ASTRO-Update: Keep your astronomy analysis software up-to-date

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Software Packages

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Name Author Version Last Update
HEASoft: Multi-Mission High Energy Analysis software HEASARC 6.35 03/14/25
XAMIN: Next Generation archive interface for high energy astrophysics HEASARC 4.0.1336/3404 03/08/25
SAS: XMM-Newton Science Analysis Software XMM-SOC 22.1.0 03/06/25
PIMMS: Portable, Interactive Multi-Mission Simulator HEASARC 4.15 03/04/25
APT: Astronomers Proposal Tool STScI 25.0.3 02/28/25
XSA: XMM-Newton Science Archive XMM-SOC 17.3 02/19/25
CIAO: Chandra Interactive Analysis of Observations CXC 4.9 01/31/25
CPL: The Common Pipeline Library ESO 1.0 01/13/25
Sherpa: Modeling and Fitting for CIAO CXC 4.17 12/17/24
AIPS: Astronomical Image Processing System NRAO 31-DEC-2024 11/26/24
CCFITS: object oriented interface to cfitsio HEASARC 2.6 11/18/24
WCS Lib: World Coordinate System software library Mark Calabretta 8.4 10/29/24
GASGANO: A Data File Organiser from ESO ESO 2.4 10/17/24
SciSoft: An Astronomical Software Collection from ESO ESO 8 10/17/24
XSPEC: X-ray spectral Analysis software HEASARC 12.14.1d 10/02/24
CFITSIO: FITS file access subroutine library HEASARC 4.5 08/14/24
SPEX: SPEctral X-ray and UV modeling, analysis and fitting Kaastra et al. (1996) 3.08.01 03/14/24
Starlink: starlinksoftware collection JAC 2025A 12/20/23
MARX: Chandra simulation software suite CXC/MIT 5.5.3 12/14/23
SkyView: The Internet's Virtual Telescope HEASARC 3.2.2 02/03/23
SIMX: Potential Photons from Possible Satellites CfA 2.7.1 10/30/22
SAE: Science Analysis Environment for Fermi FSSC 2.2.0 06/21/22
FV: Fits File Viewer HEASARC 5.5 04/13/20
P2PP: ESO Phase II Proposal Preparation ESO 3.4.2 12/01/18
SOXS: Simulated Observations of X-ray Sources CfA 1.0.1 04/09/17
Astropy: Python astronomy package Astropy community 1.3.2 03/30/17
IRIS: Spectral energy distribution (SED) analysis tool IPAC 3.0 03/06/17
TEMPO2: pulsar timing software ATNF 2023.05.1 02/14/17
CASA: Common Astronomy Software Applications package NRAO 4.7.1 02/08/17
VLT Pipelines: Data reduction for commonly used VLT/VLTI modes ESO 1.6.4 01/27/17
Aladin: Desktop Observatory to visualize and manipulate astronomical images CDS v12 01/17/17
VISIT: Parallel Visualization and Graphical Analysis Tool LLNL 2.12.1 01/17/17
PYRAF: Run IRAF tasks in Python STScI 2.1.14 01/17/17
XSTAR: physical conditions and emission spectra of photoionized gases Tim Kallman/HEASARC 22 01/10/17
Cloudy: Photoionization for the Discriminating Astrophysicist Ferland et al. C17.00 12/22/16
Montage: Make mosaics from FITS images IPAC 6.0 12/21/16
SAOImage/DS9: Astronomical image display and analysis software SAO/HEASARC 7.5 12/15/16
Gnu Scientific Library: a numerical C/C++ mathematical library FSF 2.3 12/09/16
IDL AUL: IDL Astronomical Users Library ASD/GSFC 08-Dec-2016 12/08/16
ATOMDB: atomic database for X-ray plasma spectral modeling CXC 3.0.8 12/08/16
TARA: Tools for ACIS Review & Analysis PSU 2021jan6 09/26/16
ACIS Extract: IDL software for analysis of Chandra/ACIS data Broos et al. 2022-Feb-14 09/22/16
ISIS: Interactive Spectral Interpretation System CXC 1.6.2-51 09/12/16
GALPROP: Galactic Cosmic Ray Propagation Stanford August 12, 2016 08/12/16
MIDAS: Munich Image Data Analysis System ESO 15SEPpl1.0 02/19/16
SPLASH: visualisation tool for output from (astrophysical) simulations D. Price/Monash 2.6.0 10/22/15
Window to the Stars: Graphical interface to TWIN single/binary stellar evolution code Izzard and Glebbeek 0.39 04/17/15
AMUSE: Astrophysical Multipurpose Software Environment for simulations Leiden 10.0 09/17/14
Specview: 1-D spectral visualization and analysis of astronomical spectrograms STSCI 2.17.6 06/02/14
CAMB: Code for Anisotropies in the Microwave Background Lewis & Challinor April 2014 04/17/14
STSCI Python: includes PyRAF, PyFITS, Numdisplay, MultiDrizzle for HST STScI 2.15.1 04/17/14
STSDAS: Space Telescope Science Data Analysis System STScI 3.17 03/17/14
Starview: Setup a telescope and control from a web browser NWACC 0.1alpha 03/07/13
MOPEX: MOsaicker and Point source EXtractor (Spitzer) SSC 18.5.6 10/10/12
TLUSTY: stellar atmospheres and accretion disks spectrum modeling Hubeny+Lanz 202 07/02/12
IRAF: Image Reduction and Analysis Facility NOAO 2.16 03/22/12
XIMAGE: Image Analysis Software HEASARC 4.5.1 03/14/10
GRACE: A 2D plotting tool Weizmann 5.1.22 05/20/08
Browse: Old-school access to the HEASARC catalogs and data HEASARC v9.2 10/09/07
PROFIT: Visualize and Model Spectra Smith/HEASARC 2.0.0 08/07/07
WVT Binning: Adaptive 2-D binning for sparse images using Weighted Voronoi Tesselations Diehl and Statler 2.0 12/05/05
Synspec: stellar atmospheres models for stellar spectroscopic diagnostics Hubeny+Lanz 43 10/05/05
Eclipse: ESO C Library for an Image Processing Software Environment ESO 5.0-0 09/23/05
XRONOS: Timing Analysis Software HEASARC 5.21 05/07/04
EXSAS: Extended X-ray Scientific Analysis System for ROSAT MPE 01APR_EXP 12/10/03
SEXtractor: Astronomical Source Extractor Galassi and Starr 2.3.1 04/09/02
PROS: Post-Reduction Off-line Software for X-ray data analysis CfA 2.5_p1 08/25/98
browse_extract_wget: command-line query of HEASARC databases, uses wget HEASARC 1.0 10/10/96
browse_extract: command-line query of HEASARC databases HEASARC 1.0 10/10/96

Associated Data

Name Responsible Entity Version Posted Latest Update Comments
CALDB: Calibration Data XRISM Varies by mission 2025-03-18 20250317 NuSTAR clock correction v201
Chandra CALDB CXC 4.12.0 01/31/2025 01/31/2025 Chandra Caldb 4.12.0
CHIANTI: atomic database for X-ray plasma spectral modeling GMU, U. Michigan and Cambridge 8.0 09/16/2015 09/12/2015 includes several new entries and revises the atomic data for many ions
CCF: Current Calibration File for XMM-Newton XMM SOC XMM-CCF-REL-378 05/14/2020 05/14/2020 OM Photometry Sensitivity correction

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Page author: Michael F. Corcoran
Last modified Friday, 14-Mar-2025 14:13:58 EDT