SAMPLE OGIP FITS FILESA number of sample FITS files produced and/or stored by the OGIP are provided in one convenient location under the /fits_info/sample_files directory of the HEASARC's anonymous ftp account. A number of Documents describing the HFWG-approved file formats are also available. The tree is organized based upon scientific dataset type. This page provide links to the corresponding directories of the HEASARC's ftp server
Both FITS files & ASCII dumps of the FITS headers are stored using the following file naming scheme:
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Page Author: William Pence Last Update: Wednesday, 29-Jan-2020 15:44:10 EST
HEASARC Home | Observatories | Archive | Calibration | Software | Tools | Students/Teachers/Public Last modified: Wednesday, 29-Jan-2020 15:44:10 EST |