FTOOLS: The HEASARC Sub-package
The HEASARC sub-package of FTOOLS
contains tasks for High Energy (X- & gamma-ray) astronomy that are not
specific to a particular instrument.
The following HEASARC tasks were released in the latest distribution of the HEASARC's FTOOLS package. Each task is hyperlinked
to the help file distributed with the task. The same information can
be obtained while running FTOOLS by typing the command fhelp
- addspec
- adds PHA spectra, bkgd files & combines response matrices
- ascii2pha
- Creates an OGIP FITS PHA file from an ascii dataset
- bincurve
- Bins vectors and outputs as a light curve
- binspec
- Bin spectra in vector columns
- chkarf
- Check validity of keywords in an ARF FITS file
- chkpha
- Check validity of keywords in a PHA/PI FITS file
- chkrmf
- Check validity of keywords in a RMF FITS file
- ecd2pha
- Converts Einstein HEASARC CD-ROM PHA to OGIP PHA file
- extractor
- Extracts products from input events files
- extrpsf
- Extracts radial PSF (RPSF) dataset from an event file
- fadmap
- Produce maps for SAS2 or COSB data
- fixregion
- Convert SAO region file to another coordinate system
- grppha
- Manipulates OGIP standard PHA FITS file
- gtisum
- Compute and list information on Good Time Intervals
- hkexpand
- Expand a compressed format housekeeping (HK) data file
- hkscale
- Scales a FITS housekeeping data file into physical values
- hkunexpand
- Compress an expanded format houskeeping (HK) data file
- mathpha
- Performs mathematical operations on PHA files
- mekal
- Generate XSPEC table file for MEKAL plasma emission model
- nh
- Return hydrogen column density for a given Ra and Dec
- raysmith
- Generate XSPEC table file for Raymond-Smith plasma emission model
- rbnpha
- Compresses a PHA dataset
[Now part of the
package as a wrapper to
- sf2pha
- Converts SF format PHA file to OGIP FITS format
- sky2xy
- Transform from sky to pixel coordinates using WCS keywords
- xselect
- Examine and filter event files
- xy2sky
- Transform from pixel to sky coordinates using WCS keywords
If FTOOLS has been useful in your research, please reference this
site (https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/ftools) and use the
ASCL reference for HEASoft
[ascl:1408.004] or the
ASCL reference for the original FTOOLs paper
Blackburn, J. K. 1995, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 77, Astronomical
Data Analysis Software and Systems IV, ed. R. A. Shaw, H. E. Payne,
and J. J. E. Hayes (San Francisco: ASP), 367.