FTOOLS: The XTE Sub-package
The XTE sub-package of FTOOLS
contains tasks specific to the XTE
The following XTE tasks were released in the latest release of the HEASARC's FTOOLS package. Each task is hyperlinked
to the help file distributed with the task. The same information can
be obtained while running FTOOLS by typing the command fhelp
XTE Tasks
- addshots
- Adds shot noise to an input light curve
- addsine
- Adds a sine curve (or a user-defined periodic function) to
an existing timing FITS file.
- asmappend
- Reads in an ASM master file and a series of files that are
sorted and appended to the master file.
- asmchannel
- Separates an ASM color file into separate light curve files
for each ASM energy channel.
- asmsrcupdate
- Runs ASMAPPEND on a collection of XTE ASM master files and
their respective incoming files.
- bemerge
- Merges XTE binned event spectral files
- chantrans
- Translates relative channel range to an absolute channel
range by reading XTE produced .pha files.
- correctlc
- Corrects lightcurves for variance in number of active PCUs
- decodeevt
- Decodes event keywords in XTE Science Event files
- edsgcor
- Converts the PCA/EDS Gain & Offset (ascii) file to FITS format
- fakelc
- Creates a fake light curve given a mean count rate. The
output may be either an event list or a binned light curve.
- fasebin
- Bins observations of a periodic signal into a two-dimensional
histogram of phase vs. energy [PHA-type II FITS ("fB") file].
- faxbary
- Barycenter correction routine for XTE light-curve, science
array/event data files.
- fbadd
- Adds several commensurate fB files together
- fbfsum
- Averages fB files in phase, by summing rows together
- fbssum
- Allows averaging of fB files in energy and performs phase
- fbsub
- Subtracts a baseline (unpulsed contribution) from an fB
- fcollect
- First half of XTEFILT, which creates a filter file for an
observation based on housekeeping, attitude and orbit data.
- fgabor
- Performs a Gabor transform on a lightcurve and returns
the normalized power as a function of time and frequency.
- fxbary
- Reads XTE light-curve, science array, or science event
data files and either adds a new column BARYTIME (as the
last column) which gives the barycentric time for this
data, or overwrites the TIME column.
- grosstimefilt
- Filters out all times that fall outside of a specified
range and modifies appropriate keywords in a XTE SA or SE file.
- gti2xronwin
- Converts a GTI file (or extension) to a XRONOS-format
time filter file, i.e., *.wi file.
- hextebackest
- Estimate background for HEXTE Cluster A.
- hxtarf
- Computes and applies the HEXTE collimator response to
produce a .arf file for a HEXTE spectrum (.pha).
- hxtback
- Reads a HEXTE science or housekeeping FITS file and
creates new FITS files based on cluster position.
- hxtdead
- Corrects a HEXTE spectral or light curve FITS file for
detector dead time, including correction for time lost to
the rocking motion. The program is applied to .pha or .lc
files produced by seextrct or saextrct from a single FITS file.
- hxtlcurv
- Produces background-corrected HEXTE lightcurves
- hxtrsp
- Produces response matrix for a HEXTE spectrum (PHA file)
- make_se
- Creates XTE/SE (Event) data files from a list of input
files which may contain Good_Xenon and/or Transparent Mode
data files.
- mkgtif
- Creates GTI extension file for HEXTE data
- pca_bs
- Performs rough PCA lightcurve background subtraction
- pcabackest
- Creates an estimated PCA background spectrum for a
specific observation from the background model created by
the PCA instrument team.
- pcaclrsp
- Creates a collimator corrected light curve for an XTE PCA
input light curve.
- pcadeadcalc1
- Calculates deadtime for PCA Standard1 file.
- pcadeadcalc2
- Calculates deadtime quantities for a single PCA Standard2 file.
- pcadeadspect2
- Computes PCA dead-time correction for a PCA Standard2 spectrum.
- pcaextlc2
- Extract PCA Standard2 light curve and background, and
optional deadtime correction.
- pcaextspect2
- Extracts a PCA Standard2 spectrum and applies corrections
for deadtime, number of active PCUs, and optionally calculates
the corresponding PCA response matrix.
- pcagainset
- Inserts PCA/EDS gain and offset values into a PCA .pha file
- pcamergeobsids
- Merges multiple 'pcaprepobsid' directories into one.
- pcaprepfile2
- Performs standard background and dead-time calculation
tasks for a single PCA Standard2 file.
- pcaprepobsid
- Prepares one XTE observation for PCA analysis.
- pcarmf
- Creates a .rmf file for an specified anode chain (i.e
combination of layers) in a given PCU
- pcarsp
- Runs the tools necessary to construct response matrices
for XTE PCA spectral data.
- perdgrm
- Computes the periodogram (a discrete fourier analysis)
on light curves which are comprised of binned intensities at
unevenly spaced time intervals.
- proc2pcu
- Pre-process RXTE/PCA binned-mode data files containing
two separate channels of PCU data to produce files that are
compatible with saextrct.
- rddescr
- Obtains channel and gain information from an input
XTE .pha file.
- rebinlc
- Rebins lightcurves by integer multiple of TIMEDEL
- recofmi
- Reconstructs an FMI from subdirectories' FMIs which may be
nested one level or two levels deep.
- rex
- Makes preliminary products and then extracts data;
i.e. filter files, GTIs, lists of data files, background
data files and lists, lc and pha files.
- runpcabackest
- Runs PCABACKEST on a series of StdMode2 data files
- sa2phaII
- Converts a Standard Mode 2 Science Array (SA) file into a
type-II PHA file.
- sachip
- Runs SAEXTRCT and FPLOT once from command line
- saexpd
- Reads science array vectors and outputs generic FITS files
- saextrct
- Creates lightcurve and/or spectrum from Science Array files
- saplot
- Cyclically queries the user for additional SA files and
then runs SAEXTRCT and FPLOT (for SOF use).
- sbmerge
- Combines concurrent single-bit (SB) mode data and creates
an output file in Science Array (SA) format.
- sebitmask
- Creates bitmask for filtering SE data with FSELECT
- seexpd
- Reads science events data and outputs generic FITS files
- seextrct
- Creates lightcurve and/or spectrum from Science Event data
- sefilter
- Helps the user generate an expression that is fed into
SEBITMASK and examines the result to determine if the file can
be directly input into SEEXTRCT for filtering, or if it first
needs to be input to FSELECT.
- seplot
- Cyclically queries the user for additional SE files and
then runs SEEXTRCT and FPLOT (for SOF).
- seselect
- Runs SEBITMASK and FSELECT to generate a FITS file
- sumpha
- Adds individual .pha files and merges GTI extensions.
- timetrans
- Translates relative time range to an absolute time range
by reading XTE produced .lc files.
- trans2fits
- Creates science event FITS file from Transparent Mode data
- vle2fits
- Creates science event FITS file from VLE Mode data.
- xdf
- The GUI XTE data finder
- xenon2fits
- Creates science event FITS file from Good Xenon data
- xpcaarf
- Creates a .arf file for an input XTE PCA .pha and .rmf file
- xsut
- GUI front-end to GNUtar for selective untarring of XTE
data distribution tapes or data archive tar files.
- xtecol
- Applies the HEXTE collimator correction to a light curve
- xtederive
- Second half of XTEFILT, which creates a filter file for
an observation based on housekeeping, attitude and orbit data.
- xtefilt
- Creates a filter file (.xfl) for a given RXTE observation
- xtetape
- Reads FITS files from NASA/GSFC/ADF supplied XTE data
distribution tapes.
- xteversion
- Prints the version and date of the XTE subpackage
If FTOOLS has been useful in your research, please reference this
site (https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/ftools) and use the
ASCL reference for HEASoft
[ascl:1408.004] or the
ASCL reference for the original FTOOLs paper
Blackburn, J. K. 1995, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 77, Astronomical
Data Analysis Software and Systems IV, ed. R. A. Shaw, H. E. Payne,
and J. J. E. Hayes (San Francisco: ASP), 367.