About MAXI
- MAXI refereed papers on mission and detector
“The MAXI mission on the ISS: Sciences and Instruments for Monitoring All Sky X-ray
Images”, M. Matsuoka, et al., PASJ 61, 999 (2009).
“An Overview of MAXI onboard JEM-EF of the International Space Station”,
M. Matsuoka, K. Kawasaki, S. Ueno, H. Tomida, M. Kohama, M. Ishikawa, H. Katayama, M. Suzuki T. Miyakawa,
T. Mihara, N. Isobe, H. Tsunemi, E. Miyata, H. Negoro, M. Nakajima, N. Kawai, J. Kataoka,
A. Yoshida, K. Yamaoka and M. Morii, “UV, X-ray, and Gamma-ray Space Instrumentation
for Astronomy XV”, SPIE 6686, pp/668611-1-9 (2007).
“Development status and performance estimation of MAXI”,
S. Ueno, H. Tomida, N. Isobe,
H. Katayama, K. Kawasaki, T. Yokota, N. Kuramata, M. Matsuoka, T. Mihara, I. Sakurai, M. Nakajima,
M. Kohama, H. Tsunemi, E. Miyata, N. Kawai, J. Kataoka, Y. Serino, Y. Yamamoto, A. Yoshida,
H. Negoro, “UV and Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Systems”, SPIE 5488, 197-208, (2004).
“In-Orbit Performance of the MAXI Gas Slit Camera (GSC) on ISS”, M. Sugizaki, T. Mihara,
M. Serino et al., PASJ. 63, S635-S644 (2011).
“Gas Slit Camera (GSC) onboard MAXI on ISS”, T. Mihara, M. Nakajima, M. Sugizaki, et al.,
PASJ. 63, S623-S634 (2011).
“Performance of the GSC engineering counter for MAXI/ISS”, Tatehiro Mihara, Nobuyuki
Kawai, Arsumasa Yoshida, Ikuya Sakurai, Toshikazu Kamae, Masaru Matsuoka, Yuji Shirasaki,
Mutsumi Sugizaki, Weimin Yuan and Isao Tanaka, “X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for
Astronomy XII”, SPIE 4497,173-186, (2002).
“In-Orbit Performance of the MAXI/SSC onboard the ISS”, H. Tsunemi, H. Tomida,
H. Katayama et al., PASJ. 62, 1371-1379 (2010).
“Solid-State Slit Camera (SSC) Aboard MAXI”, H. Tomida, H. Tsunemi, M. Kimura et al.,
PASJ. 63, 397-405 (2011).
“The MAXI/GSC Nova-Alert System and results of its first 68 months”, H. Negoro,
M. Kohama, M. Serino et al., PASJ. 68, SP1, S1 (2016).
- MAXI science results
- MAXI conferences
7 years of MAXI : Monitoring the X-ray Transients, 5–7 Dec 2016, RIKEN, Tokyo, Japan.
Suzaku-MAXI 2014, 19–22 Feb 2014, Ehime University, Japan.
“The First Year of MAXI: Monitoring variable X-ray sources”, 30 Nov–2 Dec, 2010,
Aoyama, Tokyo, Japan.
MAXI daily Results links to RIKEN pages