or more of the variables defined in the first column of the table below.
GLU $fmtdescriptionAb submit fmtexample
YYYY 4-digit year $YYYY$1999
YYYYffff 4-digit year with fractional year $YYYYffff$1999.0877
YY 2-digit year $YY$ 99
DDD 3-digit day of year $DDD$ 032
DDDffffff 3-digit day of year with 6-digit fractional day $DDDffffff$ 032.218142
MM 2-digit month $MM$ 02
DD 2-digit day of month $DD$01
DDfff 2-digit day of month with 3-digit fractional day$DD$01.218
hh 2-digit hour of day $hr$05
mm 2-digit minute of hour $mn$14
ss 2-digit seconds of minute $ss$07
ssff seconds of minute with fractional secs $ssff$07.45
hhffff hours with decimal fraction of hours $hhffff$05.1242
month name of month in lowercase $month$february
Month name of month with first letter uppercase $Month$February
mon abbrev name of month $mon$feb
JD Julian Date$jd$2451210.71814178
TJD Truncated Julian Date$tjd$11210.2181417824
MJD Modified Julian Date$mjd$51210.2181417824
SHF SHF: short history file time key$shf$602313260
XTE XTE mission day with fractional day$shf$1857.21818287037

Most resources will want a combination of the above variables. Here is how to get GLU to put together frequently-needed combinations: eg Date(UTC,%YY.%DDD) for the first one.

GLU combination fmtexample
%YY.%DDD 99.032
%YYYY-%MM-%DD 1999-02-01
%YYYY%DDD 1999032
%YYYY%MM%DD (1) 19990201
%YY%MM%DD 990201
%YYYY/%MM/%DD 1999/02/01
%mon %DD, %YYYY feb 01, 1999
%mon/%DD/%YY feb/01/99
%YY %mon %DD 99 feb 01
%DD-%mon-%YY (2) 01-feb-99
%MM/%DD/%YY 02/01/99
%DD/%MM/%YY (3) 01/02/99
%YYYY%DDD%hh 199903205
%hh:%mm:%ss 05:14:07
%hh%mm%ss 051407
%hh:%mm 0514
%YYYY-%MM-%DD %hh:%mm:%ss UTC (4) 1999-02-01 05:14:07 UTC
%YYYY/%MM/%DD %hh:%mm:%ss 1999/02/01 05:14:07
%YY.%DDD %hh:%mm:%ss 99.032 05:14:07
%YY %mon %DD %hh%mm%ss 99 feb 01 051407
%MM/%DD/%YY %hh:%mm:%ss 02/01/99 05:14:07

  • (1) ( (WDB))
  • (2) (nrao_vla), also accepts DD-mon-YYYY
  • (3) (CADC
  • (4) W3Browse, almost ISO standard
  • What about deltas?
  • accepts dd/mm/yy, dd mmm yy, and ".." range, >value, MOKA2 uses YY, MM, DD (start and stop) in separate fields
  • AAT accepts:yyyymmdd or yyyy/mm/dd or dd/mm/yy or dd mmm yyyy or mmm dd yy or yyyymmdd..yyyymmdd (for a range)
  • ArnieV3 takes different dates/times: START_DATE=yy.ddd, END_DATE=yy.ddd, PUBLIC_DATE=shf (why?), START_TIME_MJD=mjd, END_TIME_MJD=mjd (ASCAPUB), times in SHF
  • HST @ STScI accepts: Jul 15 1994 Jul 1994 15 15 Jul 1994 1994 Jul 15 1994 15 Jul 7/15/1994 7-15-1994 7.15.1994 (month is case-insensitive) If the day is omitted, the first day of the month is assumed. This means that a specification like "July 1994" will look for observations done on July 1 1994 00:00:00, not for observations done during July 1994. Note also that when entering a date with the month in numerical format, the American ordeing is used; i.e., the first number is the month. If a time is omitted, then midnight (00:00:00) is assumed. Otherwise, you can specify a time in any of these formats: 14:30 14:30:20 14:30:20:999 14:30:20.9 4am 4 PM 04:30:20 AM To search for observations before a given date, use <, and for observations after a given date, use >. For example, > Jul 15 1994 < Jul 15 1994 You can use the .. operator to search on a range of dates: Jul 1 1994 .. Aug 1 1995 This operator is inclusive on the first date and exclusive on the second. Finally, you can search on a list of dates or date ranges. For example, Jul 1 1994 .. Jul 3 1994, Dec 1 1995 .. Dec 6 1995 will search for observations done within either one of these date ranges.
  • Allow users to input any format, or be more rigid?
  • Allow <,>,.. ? (do something rational if not supported by a resource)