ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

Frequently Asked Questions about ROSAT Data Analysis and PROS
Warning, PROS is no longer supported

The following questions have been asked often about PROS. This document will be updated as needed. The dates given for each questions reflect the date of the answer.

If you have a question which you think is, or could be, a "Frequently Asked Question", please e-mail it to

The sources for these answers have included the following individuals: G. Hasinger (MPE), J. Schmitt (MPE), R. Fink (GSFC), D. Burrows (PSU), the GSFC GOFers (M. Corcoran, G. Reichert, E. Schlegel, and J. Turner), and the SAO GOFers (L. David, F. Harnden, F. Seward, and B. Wilkes).

PROS - General

  1. What changes are to be made in PROS over the near- and long-term?
  2. Are there any PROS "gotcha's"?

PROS - Spatial

  1. What is a good value for the blocking factor?
  2. Why is a blocking factor needed?
  3. Are there any problems with using a blocking factor to look at the data?
  4. How do I connect the data into SAOImage?
  5. Does IMSMOOTH work on .qp files?
  6. What 'gotchas' exist in the spatial package?
  7. Can I look at an image in detector coordinates?
  8. Does PROS do source detection?

PROS - Spectral

  1. What 'gotchas' exist in the spectral package?
  2. PROS-2.0 reports tossing out PH/PI channels above channel 256. What is the software doing?
  3. What is the correspondence between the PROS 34-channel spectrum and PI bins?
  4. What problems are present with the calibration?
  5. What contaminating spectral features are present?
  6. Does PROS handle off-axis spectral fitting?
  7. Are there any problems in doing a spectral fit?
  8. What is the accepted pulse height range?

PROS - Timing

  1. Can timing analyses be done with ROSAT?
  2. How accurate are the barycenter corrections in PROS?
  3. Is there a problem with the FFT in PROS?

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Please use the Feedback link if you have questions on ROSAT.

This file was last modified on Monday, 06-Oct-2014 09:02:23 EDT

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